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legend for galaxy maps in the wiki?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:09 pm
by CmdrLUke
The legend doesn't describe what some of the symbols are. I assume that the "star" marks the TL15 planet, I'm thinking that the "diamond" is the galaxy entrance planet. But what are the squares? From the planet data I can't see why they're special.

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:31 pm
by JensAyton
I’m not sure which map you’re referring to.

Re: legend for galaxy maps in the wiki?

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:09 pm
by Captain Hesperus
CmdrLUke wrote:
The legend doesn't describe what some of the symbols are. I assume that the "star" marks the TL15 planet, I'm thinking that the "diamond" is the galaxy entrance planet. But what are the squares? From the planet data I can't see why they're special.
I don't think you are looking at the Oolite maps, since Oolite does not have a single entrance planet, instead you jump in at approximately the same coordinates as you jumped out.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:50 pm
by CmdrLUke
Sorry, forgot the link: ... t/Galaxy_1

It's called the "oolite" planet list so I think it's for oolite :)

Re: legend for galaxy maps in the wiki?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:49 am
CmdrLUke wrote:
The legend doesn't describe what some of the symbols are. I assume that the "star" marks the TL15 planet, I'm thinking that the "diamond" is the galaxy entrance planet. But what are the squares? From the planet data I can't see why they're special.
There's a description underneath the chart that explains. Ther's nothing really special about them.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:14 am
by CmdrLUke
Could you cut and paste the part that describes what the squares are? I still can't find it, I'm blind as a bat!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:18 am
by Captain Hesperus
CmdrLUke wrote:
Could you cut and paste the part that describes what the squares are? I still can't find it, I'm blind as a bat!
He is right, the legend doesn't show what the squares are....

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:37 am
by Eric Walch
Captain Hesperus wrote:
CmdrLUke wrote:
Could you cut and paste the part that describes what the squares are? I still can't find it, I'm blind as a bat!
He is right, the legend doesn't show what the squares are....

Captain Hesperus
There seem to be more blind people:
Technology-Level-12 Multi-Governments are indicated by the yellow-bordered [Multi-Government] red {Rich Industrial} squares. The Lave system (#7) is the green-bordered [Dictatorship] green {Rich Agricultural} diamond.
I only don't know why the shape is called a "diamond" in English. It does not resemble a cut diamond. Maybe the raw crystal form what is an octagon (octaeder). But there are hundreds more minerals (and more common) that have an octagonal crystal form.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:47 pm
by CmdrLUke
Eric Walch wrote:
There seem to be more blind people:
Technology-Level-12 Multi-Governments are indicated by the yellow-bordered [Multi-Government] red {Rich Industrial} squares. The Lave system (#7) is the green-bordered [Dictatorship] green {Rich Agricultural} diamond.
I only don't know why the shape is called a "diamond" in English. It does not resemble a cut diamond. Maybe the raw crystal form what is an octagon (octaeder). But there are hundreds more minerals (and more common) that have an octagonal crystal form.
Where in the world did you find that sentence? My browser does not find it on the page I posted, the 00lite wiki search doesn't find it, and the forums search doesn't find it (except here in this message).

But thanks! What's the significance of TL12 MG planets?

Also, is there a list of equipment available sorted by TL? What sort of goodies can you get at a TL15 world and nowhere else? I visited the TL15 planet and found no equipment not already available at a TL14 planet.

Does TL affect anything other than what equipment's available? Does it play a role in commodities pricing?

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:59 pm
by Thargoid
CmdrLUke wrote:
Where in the world did you find that sentence? My browser does not find it on the page I posted, the 00lite wiki search doesn't find it, and the forums search doesn't find it (except here in this message).
The full quote is:
Galactic chart for Galaxy 1 with each system's government [colour of outer shell] and economy {colour of inner disk} and technology level (size of disk) indicated. The one Technology-Level-15 system is indicated by a pink [Corporate State] 5-pointed star. Technology-Level-12 Multi-Governments are indicated by the yellow-bordered [Multi-Government] red {Rich Industrial} squares. The Lave system (#7) is the green-bordered [Dictatorship] green {Rich Agricultural} diamond
just beneath the map here, arrived at by clicking the smaller version in your original link above ;) I would say there is no significance to a multi-govt tech level 12 planet other than that's the one that was chosen as an example (or one of them).

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:52 pm
by CmdrLUke
Got it, thanks, I wasn't looking at that page which is why I couldn't see it :). Interesting that the wiki search didn't find it, maybe I didn't give the right keywords.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:43 am
by Dr Beeb
Eric Walch wrote:
Captain Hesperus wrote:
CmdrLUke wrote:
Could you cut and paste the part that describes what the squares are? I still can't find it, I'm blind as a bat!
He is right, the legend doesn't show what the squares are....

Captain Hesperus
There seem to be more blind people:
Technology-Level-12 Multi-Governments are indicated by the yellow-bordered [Multi-Government] red {Rich Industrial} squares. The Lave system (#7) is the green-bordered [Dictatorship] green {Rich Agricultural} diamond.
I only don't know why the shape is called a "diamond" in English. It does not resemble a cut diamond. Maybe the raw crystal form what is an octagon (octaeder). But there are hundreds more minerals (and more common) that have an octagonal crystal form.
mea culpa, I havent got around to sorting out a nice way to present the symbol information in the charts I posted. As for 'diamond' my dictionary says "rhomboid figure", which I gave Lave just to be cute. I have an idea for some equipment that can only be bought at TL=15, and some other equipment that can only be bought at TL=12 Multi-governments, so I wanted to see where they were, how many of them are there.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:31 am
by tinker
I only don't know why the shape is called a "diamond" in English. It does not resemble a cut diamond. Maybe the raw crystal form what is an octagon (octaeder). But there are hundreds more minerals (and more common) that have an octagonal crystal form.
I don't know why it is a ruit in Nederlands, it is nothing like a window either. :D