Hi SirArian,
There are a few errors that I can see.
Firstly, the Model folder should be called Models (with an 'S'). You only need the .dat file in there, and that needs to specify the texture used. Your texture is called 'plasma_mk1.png' but the .dat file referes to 'auvBG2.png' at the head, but with no mention of the texture in the Textures part of the .dat file. This should look like this extract from one of my projects
Code: Select all
gorgon_child_diffuse.png 1.0 1.0 0.69173 0.37729 0.71263 0.37159 0.69155 0.37334
gorgon_child_diffuse.png 1.0 1.0 0.69155 0.38125 0.71289 0.37729 0.69173 0.37729
gorgon_child_diffuse.png 1.0 1.0 0.69103 0.38460 0.71263 0.38299 0.69155 0.38125
gorgon_child_diffuse.png 1.0 1.0 0.64535 0.33478 0.63877 0.31445 0.64200 0.33530
and so on (one texture-name for each surface).
If using a single texture, there is no need to include this as a 'materials' attribute in shipdata. Just refering to the model will apply the texture.
By the way, plists are normally drafted alphabetically.
There may be others I have not spotted (I'm having a quick look while Mrs_Smivs is cooking breakfast

) so I'll have a better look later.
One very useful aid to getting these things working is to check the log. Details are on the wiki, or ask here if you don't know where it is.
I would also suggest keeping things simple to start with - just get an NPC spawning in-game, so don't worry too much about things like the player ship, shipyard or equipment.plist (which incidently refers to a script which you have not included in the OXP). Start with a shipdata.plist only in Config, the model in Models and the texture in Textures. Use a simple script to spawn the NPC. Give it a custom role (eg plasma_mk1) and include the following, named as 'script.js' in the Config folder.
Code: Select all
// Standard attributes
this.name = "general_test_script";
this.author = "Smivs";
this.copyright = "This script is hereby placed in the public domain.";
this.version = "1.0";
this.description = "Script to add entities."
// Configuration
this.role1 = "plasma_mk1";
this.count1 = 5;
this.role2 = "";
this.count2 = 1;
this.role3 = "";
this.count3 = 2;
this.role4 = "";
this.count4 = 2;
this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function()
// this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function()
system.addShips(this.role1, this.count1, player.ship.position, 25000)
system.addShips(this.role2, this.count2, player.ship.position, 20000)
system.addShips(this.role3, this.count3, player.ship.position, 20000)
system.addShips(this.role4, this.count4, player.ship.position, 20000)
This will spawn 5 upon launching, or if you comment out the 'this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function()' line and un-comment 'this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function()' you will get five around the witchpoint after a jump.