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Wolf Mk 2 blew me up again

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:19 pm
by Rimbaud

I have just returned from a stint away from oolite (1.65), and am loving 1.71.1. Really glad to see someone is trying to do something about ship prices with an oxp.</offtopic>

Anyway, I have a Salamander with military laser, shield and naval energy unit, and I keep getting killed by Wolf Mk 2s, despite over 2500 kills.

They zoom in with fuel injectors and blow my shields away in seconds. Despite having a very fast ship, I can't fuel inject away from them. Sometimes they just crash directly into me and kill me. Generally they seem so much more powerful than say a Gecko, they barely belong in the same game. I'm sure they could thrash several Thargoid Warships and that seems a bit odd.

Is this just a case of uber-ship oxp like the Super Cobra (which I uninstalled)? In Amiga Elite they were a bit better than other ships, but in the same class.

As a side point, would I have two lasers if I bought one?


Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:54 pm
by Disembodied
Rimbaud wrote:
[...]would I have two lasers if I bought one?
Sadly -- and I speak as a proud owner of a Wolf II SE -- no. Like Iguanas and Cats, the multiple lasers are bult on subentities, and they don't work for player ships.

The Wolf II is a mean old ship, way superior to a Gecko (which is just a non-witchspace-capable fighter) and considerably harder than a Salamander as well, with 6 energy banks instead of just four. They're faster, too. But they are beatable. If you're struggling with any of the multi-laser ships, the best thing to do is identify them at long range, using the Scanner Targeting Enhancement (it's a good idea to do this with any potential enemies) and try to hit them hard, far away. Be prepared to turn tail and run, and practice shooting your rear gun (you do have a rear military laser, don't you? ;)). If some guy is really all over you then launch a missile. Even if it's not a hardhead, and it gets ECM'd, it can still break his concentration. And duck, dive, bob and weave! Remember that you turn tighter at slower speeds. Also, if your opponent is zooming around on injectors, it's often better to stay pretty slow yourself and try to shoot him up as he screams past. Of course, you want to avoid colliding, too. And -- if you don't have one already -- get yourself a Military Shield Enhancement, available at TL13s and up.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:59 am
The cloaking device will also help bigtime.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 7:09 pm
by Captain Hesperus
My advice when dealing with Wolf IIs (or indeed, any multi-laser ships, Rattle Cutters included) is, as the Brain In A Jar said, STE them early, then as they close, cut them up with your lasers (Mili-lasers are best cause they have the best range). If they get close enough to start shooting, point the nose of your ship down and keep them in the top of your screen while WFIing TOWARDS them. They often can't track you that well, and hopefully you will only take a couple of stings. Once you are close let them pass you then sit on their asses and play Death's Knuckles on their aft shields.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 7:29 pm
by LittleBear
A Wolf Mk II only packs Beam Lasers (albiet two of them!). You can out-range it therefore. If you let it get too close, it can slice you up. But kept at a distance you can slice it up with a Military Laser without it before you come within range. The gun mounts can also be shot off. A few seconds of Mil Laser directed at the gun and take them out, leaving the ship toothless.


Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 8:02 pm
by Lestradae
Really glad to see someone is trying to do something about ship prices with an oxp.</offtopic>
If you happen to have the Realistic Shipyards V3.01 installed, you have to put into account in your battles that this really makes the Ooniverse a harder place - even an iron ass will not protect you at all times. Could be that has to do with you suddenly getting into trouble even being Deadly already.

The SuperCobra is actually part of my oxp by the way, and SuperCobra pirates or police are not unheard of.

More often with than without my oxp in, you will have to use time-honoured strategy three: Run!



Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:47 pm
by Rimbaud
LittleBear wrote:
The gun mounts can also be shot off. A few seconds of Mil Laser directed at the gun and take them out, leaving the ship toothless.
Really? Awesome!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 10:07 pm
by Disembodied
Same goes for other multi-lasered ships too: it's always fun shooting the wings off an Iguana or a Cat! Plus, each subentity blown up counts as a kill in itself, so with careful gunnery you can milk these suckers for all they're worth...

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:03 am
by Wolfwood
Disembodied wrote:
...each subentity blown up counts as a kill in itself, so with careful gunnery you can milk these suckers for all they're worth...
I think that was fixed in the latest updates, so you no longer get extra kills this way.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 9:24 am
by Disembodied
Oh well. It's still fun picking them to pieces, though!