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version 1.71.2 VS 1.65

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:02 am
by 0235
what are the differences between oolite1.71.2 and oolite1.65 because i was thinking about how to get 1.71.2, but i dont know from where, and weather it is right for me. also how many oxp's work with 1.71.2

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:33 am
by Sarin
actually...all OXP's that work under 1.65 work under 1.71.2, but not every works under 1.71.2 and 1.65. There'đ a few minor bugfixes too as far as I noticed...

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:41 am
by Thargoid
And as to where from, look at the replies from when you asked that question before ;)

1.71.2 whilst a test version is (so far for me) perfectly stable and very usable, and it's many enhanced coding and scripting features mean that all the lovely juicy new OXPs will run on it as Sarin says. Many won't run under 1.65, so you're losing a lot of the potential immersion and experience.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:04 pm
by 0235
sorry, i couldn't find where i had posted that question, thanks for remembering.

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:34 pm
by 0235
doesnt work on my pc, doesnt like the textures or words.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:22 am
by RazorbackSnr
Hello to everyone on here! Oolite is brilliant. Think i need more RAM.... :?

Tried upgrading from 1.65 to 1.71 test and the text is unreadable on all the pages from ship equip to the trade page. Its just solid colour. Messed about with the defaults page on GNUstep and on the F2 options page but nothing. :evil:

Pity cos now i get the big S and the compass. Went back to 1.65..... :(

Played all the versions of Elite from Spectrum 48k to New Kind on the PC. This is the best version by a long chalk. :lol:

Keep up the good work!!! :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:41 am
by another_commander
@RazorbackSnr: What operating system are you running the game on? We've had a thread describing a similar issue recently and it was apparently due to old drivers.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 10:26 am
by 0235
i have the same problem as razorbackSnr, and im running on windows Xp, but it is a rubbish PC

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:03 am
by RazorbackSnr
Im running a 600mhz P3 with 256Mb of Ram on XP. Yeah i know. Its not good enough. Its just while i saved up for my Xmas supercomputer i could turn stuff down and still play it. My FPS is 16-20....... :roll:

The bug where you play for 20 minutes and then it locks up more and more then throws you out is VERY annoying..... :evil:

The driver issue is one im going to look into. I've got an ATI Rage Pro but the drivers are all sweet(according to System information in Windows)

Tried the v1.71 test.exe but nothing happened. :?

Just upgraded to 700Mb of RAM and my Drivers/PCI.sys exploded. Give me strength.... :cry: Anyway,

Good bits. :D

Quick save.
Graphics: Sweet.
Docking with Rock Hermits is cool. Cant catch behemoths.......
New weapons and technology make it very interesting and they are affordable.
Got a Python now and im Competent with 500,000Cr after a 3 days so i know what im doing. Saving up for a SuperCobra. 8)
Q bombs. now who's laughing. Me, long as ive looooads of juice for the injectors........ :lol:
You can cripple big trade ships, slaughter the escort then go back pop the vessel and scoop all the TC's. Very nice.
Going to the rescue of PeeWee Hermans who are gettin a hard time of the local pirates. Swoop in, kill em all then rake in all the gratitude. Gives you a lovely, warm fuzzy feeling....... :wink:

Bad bits. :evil:

The keyboard layout is ASTOUNDINGLY garbage. W/S for speed????? What happened to S/X, A to fire and <> to roll, ? to slow and SPACE to accelerate? ITS AWFUL!!!!!!!!! :evil:
Plasma Cannon: Utter shite. Spent 45 Minutes fighting a Krait while his 2 mates watched. In the end i just buggered off.
No compass. Difficult to find the station when in the shadow of the planet.
Cargo. How do u fill an Anaconda if all there is at one world is about 120 TC of stuff thats worth buying????? :?
Missile warning needs to be loud, annoying and a very unique sound. The amount of times i've had text rolling up from the HUD,seen a dot, said "Oh, its a missile......." then been slammed by Lance&Fermans finest are too many to count. :lol:
Laser temperature rises a little too fast. I know its the same for all but still. No i dont believe in Cooling Boosters. Makes it far too easy.

Apart from this, its absolutely class.

Should be an ELITE SuperCobra riding Bounty Killer by November!
8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:11 am
by RazorbackSnr

D for jettisoning stuff is ANNOYING as well. Half way through a firefight with about 5-6 pirates. Trying to slow down in my Python to blow the ar*e of a Mamba and next thing i know all my Luxuries are flying out of my ship!!!!!


So now what? Do i continue killing these misguided fools while 712 Cr of my money floats away or do I try to retrieve them whilst getting MY ar*e shot off? Please tell me theres a way to re-configure the keys without having to have a Bsc in Computing. Because i havent........

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:24 am
by Commander McLane
Try here.

And as far as the compass is concerned: You just have to buy it. In every equipment department starting from techlevel 7. For a mere 650 credits.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:30 am
by Thargoid
I can empathise. First thing I did on learning about keyconfig.plist was to swap "d" (dump cargo) with "D" (engage docking computers) as the number of times I reached the station aegis and promptly sent a cargo pod spinning away was embarassingly large :oops:

Also had to move the compass selector off "\" and onto "x" as the former doesn't work properly due to keyboard country or somesuch.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:44 am
by RazorbackSnr
Morning Chaps!

I'll look into reconfiguring my keys. Thanks Cmdr McLane! :D
I dont ever jettison cargo. Why jettison a TC of alloys just to pick up a TC of food? Not a lottery i buy tickets for.... :lol:

I'll make the jettison key as far away as possible from my fingers.

Got everything on my Python apart from Naval Energy Unit and Military Shield Enhancement. So ive got to turn my Advanced Space Compass ON then???? :shock:

How come some high tech worlds(Tech 10+)dont have some stuff yet i'm sure you could buy Military Shield Enhancement at Lave which is a sh*thole(Dictatorship, Tech 6?). Wierd. :?

Hope my comp is fixed today or im gonna end up bawling my eyes out.

Ive got pirates to slaughter.................. :D :D :D :D

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:12 am
by LittleBear
Depending on your keyboard type its # ~ or / to cycle your ASC. Very handy for finding not just the Main Station (N) but other OXP stations in the system. Follow the Letter! :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:14 pm
by JohnnyBoy
RazorbackSnr wrote:
Cargo. How do u fill an Anaconda if all there is at one world is about 120 TC of stuff thats worth buying????? :?
RazorbackSnr, let me give you some advice that I wish I'd known about many, many months ago: filling up with 30 or 40 tonnes of computers or luxuries and hauling them to a system that's one jump away is the slow way to make money.

If you press the '8' key a second time when you're docked, you'll go from the commodity market to the carrier market. Accept one of the cargo contracts and start hauling some boring old cargo across the galaxy. Once you've completed 5 or 6 of these haulage contracts on time, the contracts that you're offered get much more lucrative - from 12000 to 70000 credits per contract. But make sure that you deliver on time! (Hint: Buy the Advanced Navigational Array. Then when you're looking at the star-chart of the galaxy, click on your destination planet and hold down shift-6).