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Infinity: The Quest for Earth

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:34 pm
by wackyman465
I'm not sure if anyone has already mentioned this, but has anyone here heard of Infinity: The Quest For Earth? It's a space MMO very similar to Oolite but [blasphemy] a lot cooler. [/blasphemy] It is still in development (like Elite 4: will it ever be released?), but looks awesome.
'Course, it's not planned to come out for mac, so all us mac users are out of luck.

Re: Infinity: The Quest for Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:52 am
by Commander McLane
wackyman465 wrote:
[blasphemy] a lot cooler. [/blasphemy] ... not planned to come out for mac
Well, if it's unplayable on non-Windoze, than it's not cooler than our multi-platform game.


Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 7:02 am
by Erai
Does not seem to be in quite the same niche as Oolite. Looks like a nice competitor of sorts for Eve-online though. I'll almost definitely give it a try when it's on the shelves :)

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:48 pm
by Frame
well all i can say is Wow!!!!

I watched a movie of the game features... first we where on a planet where the camera send off balls that rolled down the side of a mountin, showing an acting force of gravity, we followed the balls down to the base of the mountine from which we moved out into space to rings that surrounded the planet from where we zoomed into the rings, where we could see Ice particles, and when we moved into the rings, there where like an asteroid field...

I wonder what kind of computer power is needed to do that

here is the link ... &Itemid=93


you forgot to mention there was a combat prototype availeble for download...

here ... &Itemid=51

Grrr.. while i know this does not represent the final game, its slingshot combat... real physics... down the drain with that...

i played on my own server, i created on the same machine as i launched the client from... run pretty decent... was mostly goofing around while the battleships fought it out... because the 1 time i did try to engage a battleship, i was dead in no time ^^....

i wish i could show a screenshot, but all i got was a black image when i used print screen...

The scenery was nothing less than spetacular, The fighting less so... i did´nt get a single kill... and i new saw another fighter.. prolly because fighters are players only... so i was the only fighter getting targeted by all those mean turrets....

however i do wish we could have normal maps, and shaders on planets in Oolite... i know we cant but i do wish we could...

Re: Infinity: The Quest for Earth

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:44 pm
by ClymAngus
Commander McLane wrote:
wackyman465 wrote:
[blasphemy] a lot cooler. [/blasphemy] ... not planned to come out for mac
Well, if it's unplayable on non-Windoze, than it's not cooler than our multi-platform game.

They're game may be hewn out of granite, but ours is playdough. Can't compare the two, one is decidedly socialist in construction the other is corporate all the way. They may have the same subject matter, but the ethics behind the construction are way different.

I think we all need to feel proud of what's been accomplished here by lots of people round the world giving up a little free time.

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:59 pm
by another_commander
Infinity truly looks amazing. I would be really interested to have a peek at the final product when it's done.

However, Oolite was never meant to be like this, so it is not entirely fair comparing the two games. Oolite by design is an Elite remake, following closely the Elite theme. Trying to make it look or play like Infinity (which is also MMO since its conception) is changing the design from the foundations up. The two games have completely different targets and scope.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 1:49 am
by wackyman465
Yeah, the playdough/granite description makes a point. As for how much computing power it needs: How much do you have? Add about 3gb of memory, 2ghz of processor, then, while your computer is open, stuff in large stacks of benjamins. :D
Then again, if you want your opinions in the game and your ideas, the developers might listen to you, and they do have forums...

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 2:53 am
by Ensa
I played eve-online for about 6 months, It definitely succeeds brilliantly in what they are trying to do but at the end of the day it is a spaced-based capitalism simulator and not what I wanted.
Infinity I have downloaded the client and looked at thier forums and stuff (I could never find a server up to connect to in order to actually play thier test skirmish thingy<edit>I just tried again and whaddyaknow, I found a server up, bloody typical<edit>), but It strikes me that it would suffer from the same scourge that all the other MMO's I have played suffered from, which is this:
Other People.
I am not anti-social, but there is a way in which I turn to games that is me having my time.
I have not found an MMO or MMOrpg, including EVE, that did not involve joining groups and having to have to play to a schedule in order to achieve anything in-game.
If Infinity allows you to play as a solo character and doesn't by some turn of game dynamics or whatever, penalise characters that don't want to join a clan or a guild or a corporation or other bunch of l337ing kiddies then sounds great.
But Oolite is definitely my fix for the forseeable future.
<edit>Well, to answer the original question, Yep, seen it. Looks great, nice flying, visuals, engine, guns, great shield effects, excellent scenery that by all accounts is not just eyecandy. Plus, I was the only one on that server so my solitary requirements were met. Also, no lag. 8) All in all an enjoyable diversion dontcherknow! The full game could be really amazing. Right. back to my 'innocent trading'<edit>

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:43 am
by aceshigh
Frame wrote:
Grrr.. while i know this does not represent the final game, its slingshot combat... real physics... down the drain with that...

i played on my own server, i created on the same machine as i launched the client from... run pretty decent... was mostly goofing around while the battleships fought it out... because the 1 time i did try to engage a battleship, i was dead in no time ^^....

i wish i could show a screenshot, but all i got was a black image when i used print screen...

The scenery was nothing less than spetacular, The fighting less so... i did´nt get a single kill... and i new saw another fighter.. prolly because fighters are players only... so i was the only fighter getting targeted by all those mean turrets....

actually, the fighting is excellent. You just need to get used to it, and soon you will be scoring lots of kills. Well... the fact everyone else is HUMAN also makes it more difficult. The capital ships are INDEED powerful. But of course, you are not supposed to engage capital ships with your common fighter/ship only armed with lasers. Not in Infinity, not in Oolite.

Re: Infinity: The Quest for Earth

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:42 am
by aceshigh
They're game may be hewn out of granite, but ours is playdough. Can't compare the two, one is decidedly socialist in construction the other is corporate all the way. They may have the same subject matter, but the ethics behind the construction are way different.

I think we all need to feel proud of what's been accomplished here by lots of people round the world giving up a little free time.

sorry, I dont understand what you are trying to say. There is one major guy doing the code, but all the models, music, textures and even the story are being made by the community.

and the game will be very mod friendly.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:52 pm
by Vajo
I like the infinity site, but it is a online game and thats not what i prefer.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:51 pm
by stanley1100
I had a look at this game and first thought: WOW! That looks so good! However I then realised it was MMO. If only Oolite could have those planets and textures.... :cry: Then it would be less like Elite though...

A new version of Oolite?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 3:34 am
by aceshigh
stanley1100 wrote:
I had a look at this game and first thought: WOW! That looks so good! However I then realised it was MMO. If only Oolite could have those planets and textures.... :cry: Then it would be less like Elite though...

A new version of Oolite?
1 - Infinity Developers plan to include a single player campaign (but I guess it will be simple)

2 - the Infinity engine will be free to make mods and stuff, and will also be available to purchase for people wanting to make commercial games out of it.

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 8:02 pm
by JensAyton

New demo video.

Incidentally, there is now an Infinity Twitter account.


Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 8:17 pm
by DaddyHoggy
<wipes away cobwebs> - Downloading the video now - all 465MB of it!

It's looking good - but it's still not Oolite!