Vector OXP
Moderators: winston, another_commander
- Capt. Murphy
- Commodore
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Re: Vector OXP
Stuff is happening on Qurudi apparently........but where in the 8 is Qurudi?
External JavaScript resources - W3Schools & Mozilla Developer Network
Win 7 64bit, Intel Core i5 with HD3000 (driver rev. - March 2012), Oolite 1.76.1
Re: Vector OXP
He. Congrats - you are the first one who has spotted it .-)Capt. Murphy wrote:Stuff is happening on Qurudi apparently........but where in the 8 is Qurudi?
Qurudi is a joke, a fantasy name, but similiar to the original system names. But still the newsflash has a meaning...
- Smivs
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Re: Vector OXP
Qurudi is the Insectoid races' word for A**e 

Commander Smivs, the friendliest Gourd this side of Riedquat.
Re: Vector OXP
Who knows Smivs, who knows... Bugs are strange.
The fantasy name Qurudi is explicitely choosen to avoid travelling to a place where nothing would ever happen. I like small details that are not obvious and 'explorers' will have some extra fun (in this specific case a confusion factor) or have an advantage, because they simply know more.
The newsflashes in Vector are adding depth to the story and some are enabling features. Not more, not less.
The fantasy name Qurudi is explicitely choosen to avoid travelling to a place where nothing would ever happen. I like small details that are not obvious and 'explorers' will have some extra fun (in this specific case a confusion factor) or have an advantage, because they simply know more.
The newsflashes in Vector are adding depth to the story and some are enabling features. Not more, not less.
- Capt. Murphy
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Re: Vector OXP
Your are a bad man Svengali.....
. Does that mean Eric is my imaginary friend?
Luckily my ship is equipped with a nice set of vector maps courtesy of a certain Clym & Angus so I realised that Qurudi was not a regular system before spending a fortune on Galactic HyperDrives.

Luckily my ship is equipped with a nice set of vector maps courtesy of a certain Clym & Angus so I realised that Qurudi was not a regular system before spending a fortune on Galactic HyperDrives.
External JavaScript resources - W3Schools & Mozilla Developer Network
Win 7 64bit, Intel Core i5 with HD3000 (driver rev. - March 2012), Oolite 1.76.1
Re: Vector OXP
The Qurudi newsflash enables the link-up for the PAD. 'Eric' is a thank you to Eric Walch for his work for Oolite and as side effect used to hide this feature a little bit. The link-up is only used for one situation yet, but I wanted to wait before expanding it and coming stuff will use all new features more intensively (Comms, Inflight overlays, Mission logbook, Ranking, Link-up, Codes, Decrypting, Special briefings, etc.). The background mission in Vector is - after all - just a opener and suitable for Commanders with >300 kills, but a strict requirement for all coming stuff.Capt. Murphy wrote:Your are a bad man Svengali..... :) . Does that mean Eric is my imaginary friend?
Re: Vector OXP
Vector1.6 is online.
- Added Disclaimer
- Added script_info keys 'ccl_missionShip'
- Added special stations
- Changed script_info keys to 'vector_name' and 'vector_epodName'
- Corrected Station list
- Further preparations for Localhero
- Inspections enabled
- Materials entries for Vector and ShipInspection, visibility improved
- Player strength check
- Reduced missionVariables ingame
- Requires: Cabal_Common_Library1.5, Snoopers2.2
- startUp behaviour in v1.76 adapted
- Timer behaviour changed
- Updater - switched away from internal test mechanism
- Added Disclaimer
- Added script_info keys 'ccl_missionShip'
- Added special stations
- Changed script_info keys to 'vector_name' and 'vector_epodName'
- Corrected Station list
- Further preparations for Localhero
- Inspections enabled
- Materials entries for Vector and ShipInspection, visibility improved
- Player strength check
- Reduced missionVariables ingame
- Requires: Cabal_Common_Library1.5, Snoopers2.2
- startUp behaviour in v1.76 adapted
- Timer behaviour changed
- Updater - switched away from internal test mechanism
Re: Vector OXP
Vector v1.7 is online.
- Adapted changes in Cabal_Common
- Cleanup of unnecessary properties
- Moved API for inflight overlays out of global namespace
- Added workaround for Frustum Culling
- Changed calculation for destinations in background mission
- Texture changes
- Adapted changes in Cabal_Common
- Cleanup of unnecessary properties
- Moved API for inflight overlays out of global namespace
- Added workaround for Frustum Culling
- Changed calculation for destinations in background mission
- Texture changes
Re: Vector OXP
Kind of stuck in Vector Mission; Nsgre V erprvirq gur CNQ, jurarire V qbpx va Yrgrvfna, be bgure cynarg ba gur 5gu gung Dhehqv arjf nccrne va S7... V xabj nyernql, sebz ernqvat guvf sbehz gung Dhehqv qbrf abg rkvfgf nf n cynarg, ohg gur arjf unir fbzr pyhr vapyhqrq... jryy, V thrff V unir gb ragre gur ahzoref va gur CNQ, ohg V pna'g znantr gb qb vg... vg bayl fgnlf va gung vavgvny fperraf, jvgubhg gung xrlobneq V fnj va gur cvpgherf ng gur jvxv... nal uvagf, cyrnfr?
Re: Vector OXP
Gur CNQ vf qlanzvp. Zber bcgvbaf naq/be zber vasbf jvyy nccrne jura zvyrfgbarf va gur zvffvba ner ernpurq. Nsgre erprvivat gur Dhehqv zrffntr n nqqvgvbany pubvpr fubhyq nccrne ('fubj yvax-hc'). Pubbfr 'Hfr pbzzhavpngbe' naq ragre gur ahzore (uru - zber pubbfr gur ragevrf sbe gur ahzoref). Vg gnxrf lbh gb gur pbzzf fperra. Jnvg n ovg hagvy pbzzhavpngvba vf rfgnoyvfurq (fbhaqf jvyy cynl) naq n bssvpre jvyy nccrne. V'ir whfg purpxrq vg naq vg qbrf fb ba zl znpuvar, vs vg qbrfa'g ba lbhe znpuvar cyrnfr fraq gur zvffvbaInevnoyrf sebz lbhe fnirqtnzr.
Re: Vector OXP
Thanks for answering, Svengali.
Gur "fubj yvax hc" bcgvba qvq abg nccrne. Gur bayl bcgvbaf gur CNQ fubjf ner Fubj Ybtobbx, Onpx gb Bireivrj naq Rkvg CNQ.
Well, I have other missions installed here, including Coyotte's Run. I don't know if this may cause any issues. Here is the Vector Mission part of the saved game (I use a notebook with Ubuntu installed and Oolite 1.76.1. I also have the latest version of snoopers installed here. )
<string>{"who":["Linda Bevenger","","","","",""],"where":["Unknown","Unknown","Unknown","Unknown","Unknown","Unknown"]}</string>
<string>AAA|AAB Leteisan|AAC|AAD</string>
<string>The Cecearian UPS branch rates your courier reputation as average.</string>
Gur "fubj yvax hc" bcgvba qvq abg nccrne. Gur bayl bcgvbaf gur CNQ fubjf ner Fubj Ybtobbx, Onpx gb Bireivrj naq Rkvg CNQ.
Well, I have other missions installed here, including Coyotte's Run. I don't know if this may cause any issues. Here is the Vector Mission part of the saved game (I use a notebook with Ubuntu installed and Oolite 1.76.1. I also have the latest version of snoopers installed here. )
<string>{"who":["Linda Bevenger","","","","",""],"where":["Unknown","Unknown","Unknown","Unknown","Unknown","Unknown"]}</string>
<string>AAA|AAB Leteisan|AAC|AAD</string>
<string>The Cecearian UPS branch rates your courier reputation as average.</string>
Re: Vector OXP
Set mission_vector_phone to 1 in your savedgame.marcusrg wrote:Gur "fubj yvax hc" bcgvba qvq abg nccrne. Gur bayl bcgvbaf gur CNQ fubjf ner Fubj Ybtobbx, Onpx gb Bireivrj naq Rkvg CNQ.
There's only one place in Vector which sets it (the Snoopers callback handling for the specific message). That it wasn't set indicates that the callback never happened - seems to be a Snoopers problem. I'll check it.
Code: Select all
Re: Vector OXP
Thanks, Svengali. I'll make the change later, when I get home. I'm glad it isn't Coyottes's stuff, I like this mission too. I'll give you feedback later. 

- Cody
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Re: Vector OXP
Phew!Svengali wrote:... I doubt that Coyote's Run is the culprit in this case
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
Re: Vector OXP
@Svengali - it worked. Thans for the help.
@EV - Relax, your mission is fine. The problem here is the thing between the chair and the notebook,
Too many oxp's installed, I think.
@EV - Relax, your mission is fine. The problem here is the thing between the chair and the notebook,