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Favorite Combat Tactics

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:56 pm
by rabidvixen
I'm sure that everyone here has a favorite combat tactic, which in their mind at least, while immersed in the game has led them to a victory or survival of sorts in the heat of battle. Question is, how many of these tactics actually make sense in the real world? Of course we all think that we’re brilliant tacticians, and the fact that quite a large number of us are original BBC Elite players who have made ---- E L I T E ---- seem to suggest that we’re as good as our self-proclaimed successes suggest, but are we really?

How many of us could, in reality, hold our own in a good old-fashioned dogfight in space? Of course it all comes down to how you’re attacked at the end of the day; how many pilots are going up against you, their apparent range when the attack occurs and the sorts of weaponry they’re employing – not to mention the direction that they’re coming at you from. In the majority of attacks its easy enough to open up with a cannon and blow away anyone who is stupid or foolhardy enough to come straight down your barrel and then mop up die-hards with missiles if you’re feeling vindictive, but what happens if you are low on power, out of missiles and have only the seat of your pants and maybe a few shots from a laser at your disposal?

You live or you die. Depending on how good a tactician you are.

In most instances it’s a good idea to put as much distance between you and your attacker, assuming that they have superior weaponry, speed, or just dumb luck on their side, but in most other instances its often a good idea to lull them into a false sense of security and that is where the clever stuff comes in. Often playing ‘dead’ is the option, which will serve you best. Shut down the engines, switch off the navigational lights and roll the ship gently about both axis until it looks like you are space junk. Then let them get in nice and close and roll around the target their engines, cargo hold or nose to give them a bloody nose. Often playing dead followed by a vicious sustained attack and then an acceleration up to maximum power is enough to throw off most attackers.

In these instances its impossible to fire up your intersystem jump drive, so ducking, rolling and avoiding incoming fire is your best option to keep those energy banks from being drained completely. The idea is to keep them busy and to give you time to get as full a shield on your bow as possible before reversing course, chasing down your attacker (if possible) and then RAMMING them as its either you for them. Missiles are really not a solution – they just piss people off and are rarely effective against larger ships unless you fire them off as your attacker makes a real close pass at you. It would be nice if Oolite was able to permit more in the way of ‘special tactics’ within its AI. For example, sending a message declaring that you are dead in space to lure in other pilots and then taking them apart either all at once with an energy bomb or one by one with lasers or missiles. Suggestions for these 'special tactics' if anyone has any?

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:56 pm
by Grey
Great topic!

I never ever go head to head. Means trouble the way i fight, guess i´m a coward_ish fighter, i usually use fuel injection in order to get behind them, picking the fastest enemy first or a Python which just sits there doing nothing.

Went head to head with a Cobra mk.III once...he fired a missile at me when i was close enough to kiss his ship when we passed, i never reached the "E" key...

When stumbling across Thargoids i use the "Matrix" strategy, i run my ass off!! Lots of money spent on fuel in the Behemoth in order to have plenty for fuel injection. Any tip on how to deal with Thargoids are appreciated!

Thargoids Smargoids

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:18 pm
by rabidvixen
Thargoids are easy prey ... at least for experienced combateers. The Thargoids have bloody big ships and deploy Thargons at a moments notice who make it their mission in life to make your life a misery. The best way of dealing with a Thargoid is to begin a sharp port or starboard roll while diving or climbing to fool them into thinking that you're running.

Since Thargoids atypically use a similar tactic to avoid incoming fire, you have to match them for speed and roll and then open fire with a beam or a military laser as other lasers generally do not have much effect on Thargoid hulls. Once you have taken out the mothership, the Thargons are deactivated and can be scooped up as "alien items" which can be traded to the Navy who are always in demand for them.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:58 am
by Murgh
the 'feigning death' tactic seems nice and animal vicious, but quite risky as long as the attacker doesn't want to claim your ship. some of those guys aim too well to just lay waiting.
if the enemy was lured by a surrender plea, out of greed for the price of your intact ship, it would be a sweet kill.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:59 am
by Mad Dan Eccles
When the red mist of battle comes down, I berzerk. I charge at my enemy, guns blazing, and roll aside at the last second.

But then, I'm mental.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:12 am
by AJ
So this thread is not really a suggestion at then, is it?

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:50 pm
by Darkbee
AJ wrote:
So this thread is not really a suggestion at then, is it?
Its a suggestion for a topic of conversation. ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:08 pm
by aegidian
True - thread moved to discussion.

Combat Tactics

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:29 pm
If you haven't done so already then I suggest you visit the following sites and read them entirely, starting with The Dark Wheel.

It will enhance your gameplay and help with combat tactics.

TGHC - The Grey Haired Commander

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:23 pm
by BigBob62
I love a good fight.

I have 2 tactics I use sometimes.

the first is fly them into the sun, if your out numbered head for the sun just like a fuel scoop run keep them close wait till you red line the temp, do a 180 hit the injectors and head for cool space, by the time they turn around its to late for them. I have done this a few times they never come out.

the second. In battle sometimes your enemy makes a run for it. get in behind them follow their course let them get out of range then hit the injectors catch up them and catch them by suprise. they may make another run so do the same as I have found that they will not change course. :D

Fighting tactics

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:34 pm
When you head to an anarchy system you will face several really heavy attacks. You need to go for the attackers as soon as they appear on the scanner and the earlier you take one or two out the better your chance of survival. You need military lasers!!! Playing dead is sometimes essential if you've just beaten off an attack and your shields and energy unit are low, you need to build up your shield strength back up to maximum or as much as possible if you are going to survive. Random lone pirates hover around watching you defend yourself and are always ready to pounce if they think you are weak. A good technique is to turn away from them and line them up in your rear view cross hairs and take them out that way, their manouverability is less and you can kill them quickly, It does mean you have to master the ability to steer the ship in this mode but it's worth it.

As far as Rabidvixens's playing dead tactics are concerned, she reminds me more of a blackwidow :)

Re: Fighting tactics

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 4:15 am
by tgape
TGHC wrote:
When you head to an anarchy system you will face several really heavy attacks.
I find early offender identification, not missing, and not slowing down to work sufficiently. Admittedly, I went from deadly to elite on the original game with pulse lasers all around, no missiles, no energy bombs.

What can I say? I was in high school, and had too much time on my hands - my parents took my D&D books away.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 12:07 pm
by Dharma-Naga
I just shoot at everything. Firing from a distance first, then maybe head on with the fuel injectors, a missile when just about to pass, full on brakes, a 180 degree flip and blast them up the exhausts if the missile has been popped. :lol:

I've only encountered the Thargoids once so far when I got stuck inbetween systems. They weren't too difficult to get rid of, but then I didn't wait around for them to drop their 'babies'. :wink: Is there a method of increasing the likelyhood of encounters, as I need more practice with mass battles?

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:43 pm
Become a fugitive load up with valuable cargo and head for an anarchy system. :D YeeeeHaaaaaa


Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:59 pm
by Dharma-Naga
Thanks TGHC, sounds like a good learning curve! I'll have a go later. :)