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Know ye...

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:15 pm
by drew
...of any female Elite players of yesteryear?

My wife says she did have a go (when her brother would let her), but only vaguely recalls the 'periscopes' (the golf clubs on the scanner), crashing when docking and being shot to pieces by Vipers after buying Narcotics. Then she went and "switched off the television set and did something less boring instead" :wink:

Anybody else have an opinion? Are there *any* members of the fair sex playing Oolite or on this forum? Or is it an exclusively male retro geek fest? :D



Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:50 pm
by Commander McLane
Now that's a really interesting question. Very eager to see answers.

Me, personally, I know none (and I suspect all the frequent contributors to be male (but I can be wrong on this one, of course (which could be due to my gender prejudices))).

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:57 pm
by Captain Tylor
I remember having a go on the C64, but she never really got it. Probably because between me and my brother we hogged the C64. And being older she started working.
Ahh those days coming home from school. "Mum Dad just going to do my homework in my room" he he. Normaly did it on bus to school.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:15 pm
by Micha
Heh, I didn't know any fellow Elite players 'back in the day', male or female. My (copmputer-owning) friends all pretty much thought it was boring.. did they ever miss out!

Some of them got into space-"sims" later on but by then there were more advanced ones around so Elite didn't get a look-in then either.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:25 pm
Jannah from the EBBS was/is an --Elite-- commander and a damn fine ship graphics designer, although they never got much further than the drawing board. Goes under the name of Rabidvixen on this board, but don't believe the Southampton Address! she lives in the USA.