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Is NPC AI affected by my BHG status?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:47 pm
by JohnnyBoy
If I aim my targeting computer at one of the ships that leaves a seedy space bar, the readout might tell me that the ship is piloted by a "sheriff" or a "provost". 'F5' tells me that "The Bounty Hunters Guild consider you a recently appointed Marshal."

Do NPC ships detect my BHG status in the same way that I can see other ships' BHG status? Does it alter their behaviour, or are they just as likely to attack me when I'm a 'deputy' as when I'm an 'executioner'?

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:59 pm
by LittleBear
NPC Bounty Hunters added by Random Hits hold ranks on the same ranking system as those applied to the player for completing missions. There are 13 ranks and for each rank there are 4 sub-divsions for each rank.

The rank is a measure of skill. All Members of the BHG may attack ships with a bounty. They are more likley to attack depending on the level of bounty a ship has (this includes the player as well as NPC ships). A clean ship (including the player) has a legal score of zero (so there is a 0% chance they will attack a clean ship). Committing crimes increases a ship's legal score and thus increases the chances of a bounty hunter attack. Stay Clean and you will never be attacked by Bounty Hunters. If you commit crimes, the Game will increase your legal score, which in turn increases the likleyhood of a member of the BHG picking you as a target.

For NPC bounty hunters the rank held makes it more likley that the ship has better equipment and / or weapons. A pilot ranked as a "Vigilante" for example is likely to be less well armed than a pilot ranked as a "Provost". Ranks are won by completing hits and also by how you complete them.

For the player your rank shown on the F5 screen shows that the BHG have awarded you the rank of Marshal, but you have only recently aquiried this rank. Its a measure of how you are regarded as a hit-being by your fellow hunters. An NPC bounty hunter should be better armed and more of a threat to a criminal (including the player) than a lesser ranked one.

NPC hunters decide whether or not to attack a ship with a bounty depending on how much money is to be won by killing it. They won't attack a clean ship (no point), but will come to the aid of clean ships under attack by ships with rap sheets and may dive into a battle between criminals, selecting the ship with the highest bounty as their target. Nothing personal. Just a case of who's got the biggest Wanted poster! :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:11 pm
by JohnnyBoy
Thank you, LittleBear.

I try very hard to stay 'clean' - a status which other ships can detect on their targeting system. I just wondered if pirates could also detect that I was a Marshal (according to the BHG ranking system), and if they could, would it affect their decision to attack me (for example: "I don't fancy my odds against a Marshal. Let's find someone else to shoot...").

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:24 am
by ClymAngus
JohnnyBoy wrote:
Thank you, LittleBear.

I try very hard to stay 'clean'


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:12 pm
by JohnnyBoy
ClymAngus wrote:
JohnnyBoy wrote:
Thank you, LittleBear.

I try very hard to stay 'clean'

That was mean.

But very funny... :D ;)