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Noob question...

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:24 pm
by FridgeBadger
I can't find the key to dump fuel from extra fuel tanks into the main tank...

Can anyone help?


Re: Noob question...

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:27 pm
by ClymAngus
FridgeBadger wrote:
I can't find the key to dump fuel from extra fuel tanks into the main tank...

Can anyone help?

Treat it like a missile:
1) arm missiles
2) select your pod
3) fire THE MONKEY!

I hope this helps. :)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:45 pm
by FridgeBadger
Cheers for the reply!

But... I though it might be something like that, but am I right in thinking that you can't cycle through missiles until you've got the targetting scanner?

Also, when they are selected, they come up as mines - is this normal?

And while I'm here, noobing, do you have to deploy the fuel scoop to pick up cargo etc? If so, what's the key, and if not, any tips on scooping?


Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 4:46 pm
by ClymAngus
FridgeBadger wrote:
Cheers for the reply!

But... I though it might be something like that, but am I right in thinking that you can't cycle through missiles until you've got the targetting scanner?
Hmm I've not really had that problem, it does sometimes take repeated fire missile key mashing to coax it into life. (But maybe that's just my keyboard). I would suggest docking, saving with a fuel pod, loading, launching and trying to "fire" from fresh out of the station. That way you can experiment with lock ons. If it all goes t*ts up then you can quit and load, until you get it right.
FridgeBadger wrote:
Also, when they are selected, they come up as mines - is this normal?
Yes, it's kind of pod like and is less worrying than a missile logo ^.^
FridgeBadger wrote:
And while I'm here, noobing, do you have to deploy the fuel scoop to pick up cargo etc? If so, what's the key, and if not, any tips on scooping?

As long as it's equipped let the cargo pod pass below your cockpit quite close (close meaning pull up lightly when the pod is a touch smaller than your cross hairs) and you should get the scoop sound as it passes under your hull. when you hear the scoop sfx and see the scoop log flashing then your scooping! Practice makes perfect.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:07 pm
by Disembodied
FridgeBadger wrote:
But... I though it might be something like that, but am I right in thinking that you can't cycle through missiles until you've got the targetting scanner?
Not sure about this... it might be true but I can't think why it should be! The "Y" key should cycle through the active missiles/mines etc. You could try it and see.

Welcome to the boards, by the way!

Edit: just checked the wiki... the multi-targeting system is indeed required before you can cycle through your missiles. Which makes the extra fuel tank considerably less useful if you don't have a multi-targeting system!

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:30 pm
by Lestradae
Disembodied wrote:
... the multi-targeting system is indeed required before you can cycle through your missiles. Which makes the extra fuel tank considerably less useful if you don't have a multi-targeting system!
Hm, just made the buying of Extra Fuel Tanks dependent on owning a multi-targeting system for the RS-successor. Makes sense, methinks.

Thanks for the chance tip. 8)

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:36 pm
by Thargoid
I wouldn't agree with that, or at least as there's now quite a number of pylon mounted bits of equipment (I should know, I wrote a fair number of them :oops: :wink: ) then things need a bit of a rethink.

I believe this has been discussed before (iirc Micha brought it up), but I would agree that selecting missiles should perhaps be possible without additional kit, but the memory of the target should be what the equipment does (ie without the equipment you can cycle through the missiles but the target remains the same, with it you get one target per missile).

After all, it is the multi-targetting system, not the multi-missile system :P

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 6:08 pm
by FridgeBadger
Thanks for the help, managed to work it out in the end - trial and error is a wonderful thing...