Depressed computer sounds?

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Depressed computer sounds?

Post by bulrush »

Wouldn't it be fun to have a sound set which sounds like a depressed computer? So for each event we would have the computer say something like this:

Incoming missle: "Incoming missle. I knew we'd all die."

Missle lock: "You have missle lock. But they'll probably have ECM anyway."

Docking computer start: "Welcome to the station. Don't catch any diseases."

Energy low: "Energy low. Much like myself."

Autopilot denied: "You do not have the autopilot. *sigh* Yet another thing to buy."

Mine armed: "Mine armed. Don't get yourself blowed up."

Cargo jettisoned: "Cargo jettisoned. The rejection never ends."

Hyperspace countdown: "Hyperspace countdown begun. You DID remember to shut off the over, right?"
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Post by elite »

Reminds me of Marvin from Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.
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Cmdr. Maegil
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »


That's actually a nice idea, to have a chance getting such a computer when buying a new ship, and not being able to replace the entire on-board computer without dismanteling the craft - let's see how long before the pilot freaks out and buys another ship - or ejects, hoping the replacement won't be like the previous one.
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
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Post by another_commander »

Not exactly a sound set thing, but the visual part of most of this can already be implemented in 1.71 by substituting the relevant messages in descriptions.plist with the "depressed" equivalents.

The beauties of having all game strings available for the user to play with, eh? This could actually become one of the first "theme" OXPs, if anyone would like to give it a try.

Edit: Also, the customsounds.plist offers a great opportunity for the proposed sound set, now that I think of it.
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Post by Commander Mysenses »

Don't game events only trigger one sound? Wouldn't that get irritatingly boring? If events could trigger randomly from a set of sounds, that would be a lot more fun!
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Post by LittleBear »

You can certainly have different messages:-

Eg:- The message for ECM on is:-

Code: Select all

		<string>ECM system activated.</string>
As there is only one string in the array, everytime you active the ECM Oolite allways says "ECM system activated.". But if you added 10 different strings then Oolite would randomly pick one off the list. I'm not sure you can have 10 different sounds though. You can also add strings within strings for even more variety. If you cheak out the descriptions file for Random Hits you can see how the different comms messages and mission descriptions are built up. Its easy to do. Just needs some free time to dream up different phrases. I had a week going to Norwich everyday (3 hour train journey each way), so did quite a few for this OXP!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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