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Speed up, slow down, fire, ergonomic hell!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:34 am
by Mister Nipples
Hello. First post! BRILLIANT FIND and BRILLIANT GAME - THANK YOU for this, I also lost E-TNK due to computer death after it got pulled. What an improvement on Christian's baby guys, exellent.

My signature speaks for itself. Lens-Lok was a bitch!

I have to ask - is there any way to redefine the keys?

Ergonomically the W/S/A config for accelerate/decelerate/fire is a disaster for my adult fingers. I keep slurping onto tab and other keys and have to take a look to reposition every time I stray.

The 's' key doesn't appear to be used in flight.

Is there an option in the game to change the keys to make 's' and 'x' accelerate and decelerate?

OMG - had to edit - It's Christian, not Jason!!! Doh! I knew that, honest!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:01 am
by Commander Mysenses
Read this

Edit at will (VIM editor is handy)

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:34 am
by Mister Nipples
Thanks Mysenses, I recognise the concept of what I saw in the link but I am not a tech head, so what can I do?

Can you instruct a new found moron?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:56 am
by another_commander
In [OoliteInstallDir]\\Resources\Config, you can find a file called keyconfig.plist. First you may want to make a backup of this file, in case something unexpected happens. Open keyconfig.plist with a text editor and you will see this:

Code: Select all

	key_roll_left				= 253;		// left arrow
	key_roll_right				= 252;		// right arrow
	key_pitch_forward			= 255;		// up arrow
	key_pitch_back				= 254;		// down arrow
	key_yaw_left				= ",";
	key_yaw_right				= ".";

	key_increase_speed			= "w";
	key_decrease_speed			= "s";
	key_inject_fuel				= "i";
(more stuff follows)
You are interested in changing the key_increase_speed and key_decrease_speed from "w" and "s" to "s" and "x". Apply the change, save the file and restart Oolite.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:53 am
by DaddyHoggy
Welcome Mr. Nipples. If you see a little red dot on your chest please ignore it - I'm sure now you've posted the twitchers in the clock tower will put their rifles down (you know who you are...)

And in case you're confused: Those guys still haven't got over the great spam war of 2007...

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:19 pm
by Mister Nipples
OK found the file but it doesn't name the keys, only integers. So if INC = 119 and DEC = 115 and I change the former to 115 what is the latter INT value for key 'x'?

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:12 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
DaddyHoggy wrote:
Welcome Mr. Nipples. If you see a little red dot on your chest please ignore it - I'm sure now you've posted the twitchers in the clock tower will put their rifles down (you know who you are...)

And in case you're confused: Those guys still haven't got over the great spam war of 2007...
Erm... :oops: </me locks FlAK 88mm's safety>
Welcome to The Friendliest Boards This Side of Riedquat... friendly except to :evil: spambots :evil: , that is.

Other than that, here you'll find the finest collection of traders, miners, bounty hunters, explorers and coders, along with the some of the very best among their less ethical counterparts - smugglers, con-artists, pirates, assassins and, of course, hackers.
Whatever may your skills be, you're welcome to contribute either by coding, test-playing and bug-reporting, or simply by posting your thoughts and opinions on any subject.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:20 pm
by Thargoid
Mister Nipples wrote:
OK found the file but it doesn't name the keys, only integers. So if INC = 119 and DEC = 115 and I change the former to 115 what is the latter INT value for key 'x'?

Thanks in advance!


ASCII keycodes are your trumble here. Just look up a table on the net, for example here. x is 120 (note that it's case sensitive, as you can use the shift key to give each keyboard key two actions). The older versions use the codes rather than the keys themselves (at least on the PC, comparing V1.65 to the new test code)

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:46 pm
by another_commander
Thargoid is right. I somehow assumed automatically that you are running the latest version (and, in my very humble opinion, you should) and that your OS is Windows. If you are running indeed Windows, then the keyconfig.plist file for the 1.65 version is found in [OoliteInstallDir]\\Contents\Resources\Config and the value for x is, as mentioned, 120.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:45 pm
by Mister Nipples
Right on commanders, I have my configuration, no more twisted digits.

To Mr another_commander I have to say I only saw version 1.65 on the website so thats what I downloaded. I shall keep an eye out for new versions from time to time.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:53 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Check the Oolite-PC, Mac or Linux forum and follow the announcement links.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:05 am
by Amen Brick
I may change the keys myself. Amount of times I've shot something unfortunate while trying to self dock is countless.