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Cargo/debris autotargetting,

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 10:18 pm
by Mort
As I am going blind in my old age is there any change of adding a targeting box around the ship parts/debris as part of the fuel sccop system, maybe a fuelscope plus, or evem add a magnetic/tractor beam to pull the debris in when targetted , SuperFuelscope plus plus tec level 8 etc etc ?

Re: Cargo/debris autotargetting,

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:37 pm
by FSOneblin
Mort wrote:
As I am going blind in my old age is there any change of adding a targeting box around the ship parts/debris as part of the fuel sccop system, maybe a fuelscope plus, or evem add a magnetic/tractor beam to pull the debris in when targetted , SuperFuelscope plus plus tec level 8 etc etc ?
Sounds like a good idea, but I just hope that it is called the superfuelscope plus plus tec 8 etc etc.

Re: Cargo/debris autotargetting,

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:02 am
by Commander McLane
Mort wrote:
As I am going blind in my old age is there any change of adding a targeting box around the ship parts/debris as part of the fuel sccop system, maybe a fuelscope plus, or evem add a magnetic/tractor beam to pull the debris in when targetted , SuperFuelscope plus plus tec level 8 etc etc ?
I am not quite sure whether I'm understanding you correctly, but it seems what you are requesting is the Scanner Targeting Enhancement which, among other things, draws a box around anything you target. (But of course you have to target it first.)

It is part of the basic game, and available for a mere 450 credits at any station with techlevel 12 or above.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:11 am
by Mort
Is that autotargetted or only if you select it in your crosshairs 1st, point being the debris/cannisters is basically unlit without engines and is hard to spot in the depths so maybe an enhanced scanner for targetting non powered objects as a near ship object would be helpful which would be upgraded with the fuel scope ?

Did also come across the sun thread earlier, would make a hell of a difference having at least the standard spectrum of sun colours with the ambient light being shifted to the red or blue depending on its colour/size without necessarily changing the texture as it would be ulikely you would be able to see the texture anyhow in real life.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:34 am
by Commander McLane
Mort wrote:
Is that autotargetted or only if you select it in your crosshairs 1st
As I said: Of course you have to target it first (which means to select it in your crosshairs).
Mort wrote:
point being the debris/cannisters is basically unlit without engines and is hard to spot in the depths so maybe an enhanced scanner for targetting non powered objects as a near ship object would be helpful which would be upgraded with the fuel scope ?
Well, that's what your scanner is for: Telling you where around your ship objects are. Each cargo pods is visible on your scanner as a white blip, so you just have to bring the blip in front of your ship and close in.

And for objects close to your ship there is the scanner's zoom-option. Pressing 'Z' zooms in x2, x3, x4, or x5, making it much easier to pursue objects that are close to your ship.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:51 pm
by Mort
will try the zoom option for the meantime as did not notice it when playing as it was not available on the old elite doh :wink:

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by wenlock
An auto targetting add on for fuel scoops would be great from where I am sitting. Like Mort I have problems with my sight, in my case to the extent of being on the partailly blind register and because of my eye problem not even glasses help. This makes it extremely hard for me to see ships never mind cargo canisters even more so with the fact that I am colour blind too.

With an add on like this I would still have to scoop the object, all this would do would be to make it easier to see where the object is.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:19 pm
by Griff
I know this isn't strictly what you've asked for, but if you're playing oolite with shaders enabled you could try the griff_arcelite oxp.
At the moment it will redraw all of the built-in ships in this style, but it would be easy to cut down the oxp so that it only rendered the cargo canisters & metal fragments in this style.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:24 pm
by FSOneblin
Griff wrote:
I know this isn't strictly what you've asked for, but if you're playing oolite with shaders enabled you could try the griff_arcelite oxp.
At the moment it will redraw all of the built-in ships in this style, but it would be easy to cut down the oxp so that it only rendered the cargo canisters & metal fragments in this style.
ArcOolite :lol:. I just could not resist...
