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Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:22 pm
by wackyman465
Must suck to have to use windoze...

Sorry to not mention it in 1st post, am running Mac OS 10.5.5
Speaking of windows...

God decided to destroy the world, and so he called the three most important men in the world to tell them: George Bush, Vladimir Putin, and Bill Gates.
George Bush, hearing the news, went to his staff and said this: "I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that there really is a god. The bad news is that he's going to end the world on Thursday."
Vladimir Putin went to his staff and said, "I have some bad news and some worse news. The bad news is that there really is a god. The worse news is that he's going to end the world on Thursday."
Bill Gates went to his staff and said, "I have some good news and some better news. The good news is that God considers me one of the three most important men in the world. The better news is that we don't have to upgrade Vista!"

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:28 pm
by Svengali
wackyman465 wrote:
Must suck to have to use windoze...
Sorry to not mention it in 1st post, am running Mac OS 10.5.5
Hope you don't forget to update the EFI firmware :-)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:35 am
by ClymAngus
Meh, some people like it (it is still the most popular op for a reason).

Mac users pay through the nose for hardware and software, (and a lot of them run as root (MISTAKE)). Linux users are the kings of the scratch build and I must say I love a shell window (very handy) It's a pity my Mac shell window is a bit half ass by comparison.

If you pick at any operating system then you'll find holes. Fortunately the gods of programming saw fit to spread the goodness of oolite to all 3 (and some others besides) so that all may partake and be blessed by the wooord. Say hallelooya! Prase the board!

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:45 am
by JensAyton
ClymAngus wrote:
Mac users pay through the nose for hardware and software, (and a lot of them run as root (MISTAKE))
While I can’t be bothered to provide comparison shopping in the middle of the night, I can point out that running as root under OS X is not the default and is in fact non-trivial. (Running as wheel is not the same thing.)

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:31 am
by ClymAngus
That's what I like to see a man on fire for his OS! Prase the board!

Too few people defend their OS faith, brother. What ever form that faith may take oolite has come to unify our beliefs, brethern.

Say hallelooya!

Sure, your devout. You log on every day. But ask yourselves what is stopping you hear the message of unity shown to us through oolite?

You need not live steeped in pride! Take those blinkers off children, oolite has shown us the way of the holy cross platform! Take joy in your OS but don't let it blinker you to the wider message of the board!


Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:06 am
by Killer Wolf
i've been using XP service pack 1 for years now, never had a blip from it. Heard dubious things about the other SPs so i never got them, and to be honest, never seen the need. the OS is stable and does all i want.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:21 am
by Cmdr James
ClymAngus wrote:
Fortunately the gods of programming saw fit to spread the goodness of oolite to all 3 (and some others besides) so that all may partake and be blessed by the wooord. Say hallelooya! Prase the board!
In the beginning was the OS and X was its name. Then after some time, Oolite was ported into the land of Win and Linux and took the mark of Cain.

Silly theooOSophy (the religion of oolite OS) asside oolite was a mac app initially, and has been ported to the other OSes. I believe that most of the dev (not all) is still mac, and Id guess that you are most likely to have a good experience playing it on mac as things like the debug console were there first.

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:49 pm
by wackyman465
yes, the version on my mac is definitly the best, you are most likely to have fun with it, for it has been Touched by the wackyman

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:24 am
by ClymAngus
I don't know you try as show people in a humourous way that it really doesn't matter and they still don't get it.

OK perspective moment, your gardeners arguing over which shovel to use, the red handled one, the green handled one or the blue handled one. All the time your doing this the flower bed isn't getting dug. Whoever wins, it doesn't matter the garden still lies fallow.

There is the tool, then there is the work. If you are good with one tool that means that a) you'll prefer it (it gets the work done after all) b) you probably lack proficiency in the others because you can't make it do what you want. If you could then logically, you wouldn't care.

It's nothing to be ashamed of, but threads like this do my head in because they hide this simple fact behind a snowstorm of ego.

(But hey, don't worry it's all right. It's not your fault you can't get it to work. It's the operating system. Your great, you've just been sabotaged. You paranoia is justified....) Oh yeah?

May I present another perspective; ... -os-sucks/

P.S. For shame 465! Lighting the blue touch paper retiring to a safe distance and waiting for fireworks. Tactics of a crazymaker sir, at best minor psychological slight of hand and unbecoming of someone of such high interllect.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:56 am
by Cmdr James
ClymAngus wrote:
I don't know you try as show people in a humourous way that it really doesn't matter and they still don't get it.
I dont think anyone is taking this too seriously, we all know about how each OS has its place.

Ahruman, who posted the first non-joke reply to the thread has previously spoken about the multiple OSes he works in, I have OSX, linux and windows systems and ue all 3, and I guess many of the other posters are the same. Its just a bit of fun, like joking about Trumbles :p
ClymAngus wrote:
OK perspective moment, your gardeners arguing over which shovel to use, the red handled one, the green handled one or the blue handled one. All the time your doing this the flower bed isn't getting dug. Whoever wins, it doesn't matter the garden still lies fallow.
Dont look at me, I am gardening on OSX.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:21 am
by Svengali
Cmdr James wrote:
I dont think anyone is taking this too seriously, we all know about how each OS has its place.
Second that. And joking about OSes is fun. I'm on Win for more than 20 years (and 12 years using professional lighting systems) and never had big trouble with it, but I'm not 'JUST MARRIED' with it :-) It's just a tool.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:43 pm
by wackyman465
Did anyone on this forum understand all of ClymAngus's post?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:52 pm
by JensAyton
wackyman465 wrote:
Did anyone on this forum understand all of ClymAngus's post?
I suspect ClymAngus did.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:55 pm
by wackyman465
Well, asides from him. Anyone else?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:01 pm
by Disembodied
Pretty much, yes... although I think the song he linked to paints a rather rose-tinted view of the past. I remember vicious VIC-20/Commodore 64 v ZX Spectrum battles, with everybody joining in to kick the ORIC, and to point and laugh at the Dragon 32, the Lynx, and the Aquarius. Everybody except those insufferable aloof BBC Micro snobs... Then later we had the bloody and protracted Amiga v Atari ST punchups, too. If we'd had the internet back in the day no doubt those old fanboy wars would have moved out of the real playground and into the virtual.