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Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:05 pm
by JensAyton
So, anyone interested in browser-based strategy games? I ask because I’m technic’ly the leader of an alliance in the newest world of, world Ny. (The core of the alliance consists of twenty-odd veterans of a major, invitation-only alliance on one of the other worlds.) It occurred to me that there is some overlap between Oolite BB members and the sort of people we want in our alliance, as outlined here.

It should be noted that Ikariam is less conquest-oriented than other online strategy games I’ve played. The aforementioned other alliance has grown to one of the biggest in its world with almost no combat.

Re: Ikariam

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:27 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Ahruman wrote:
So, anyone interested in browser-based strategy games? I ask because I’m technic’ly the leader of an alliance in the newest world of, world Ny. (The core of the alliance consists of twenty-odd veterans of a major, invitation-only alliance on one of the other worlds.) It occurred to me that there is some overlap between Oolite BB members and the sort of people we want in our alliance, as outlined here.

It should be noted that Ikariam is less conquest-oriented than other online strategy games I’ve played. The aforementioned other alliance has grown to one of the biggest in its world with almost no combat.
Are you recruiting?

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:24 pm
by JensAyton
Why yes, that was rather the point. I should probably have mentioned it. :-)

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:20 pm
by goran
I'm playing ogame for more than 3 years. Top 20 in 3 unis I played so far.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:28 am
by Cmdr. Maegil
I took a look and yesterday decided to try it out.
It's fun enough, as soon as I upgraded the town hall, some senseless twit attacked and plundered the town taking a whole gold coin as loot... so I raised a "proper" "army" (5 slingers) and a couple of ships, sent a message
I'm not too keen on going to war, but your previous attack was the kind of insult that cannot be left unanswered.
As such, I am conducting a retaliatory raid; it'll be up to you to decide if we can leave it like that and start behaving as proper civilized peoples - or plunge into the mayhem of an all-out war!
and hoped he hadn't bust his budget on troops. I succeeded, the battle itself pruned my army back to a reasonable upkeep and my victorious warriors returned with everything that wasn't bolted down :)

So, my town of New Ephebe may be interested in joining your alliance.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 6:46 pm
by Captain Hesperus
The populace of Jewbius Prophet hearken to the call and request that they be allied to your empire....

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 10:50 pm
by The Dreamcatcher
I've been playing this since Feb but recently got really bored with it.
So when one of my neighbours (who also happens to be a work colleague) decided he was gonna raid one of my towns I decided to retaliate and threw everything I had at him. He very quickly learned that 5 separate very large armies (mainly consisting of steam giants and gyrocopters) arriving in waves soon takes its toll. What made it more fun was that my 100+ ships blockading his harbour meant he couldn't bring in reinforcements from any of his other cities.
Over the course of a weekend I depleted all of his supplies and walked off with just shy of 2 million gold (I was taking about 120K per attack).
Then when the dust had settled, just to rub salt into his wounds, I cancelled my account.

I may start a new account up at some point when they launch a new server, just so everyone will be on an even playing field.