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Some errors and questions, mostly OXP related

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:50 pm
by Sarin
1. I get quite a lot of error messages in terminal...the game itself run okay but...
this is when I started the game and loaded a game...
2008-10-25 15:29:22.309 oolite[5739] [strings.expand.recursionLimit]: ***** ERROR: exceeded recusion limit trying to expand description "[theme-music-credit]"
2008-10-25 15:29:38.222 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.missionScreenTextKey is deprecated and read-only.
2008-10-25 15:29:38.224 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.imageFileName is deprecated and read-only.
2008-10-25 15:29:38.224 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.musicFileName is deprecated and read-only.
2008-10-25 15:29:38.224 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.choicesKey is deprecated and read-only.
2008-10-25 15:29:38.225 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.instructionsKey is deprecated and read-only.
2008-10-25 15:29:41.200 oolite[5739] [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "const.png". Used default no textures material instead.
2008-10-25 15:29:41.205 oolite[5739] [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "CONST.PNG". Used default no textures material instead.
find texture file "moose.png". Used default no textures material instead.
2008-10-25 15:30:14.461 oolite[5739] [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "ORB.PNG". Used default no textures material instead.
2008-10-25 15:30:14.465 oolite[5739] [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "ORB.PNG". Used default no textures material instead.
2008-10-25 15:30:14.467 oolite[5739] [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "orb.png". Used default no textures material instead.

those texture errors repeat every time when entering a new system...

and this is what I get every time I go into ship buy menu:
2008-10-25 15:30:57.947 oolite[5739] [universe.getShip.unknown]: Attempt to create ship of type "Mugger-player", but no such type could be found.
2008-10-25 15:30:57.961 oolite[5739] [universe.getShip.unknown]: Attempt to create ship of type "Scoundrel-player", but no such type could be found.
2008-10-25 15:30:57.967 oolite[5739] [universe.getShip.unknown]: Attempt to create ship of type "Assassin-player", but no such type could be found.
2008-10-25 15:30:58.139 oolite[5739] [universe.getShip.unknown]: Attempt to create ship of type "mongoose-player", but no such type could be found.

I assume some of these are caused by the way how linux handles capital letters...

2. I have Black Monks oxp installed, but Black Monk Monastery is nowhere to be seen...I searched TL 11+ systems with ASC...nothing. This is screenie of my OXP folder...

3. just a question...strength of shields and weapons of player can I find out strength of ship's shields, and is weapon strength fixed, or is it individual for every ship?

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:59 pm
by Eric Walch

Code: Select all

2008-10-25 15:29:38.222 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.missionScreenTextKey is deprecated and read-only. 
2008-10-25 15:29:38.224 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.imageFileName is deprecated and read-only. 
2008-10-25 15:29:38.224 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.musicFileName is deprecated and read-only. 
2008-10-25 15:29:38.224 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.choicesKey is deprecated and read-only. 
2008-10-25 15:29:38.225 oolite[5739] [script.javaScript.warning.206]: ----- JavaScript warning: Mission.instructionsKey is deprecated and read-only. 
Those lines are generated by Hot Rods and/or Asteroid storm. Kaks added code to test for a version 1.68/1.68 with very early JS implementation. Removing that test solves the error. For normal play those errors don't matter.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 5:41 pm
by Sarin
GAH...I just looked at screenie of my OXP folder and realized WHY there is no black monk bad, my bad...

edit: can black monks lend me more than 20k? I'd need like...350k :)

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:43 am
by Commander McLane
And the rest of it are well-known bugs in Realistic Shipyards.oxp.
Sarin wrote:
can black monks lend me more than 20k? I'd need like...350k :)
Unfortunately, no. At least not until Little Bear releases a new, more flexible version of the OXP.

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:30 pm
by LittleBear
Its a very old script using Legacy. It would be easy with Java to have different amounts, setting a max_lending variable based on the mass of your ship, rating and money scores, but that needs a re-write of the OXP in JAVA. Is on my long-term things to do list!

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:30 pm
by JensAyton
You can’t write OXPs in Java…

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:58 pm
by nijineko
perhaps he meant rewriting by adding various java scripts to the oxp. ^^