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Renegades and v 1.71.2

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:53 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
In v 1.71.2, the front laser subents on renegade pirates are visible, huge, and on most of the ships in the wrong positions.

Methinks an update is in order.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 2:55 pm
by LittleBear
I've used the same name for the model as another OXP (I think the Vampire one), so the wrong model is added if both OXPs are installed. I don't think it specific to 1.71. A lot needs updating in Reneges. Still have to update Random Hits and Black Monks though.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:02 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
I'm not using the Vampire OXP. I could never get it to work, either in 1.65 or 1.7x. That it didn't come in an .oxp folder didn't help.

So that leaves out the Vampire as the problem with Renegades.

BTW, I'm loving Random Hits. The comments found in the mission BB are hilarious, and most of the middle and high level targets are challenging. 8) Only two problems, the seedy bar stations don't fire at pirates near as I can tell, and once I was attacked by two Cobras that didn't appear on my scanner as I was leaving the bar to go make a hit.
WANTED DEAD: Derik 'Wyvern' Rohi, accused of buying the police chief's daughter a drink, last seen flying a heavily armed Dragon Assault Craft. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:19 pm
by LittleBear
While since I've look at Renegades but I'm pretty sure its a naming clash with something.

The Space Bars not fireing with their turrets at pirates is deliberate. They launch bounty hunters instead. If they used their turrets they'd be certain to blast the hunters they'd just launched. They will use their turrets if a pirate (or any other ship) hits the bar itself, but if pirates or offenders are just in the area rather than attacking the bar, they'll just launch hunters to deal with them rather than firing their turrets. They only fire up their own guns if the bar itself is under attack. Thargoids do sometimes raid bars, but ATM pirates won't specificaly chose it as a target. :wink:

For V1.3 I've added the Bars to the pirate-victim-list, so pirates will occasionally attack bars, causing the bar to use its turrets on them.

Not sure why two cloaked Cobra's should be lurking near the bar. I haven't added any cloaked ships with Random Hits, so could be from another OXP.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:38 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
LittleBear wrote:
Not sure why two cloaked Cobra's should be lurking near the bar. I haven't added any cloaked ships with Random Hits, so could be from another OXP.
They weren't cloaked, I could see them clearly. None of the usual flickering you get with cloaked ships. BUT they were invisible on the scanner and I couldn't get a missile lock (and it's possible to get a missile lock on a cloaked ship, it's just a waste to fire the missile) though I could shoot them down with my lasers.
So far it only happened once, on my first hit mission.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:50 pm
by LittleBear
Hhmm. Sounds like they are ships with their scan class set to NO_DRAW. Not sure if thats a bug in Oolite and its generated a pirate with NO_DRAW scan class or if another OXP has added Cobra pirates with this feature. Pretty sure they're not comming from Random Hits though as I haven't got any NO_DRAW ships in Random Hits. If you meet them again. Press Pause and then whilst paused press 0 (zero). Oolite will dump a list of all ships and objects in the current system to the stdrr file, so you can find out what they are.

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:14 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
My total installed OXP listing:

Fuel Tank v2.0.oxp
MilHUD-new.oxp (a fixed for 1.7x version of MilHUD, comes packed with Dragon.oxp.)
milmissile.oxp (Military Missile - Basically a faster, smarter hardhead, that seeks out Thargs and pirates when ECM'd. Experimental alpha still, not released yet.)
Missile Analyser.oxp
phoenix.oxp (It turns out the Phoenix comes with a beta version of MilHUD, that causes conflicts with MilHUD-new in 1.7x. If you have the Phoenix installed, remove it's hud.plist and hud texture, then MilHUD-new should work fine.)
Saleza v2.oxp

So far as I can determine, LB, none of the above should generate scanner-proof Cobra 3s.