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How can I resurrect my trumble?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:27 pm
by Lestradae
This has to be the weirdest request ... fits me :P

Perhaps Captain Hesperus can help?

Alternatively someone knowing about how trumbles are represented in the save file ...

I have had a single trumble for a RL year of gaming now, and got used to it. Today, suddenly, it became smaller and "fell" off the screen! (That ingame, before someone asks me if they can have from what I have been taking!)

Now the weird request: How can I get it back? I still have save games from when it was alive and prospered - can I somehow resurrect it by altering my savegame, and if, how?

The trumble info now looks like this:

Code: Select all

                <string>13.721863 -249.760071</string>
                <string>-271.727570 -131.943268</string>
                <string>-17.271545 2.744324</string>
                <string>-182.000000 -126.000000</string>
                <string>9.023560 4.039063</string>
                <string>42.000000 98.000000</string>
                <string>-18.463562 -19.920898</string>
                <string>42.000000 126.000000</string>
                <string>-3.023376 9.966736</string>
                <string>154.000000 210.000000</string>
                <string>17.077087 -17.786255</string>
                <string>-70.000000 14.000000</string>
                <string>10.167786 9.964539</string>
                <string>210.000000 70.000000</string>
                <string>-9.079590 -4.910828</string>
                <string>154.000000 210.000000</string>
                <string>-8.862061 2.497131</string>
                <string>-70.000000 -14.000000</string>
                <string>16.841431 18.521790</string>
                <string>-14.000000 -154.000000</string>
                <string>4.473572 4.755920</string>
                <string>-14.000000 -182.000000</string>
                <string>3.888000 7.588745</string>
                <string>-154.000000 -70.000000</string>
                <string>-19.369934 5.879272</string>
                <string>154.000000 -210.000000</string>
                <string>4.431824 16.108643</string>
                <string>-42.000000 42.000000</string>
                <string>3.209595 -19.044739</string>
                <string>-14.000000 -154.000000</string>
                <string>-19.589111 14.446411</string>
                <string>42.000000 126.000000</string>
                <string>-11.450989 9.939270</string>
                <string>-126.000000 182.000000</string>
                <string>12.545227 -16.785400</string>
                <string>42.000000 126.000000</string>
                <string>16.961731 -7.582703</string>
                <string>126.000000 -14.000000</string>
                <string>11.258179 3.050842</string>
                <string>210.000000 70.000000</string>
                <string>-7.088318 18.293823</string>
                <string>-98.000000 210.000000</string>
                <string>-11.505371 9.087280</string>
                <string>-182.000000 -98.000000</string>
                <string>5.635925 10.964294</string>
                <string>-126.000000 182.000000</string>
                <string>15.860901 15.160522</string>
                <string>-14.000000 -154.000000</string>
Does someone have an idea? :shock:


Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:56 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Not from me, I'm no coder - but to this layman that seems like an awful lot of outdated info after the first dict or two...

@Ahruman: as you'd say, that's an improvement opportunity :wink: to cut a whole Kb off the save file size.

Re: How can I resurrect my trumble?

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:16 pm
by Eric Walch
Lestradae wrote:
This has to be the weirdest request ... fits me :P

Perhaps Captain Hesperus can help?

Alternatively someone knowing about how trumbles are represented in the save file ...
I just happened to look through that code last week. The first number is the amount of trumbles. The second is a checksum. All dictionaries contain trumble information. I just don't know why the dicts of death trumbles are kept being saved. Because it has its own checksum you cant edit anything. In the code are log-messages about cheating. I assume setting the count to zero by hand will intentionally worsen things.

Growth rate is a random value. Maybe you just had bad luck it was zero or almost zero. Looking into the code is cheating in this point, as you clearly see with what method the cute little beasts can be killed best. And I don't mean just bbq but the order of ingredient during the bbq.

Since 1.71 a bug is solved that prevented a second infection under certain conditions. That bug kept me clean for a while but since 1.71 installation I already had my second bbq. It even cost me one ship.

L: your file should be clean now and you are ready for a new infection. Currently you only get new infections with "x-ships.oxp" or "UPS-courier.oxp"


Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 8:10 pm
by Lestradae
I ... copied & pasted the uppermost trumble information from an older save file into my new save file :oops:

... and it worked. Have my singular lonely trumble back.

It may be cheating, it may be sad, but it`s a bit tamagotchi for me: A virtual pet in a virtual life :?

Thanks for the replies 8)


Re: ...

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:36 pm
by Eric Walch
Lestradae wrote:
I ... copied & pasted the uppermost trumble information from an older save file into my new save file :oops:

... and it worked. Have my singular lonely trumble back.
Did you look in your log file? Just out of curiosity I changed the count from 0 to 4. They were back but the logfile reported:

Code: Select all

Oolite [cheat.tentative] -[PlayerEntity setTrumbleValueFrom:] (PlayerEntity.m:5960): POSSIBLE CHEAT DETECTED
I think it also has other consequences :twisted: but see for yourselves.


Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:36 pm
by Lestradae
Yeah, the "POSSIBLE CHEAT DETECTED" is in ...

But, I wanted my pet back and its going to stay :)

What consequences? Am I going to have a visit by Captain Hesperus telling me that trumbles do need many companions for a live that fits to their natural environment?

Perhaps a "petshop-oxp" could be made? To be able to keep trumbles and even other alien pests pets? Which have to be fed and such?

Oolite tamagotchi ... :P

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:18 pm
by LittleBear
If you install x-ships OXP, then some cargo pods have a picture of a trumble on them and scooping one will re-infect you, if you want a "legitimate" way to re-aquire a pet. :wink:

Re: ...

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:36 am
by Eric Walch
Lestradae wrote:
Yeah, the "POSSIBLE CHEAT DETECTED" is in ... But, I wanted my pet back and its going to stay :)
What consequences?
It probably only has consequences when setting it from a value to zero. It will not be possible to do so and the system recalculate the old infection number from the checksum. You can't get rid of them that way. And when you change anything on the checksum itself, I assume you get an really ugly infection.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:43 am
by JohnnyBoy
LittleBear wrote:
If you install x-ships OXP, then some cargo pods have a picture of a trumble on them and scooping one will re-infect you, if you want a "legitimate" way to re-aquire a pet. :wink:
Many's the time I was so close to scooping one of those up..... but I pushed the nose of the ship down just in time to splatter the trumble pod all over my cockpit window.... :twisted:

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:46 am
by DaddyHoggy
JohnnyBoy wrote:
I pushed the nose of the ship down just in time to splatter the trumble pod all over my cockpit window..
Cap'n H weeps at the loss of future credits in the bank... :)

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:52 pm
by Captain Hesperus
DaddyHoggy wrote:
JohnnyBoy wrote:
I pushed the nose of the ship down just in time to splatter the trumble pod all over my cockpit window..
Cap'n H weeps at the loss of future credits in the bank... :)
Meh, those freebies are nothing to do with me. I still charge an entirely reasonable amount for my Trumbles.

@Lestradae - I must warn you that necromancy (?Trumblomancy?) is illegal under the statues of GalCop Directive VT-666 - Intentional Usage of, or Intentful Study of, Necromantic, Infernal or Elemental Magicks, Incantations, Rituals, Communiques and Summonings. The penalty for that is usually quite harsh. I believe it involves several red-hot pokers and delicate body parts of the guilty party....

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 9:10 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Captain Hesperus wrote:
illegal under the statues of GalCop Directive VT-666 - Intentional Usage of, or Intentful Study of, Necromantic, Infernal or Elemental Magicks, Incantations, Rituals, Communiques and Summonings. The penalty for that is usually quite harsh. I believe it involves several red-hot pokers and delicate body parts of the guilty party...
Aye, but if you look under the art. XXI, number 4, paragraphs b-d, you'll notice that this only applies if the said actions are performed on theocracies, and prosecuted by an ecclesiastical tribunal (elsewhere they just shoot you or laugh at you for wanting a trumble - again).


Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:12 am
by Lestradae
That`s it!

There will just have to be a Technomage oxp.

Perhaps the Black Monks are their dark side ex-members?

Theocracy fleets against Technomage fleets :twisted: