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Hello! It's been a long time!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:58 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Well I think the last time i posted was to announce the birth of my daughter and that must have been a year or so ago.

So an update:

PCs have come and gone - and I've become a Linux (Ubuntu 7.10) fan

I'm running 1.69 - is there a better version out there I should try?

I'm starting again and will need to reinstall all my favourite oxps

I've changed jobs and no longer work for the MOD I'm now a university lecturer!

Still no time - but its good to be back.



Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 6:40 pm
by Griff
Hi DaddyH, welcome back to the boards! gosh has it been about a year? I remember you saying you really needed to get the nursery decorated then you vanished without trace, possibly trapped behind some freshly pasted wallpaper!?

Oolite's up to v1.71.2 at the moment, there's a link to the download in the linux subform, and man you're in for a treat - there's been loads of lovely new stuff, opengl shader support, a new scripting system, tons of great new oxp's. oh and make sure you go through the 'your ad here' thread in the expansion pack forum, it's hilarious!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 6:58 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Well, welcome back stranger!
Glad to hear all is well in your iteration of RL. As for new versions of Oolite, work continues on the Mythical Next Stable Release (MNSR), but I think the test releases are up to∞, I've kind of lost count myself.

Regardless, most of the usual suspects still knock around, so I'm sure you'll generate a good response. Possilby along the lines of, "Where's that money you owe me?", but hey, that's life!

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:42 pm
by FSOneblin
Hi, I'm Fir... Well, I can't tell you what The first 3 letters of my name are, so just call me neblin or neb, nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy all of the new stuff. And you might enjoy the oxp I'm working on, Gem Stone Trader.

Don't panic: FSOneblin

P.S. Do you bring good news of all the worlds being born, and what's the condition of your heart?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 6:47 am
by another_commander
Hi DaddyHoggy, welcome back.

As Griff has already said, we are now at version 1.71.2, which is way ahead of 1.69 on every single aspect. Unfortunately, due to what appears to be a packaging error, the Linux version has been pulled from circulation until Winston can repackage and reupload it to Berlios.

Until then, you can try building it from source, using the very detailed information that can be found here. It really is simpler than what it looks like, if you follow the instructions closely. The 1.71.2 source tarball can be downloaded from here.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:58 am
by Commander McLane
Hi, DaddyHoggy, and welcome back! It's nice to have you here again. :D And I hope MummyHoggy and BabyHoggy are well, too?

The other guys have already given you the technical information, so there is really nothing I'd have to add in the moment, except for: Have fun again!

Oh, perhaps one thing: After Oosat2 was gone for good, OXPs are now all organized and available through the wiki. Makes it easier for you to get up-to-date.

Right On, Commander!


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:11 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Hi Guys, nice to see the usual suspects are still around.

@Cap'n H - the wiki looks fab - well done - 'twas in its infancy when I departed.

Would have said all was well with Clan Hoggard and MummyHoggy but mummyhoggy has had to blast back to the North East at full warp as her mum post-hip-replacement has had a heart attack - so things remain as manic as ever.

Nursery remains undecorated!! but is no longer my office/study/sanctuary - which now resides downstairs in what used to be the dead space betwixt front door and living room (aka "the hallway")

BabyHoggy is now ToddlerHoggy and despite having been diagnosed with a heart murmur/possible-hole-in-the-heart is doing just fine and seems relatively unaffected (other than she has never slept through the night... <yawn> and has a permanent runny nose/chesty cough).

I will investigate the latest version - sounds good - do we have reflective materials yet? Proper light sources? Procedural textured planets? Just curious :)

So many OXPs in the wiki!!

Good to see LittleBear is still around - it was all a bit messy when I stopped due to some bad vibes over some bloke who retextured some of the ships and them claimed them as his own.

Re: Your Ad here - have started to pick my way through - as I have so many Ads in the oxp I have a vested interest - so I was around in spirit if not in reality!

ToddlerHoggy has just become FallOnFaceAndWailingHoggy so later!!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:30 pm
by Rxke
Hey DaddyHoggy! :D

always nice to see people coming back.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:04 pm
by Selezen
Welcome back, Daddy!

Oolite has matured a LOT in your absence. Ahruman and the new development team are making the code sing and dance like never before!

Textured planets, light sourcing, shaders, it's all going on. Check out the screenshots topic for the latest hot images (ooh, that'll get the hits from Google!).

Here's the link:

And all the best for you and yours - sounds like you're having a few worries out there, so all my hopes for speedy resolutions to the ailments...


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:01 pm
by DaddyHoggy

That's just awesome!

Congrats to everybody who is involved in the dev work on Oolite. I'm just blown away.

Now working out how best to get 1.71 on to my machine - I notice link posted earlier was for Ubuntu 8.04 will it work the same way for 7.10?

S'pose I could just suck it and see!

@Selezen - Clan Hoggard is a pretty tough set of cookies - we'll get there - thank you for your kind words

PS will my machine cut it with all the new stuff?

Spec: Athlon XP 2800+, 128MB FX5900XT, 1GB Dual Channel PC2700

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:08 pm
by JensAyton
At a guess, it’ll work the same, only you won’t have to change the makefile.