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To all OXP makers, please read...

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:00 pm
by Sarin
I hereby ask you, when adressing to some file, like textures, verify if caps are correct or do not use them at all. I just had to edit every single file in models folder of Black Monks OXP because all files are .png while in .dat files, they are listed as .PNG. Linux can't recognize them this way! I have still problems with several more OXPs from RS because of that.

Thank you.

Re: To all OXP makers, please read...

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:16 pm
by Frame
Sarin wrote:
I hereby ask you, when adressing to some file, like textures, verify if caps are correct or do not use them at all. I just had to edit every single file in models folder of Black Monks OXP because all files are .png while in .dat files, they are listed as .PNG. Linux can't recognize them this way! I have still problems with several more OXPs from RS because of that.

Thank you.
Known Problem... i think black monks was released before this was known (and given the fact that LB is working on MAC OS and Windows OS), he could´nt have known at the time. allthough i thought he did update it to not use capital letters.

but it is more complicated than that... the file extentions that was appearently set to PNG uppercase on export of the OBJ file, therefore the converter wrote PNG uppercase, instead of png... a test would not have shown a problem on either mac OS or Windows OS..

on a side note... i´m amazed that Linux is case sensitive in regard to filenames / exstentions... what a way to ensure that people was going to get alot of problems ;-)..


My ultra edit text editor can do that replacement with two button-clicks, pr file..

I´ll be more than happy to do it for you, if you fell upon this problem again,...

Cheers Frame

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:01 pm
by Sarin
well...I managed to swat all such bugs (I hope) in BM, but there's similar problem at RS, but more extensive...and I'm totally not sure what files are using those textures, and I really, really don't want to go through I hope to get help from creators of RS or those specific OXPs used.

The problem list and how it should be changed...

so much for textures, but there appears to be a problem with some models too
can't find mesh oresian_trader.dat ...prolly only for non-player version as the ship appears in shipyards normally.

And these are problems with player ships that appear in shipyards...most of these eventually appear, but I suspect that models are messed least in case of Mugger I'm almost sure it has wrong model.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:22 pm
by Thargoid
The problems with RS in terms of case and others have been extensively discussed (here).
I believe an updated version is on Lestradae's RSN list, to fix some or all of these, or at least replace them with shiney new bugs and glitches ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:30 pm
by Sarin
well, some of these I can fix myself, just if someone would help me find relevant files.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:55 pm
by LittleBear
They'll be in the OXPs Images & Textures files (for the PNGs or pngs!) themselves and the .dat files will be in the Models file. The shipdata entry will be in the Config folder.

Sorry about that with Black Monks. I think its fixed on the Shady version, but not the orginal. Trouble was Windoz not only does not care about the case it lies about it too! Looked at in Explorer, a file which in fact ends .PNG claims to end .png . The only way to know for sure is to look at them in the DOS prompt window. Didn't know this at the time! :roll:

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:05 pm
by Sarin
Well, I got fixed version, can provide it...I wasn't modifying texture files, but .dat files in Models folder.

And for RS...yea, I know where to find textures, but there's a problem...for example one file claims to be using const.png, while other uses CONST.PNG. so I have to modify .dat files, and there's the catch. There is no complete model "Navy Constitution", the ship, along with other one or two, uses several submodels like nacelles, hull etc..and I dunno what and how many submodels are used. And each of these submodels uses part of the texture file...

Edit: okay, there is another way by copying the texture file and renaming it to CONST.PNG and the original on is gonna work on linux, but I fear what would happen on other OS...

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:43 am
by Commander McLane
The other possibility is of course: stay away from it; at least until there is a really bug-fixed version. :wink:

Oh, and by the way: Your request highlights another issue as well: the issue of unique and sensible naming. Things would be much easier for you if every filename would give a hint to which ship it belongs. 'engines', 'mainhull' or 'cannon' simply don't do it, folks!

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:09 pm
by CptnEcho
Commander McLane wrote:
The other possibility is of course: stay away from it; at least until there is a really bug-fixed version. :wink:

Oh, and by the way: Your request highlights another issue as well: the issue of unique and sensible naming. Things would be much easier for you if every filename would give a hint to which ship it belongs. 'engines', 'mainhull' or 'cannon' simply don't do it, folks!
The old restriction of file names and paths being limited to a small number of characters or shallow depths seems like a non-issue nowadays.

Ship & equipment names could be very specific, I venture to say.