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Problems with controling my ship

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:29 pm
by alanbower
Don't know if anyone else is having this problem and what the solution may be...
When flying any ship I can no longer roll. this is making it very difficult to gain access to space stations. It seems that my ship dips and rolls at the same time!

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 3:36 pm
by another_commander
You have set the keys in keyconfig.plist wrongly. If you post it here, we could probably tell you exactly where the error is.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:21 pm
by alanbower
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<plist version="1.0"><dict><key>key_roll_left</key><integer>44</integer><key>key_roll_right</key><integer>46</integer><key>key_pitch_forward</key><integer>115</integer><key>key_pitch_back</key><integer>120</integer><key>key_increase_speed</key><integer>32</integer><key>key_inject_fuel</key><integer>105</integer><key>key_decrease_speed</key><integer>47</integer><key>key_fire_lasers</key><integer>97</integer><key>key_target_missile</key><integer>116</integer><key>key_untarget_missile</key><integer>117</integer><key>key_launch_missile</key><integer>109</integer><key>key_next_missile</key><integer>121</integer><key>key_ident_system</key><integer>114</integer><key>key_ecm</key><integer>101</integer><key>key_launch_escapepod</key><integer>27</integer><key>key_energy_bomb</key><integer>9</integer><key>key_galactic_hyperspace</key><integer>103</integer><key>key_emergency_hyperdrive</key><integer>72</integer><key>key_hyperspace</key><integer>104</integer><key>key_jumpdrive</key><integer>106</integer><key>key_dump_cargo</key><integer>100</integer><key>key_rotate_cargo</key><integer>82</integer><key>key_autopilot</key><integer>99</integer><key>key_autodock</key><integer>68</integer><key>key_snapshot</key><integer>42</integer><key>key_docking_music</key><integer>115</integer><key>key_scanner_zoom</key><integer>122</integer><key>key_scanner_unzoom</key><integer>90</integer><key>key_map_dump</key><integer>33</integer><key>key_map_home</key><integer>302</integer><key>key_comms_log</key><integer>96</integer><key>key_next_compass_mode</key><integer>92</integer><key>key_next_target</key><integer>45</integer><key>key_previous_target</key><integer>43</integer><key>key_custom_view</key><string>v</string></dict></plist>

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:25 am
by Disembodied
It sounds like you've got roll right/left on the same keys as pitch right/left, although I can't see any yaw commands in the plist. You could try adding

Code: Select all

at the end, before the </dict>. The "0"s are zeros. This should (I think) disable the yaw function. Make a copy of the original plist first, though!

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:15 am
by another_commander
alanbower: In a previous post you said you are using version 1.71.2. This keyconfig.plist is from 1.65. What is the actual Oolite version you are running here? What version number is reported
on the first line of Oolite_Readme.txt, found in the Oolite installation folder?

Note: I have not even looked at the contents of the keyconfig you posted, it is totally unusable. *.plist contents - or any other code related material for that matter - should be posted inside
code tags (press alt-c to open a code tag, include everything there and then press alt-c to close the tag). Only then will someone be able to actually do something to help.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:41 am
If it's quicker and easier just do a complete reinstall.

Don't forget to save your addons and save games somewhere safe first though.