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Do you use the Realistic Shipyards OXP?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:23 pm
by Commander Mysenses
Not aiming to be inflammatory, just curious.

Don't wanna upset the author... after all you wouldn't go up to a mother and say "Jeez, your baby's ugly!" now would you?

Be polite, gentlebeings.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:00 am
by FSOneblin
It is the best oxp ever! I only wish that the role problem would be solved. someone will be hurt by this, I can feel it... So at the first sign of an offensive post, I will pull a moviebob ( Insult everyone, including myself, right now) . I'm tempted to pull one right now. But I won't.

Don't Panic: FSOneblin


Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:38 am
by Lestradae
Hi FSONeblin & co.!
It is the best oxp ever!
I only wish that the role problem would be solved
I am already at it :) Version 3.02 is in the works on my system, it will not contain new stuff (except that it includes a price/TL rewrite of the new Vector ship) but diverse fixes for problems I or others found.

And repairing the roles distribution so that no weirdness ensues is nr.1 on my to-do list.
someone will be hurt by this, I can feel it...
No, don`t worry ... with an OXP this size and impact, some will love it, some will hate it. The version 3.01 has been downloaded 530 times in the one-and-a-half months of its existence - that speaks for itself.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion!
Don't wanna upset the author... after all you wouldn't go up to a mother and say "Jeez, your baby's ugly!" now would you?

Be polite, gentlebeings.
Thanks 8)

Who sees it that way, can just vote "No" ... no problem with that, see above.

Cheers guys :idea:


Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:59 am
by Commander McLane
The "No, never would try it out"- or "Not interested"-option is missing, therefore I went for "never tried it".

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 6:47 am
by Commander Mysenses
Commander McLane wrote:
The "No, never would try it out"- or "Not interested"-option is missing.
Beause I was trying to be tactful (never visited? it's a planet in the NE quadrant of galaxy2... LOL).

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 11:10 am
by pleb87
This OXP just kills my system, it just has far too much going on & conflicts with most of my oxps... Sorry...

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:24 pm
by Amen Brick
I'm saving up for more ram to use this baby. :)

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:47 pm
I haven't tried it for the reasons that pleb87 mentions, it's a bit too extreme for me. And on top of that I'm too much of a traditionalist, I know classic elite has it's quirks and anomolies, but that just gives it character IMHO. Oolite has just made it much more pretty and livened up the space lanes with more things going on around you, and then of course there are all the new ships and missions and flavours etc etc.

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 9:57 pm
by Gareth3377
Like the idea as a concept - realistic prices etc - fair play (I can't OXP at all, so I feel slightly bad at criticising, but hey ho :D)

Don't like the idea of having all the ships in one fell swoop. I like to take ships in and out as I please really - especially as some ships have some interesting bugs/features/quirks.

I would probably download it if

1. It wouldn't mess up my save game
2. Didn't have all the ships in it.
3. I didn't have to mess around with any code, config files, plists or any of those magic spells. (editing the keys to resemble trad. Elite was a big enough headache lol).
4. If I got naffed off with waiting a long time to purchase a more expensive ship then I could take it out with no ill effects (like taking a ship OXP out for example).

If it met the above then I would download it.

Nevertheless, keep up the good work. After all, with out debate and tinkering under the hood Oolite would be a much quieter place.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:43 pm
by Cmdr James
Whilst I myself am not a fan, I think its worth pointing out that the relatively low postive responses cannot really be taken to mean anything. There are large numbers of oolite players, orders of magnitude more than the number of people who responded.

I also think that popularity is not the most important thing. The key is in fact whether the OXP author himself (or themselves) get a kick out of doing it.

In answer to Gareth3377, there should be no problems with any of his 4 points, except 2. In a way there is no such thing as "all the ships" as there are a steadilyt growing number of ships, and in fact most likely several that are not available on the wiki (I have modified some of the ships the OXPs that I run, and RS certainly doesnt include my versions ;) )

It is fairly easy to remove some of the ships from RS, so if the 4 points mentioned are the only concern, then I would suggest you try it.

My complaint is that it is not "realistic", but rather balanced. In reality vehicle prices are generally dependant on size and performance, but also shape and style, and economics (labor markets in USA and Japan are different etc.). I think using the calculation from RS for OXP authors to aid deciding on a price is good, but setting it across the board is misguided. If real world prices were calculated the same way RS does, then a TVR would cost the same as a ferrari :p

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:47 pm
by Svengali
Good points Cmdr James.
Commander Mysenses wrote:
Be polite, gentlebeings.
Do you really expect this by making a poll? .-)

I don't use RS, but I really like Lestradae's idea of changing the prices.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:13 pm
by Commander Mysenses
Svengali wrote:
Commander Mysenses wrote:
Be polite, gentlebeings.
Do you really expect this by making a poll?
I have high expectations of you.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:34 pm
by pagroove
I use an older version. Waiting for a new strict version cause I like the core idea. I love to add ships to the game by myself though.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:32 am
by Selezen
I have downloaded it, perused the files and not installed it.

I do think it's a fantastic idea, but I do think (after a bout of youthful optimism) that it will be a huge drain on my litle laptop's resources and will unbalance the game slightly due to the inclusion of so many OXPs, not all of which are balanced with each other.

It would also mean that if someone updates one of thier OXPs, it will render the one included in RS obsolete...

So I'm of the "tried it, don't use it" fraternity.

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:46 am
by The Dreamcatcher
I really like the idea of it, and having removed several ships* from it (most notably the Star Wars ships) used it for a while. The problems I have with it are the ones already mentioned in this thread ie the non-standard behaviours and the sheer size of it.
I love the idea behind it of having a better system but I just feel it doesn't quite work just yet.

*Thanks to Lestradae for his help showing me how to dissect his own .oxp