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Drastic performance loss on Short Range Chart in 1.71.2

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:13 pm
by CmdrLUke
Open the short range chart on a new commander in Lave. On my system, oolite 1.65 has a framerate of 66+fs. With 1.71.2 (no OXPs) I get about 12fps. This makes interacting with the SRC much more frustrating as it very frequently misses key presses and is in general quite sluggish when investigating local planets. Add in some OXPs (RandomHits) and the framerate drops to 4fps. Makes it very sluggish, even the mouse tracks slowly.

My platform:

windows xp professional SP2
Intel duo core 2.13Ghz
Graphics adapter: nvidia GeForce 7300LE

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:24 pm
by another_commander
This is a known issue. It is related to Oolite generating on every frame information for all systems in the galaxy, in order to display data in the local chart screen, like name, tech level, economy and government icons etc. For some reason that nobody has explained yet, on the SDL builds this causes big slow downs in versions after 1.69 (or is it 1.70?), while previous versions are fine.

This is the same cause of chopiness observed occasionaly during flight. Some AIs will require the game to generate planetary info on every frame. When this happens, you will observe frame rate drop. At least this part has been fixed for 1.72. The short range issue still remains at this point, though.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:18 pm
by CmdrLUke
FYI: the short range scanner performance is drastically improved with the flight performance witchdrive AI fix.

Before the fix was applied I was getting 12fps in the F6 screen. After the fix is applied I get between 30 and 60 fps.

With RandomHits installed I get betwenn 20 and 30fps. Waaaaaay better than 4fps! Makes the game much snappier.