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Pitch/roll too sensitive

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:09 pm
by bulrush
I use the keyboard on the PC version of Oolite (1.65) and also have found the pitch and roll controls to be too sensitive. I found these entries in shipdata.plist:

I thought they might control sensitivity but I don't know if I adjust them up or down to reduce sensitivity. As a beginner I actually do want my ship to move like a large mounting. It actually makes sighting/firing on ships easier if I don't overshoot my target.

I'll give it a try this weekend and see what happens.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:12 pm
by Selezen
Yes, they should have some impact on the sensitivity. What control method are you using? If you adjust the numbers down, then the sensitivity should be reduced. Have a look at the information for different ships to see the effects they have. The Boa is (I think) the slowest ship, so have a look at that one.

Are you going to post a separate thread for every single question and statement about the game? ;-) Could be a good thing to compile into a beginner's guide!

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:32 pm
by bulrush
Selezen wrote:
Are you going to post a separate thread for every single question and statement about the game? ;-)
Well, yes. I wanted each of my topics to related to the subject line. It makes it less confusing for others scanning through the subject lines. Also, it reduces "thread drift."

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:07 am
The search facility is pretty good if you search the message text rather than the title, but hey do what you feel works best for you.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:16 am
by Commander McLane
Could be a problem of your graphics card as well. The notion of huge movements for small keystrokes can derive from a small framerate. For me the game was unplayable on my former computer (original iBook), because I got a framerate of only 3 or 4 frames per second. That meant that pressing any key very briefly already gave me a full quarter or even half second of pitching/rolling. I couldn't control anything by this. :(

If you press SHIFT-F while playing (presumably in flight), your current framerate will be displayed in the upper left corner of your screen (FPS). Anything above 20 allows for playing, but the real fun starts only at 50.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:14 pm
by bulrush
Well, here are my Windows PC specs:
- Gateway GT5056 specs
Geforce 8600 (don't recall which one) video card, 256 video ram
AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual-Core Processor 3800+, 2GHZ speed
1GB system ram

But I'll check frame rate this weekend.