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Sounds triggered how?

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:14 am
by staggerlee

I made a load of replacement sounds and I am mostly happy with them. They all seem to work fine. However, I hardly ever hear the sounds "hullbang" and "bigbang". I can make the bigbang by getting killed or by ramming a space station. But when does hullbang turn up? Come to think of it, whenever I kill someone they don't make a sound, just poof into stars. Should a sound be being triggered then? I have both 1.65 and 1.70 running on my mac and I have the same problem with both. I removed all oxps (except oldships and PCC as I am running a PCC).

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 8:34 am
by Rxke
Hullbang happens when you bang into things, like docking less than optimal (scraping the dock)or ramming another ship.

Ships explode silently because space= vacuum=no sound travelling through a medium= silence

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:07 am
by Commander Mysenses
Rxke wrote:
Ships explode silently because space= vacuum=no sound travelling through a medium= silence
So why have a sound for a laser hit? (as opposed to a miss)
Sensory feedback's your answer.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:54 am
by Captain Hesperus
Rxke wrote:
Hullbang happens when you bang into things, like docking less than optimal (scraping the dock)or ramming another ship.
Which is why I've changed my Hullbang to say 'Ooops!'

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:50 pm
by staggerlee
My point is exactly the same as mysenses'. Since when has "the laws of physics" been a cast-iron constriction on what oolite can and cannot simulate? Plus, how on earth would you be able to hear the explosion that accompanied your own death?

Follow ups to my original post:

1. I think it would be good to implement some subtle sound effects for exploding enemies and so forth. Is there a way to add new sound effects for these events?

2. Bear in mind I have no idea about making OXPs, I only make sounds. In fact, I was looking for a BEGINNER's guide to making your own OXPs, especially ones to do with sound. But I have only found ones that assume a fair lump of knowledge. Ideas?

3. Back to main point. Sound effects. I have made some pretty professional sounding, original, royalty free fx and I would like to make a sound oxp, or just a collection of sounds, but I would like to add sounds for a few events that don't as yet have them. And also, diversify a bit when sounds are overused (like beep" and "boop").

4. One final question - is it possible to get Oolite to select randomly from a selection of sounds for an event - so as to keep the lazer firing less uniform sounding etc? Just slight alterations give real depth to soundscapes I have found. If not why not?

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:18 pm
by another_commander
I cannot answer all of your questions, but I can let you know that from 1.71 on, Oolite will be using a much-extended customsounds.plist for many of its events. This is what it will look like (this is long, apologies in advance):

Code: Select all

	/*	Sound keys starting with @ are (by convention) only used within
		customsounds.plist, not directly by the game.
	// Interface sounds
	"[@beep]"				= "beep.ogg";					// positive beep
	"[@boop]"				= "boop.ogg";					// negative beep
	"[@click]"				= "guiclick.ogg";
	"[@switch-on]"					= "[@beep]";
	"[@switch-off]"					= "[@boop]";
	"[ident-on]"					= "[@switch-on]";		// Turned on ident
	"[ident-off]"					= "[@switch-off]";		// Turned off ident
	"[ident-locked-on]"				= "[@beep]";			// Ident targeted ship
	"[missile-locked-on]"			= "[@beep]";
	"[missile-armed]"				= "[@beep]";
	"[mine-armed]"					= "[@beep]";
	"[missile-safe]"				= "[@boop]";
	"[next-missile-selected]"		= "[@click]";
	"[save-overwrite-yes]"			= "[@beep]";			// Player selects Overwrite on "are you sure you want to overwrite?" alert on save screen
	"[save-overwrite-no]"			= "[@boop]";			// Player selects Cancel on "are you sure you want to overwrite?" alert on save screen
	"[buy-commodity]"				= "buy.ogg";
	"[buy-ship]"					= "[buy-commodity]";
	"[sell-commodity]"				= "sell.ogg";
	"[could-not-buy-commodity]"		= "[@boop]";
	"[could-not-sell-commodity]"	= "[@boop]";
	"[could-not-buy-ship]"			= "[could-not-buy-commodity]";
	"[cargo-jettisoned]"			= "[@beep]";
	"[autopilot-on]"				= "[@switch-on]";
	"[autopilot-off]"				= "[@switch-off]";
	"[autopilot-out-of-range]"		= "[@switch-off]";
	"[autopilot-cannot-dock-with-target]" = "[@boop]";
	"[hold-full]"					= "[@boop]";
	"[target-lost]"					= "[@boop]";
	"[no-target-in-memory]"			= "[@boop]";
	"[jump-mass-locked]"			= "[@boop]";			// Target memory expansion could not be used
	"[target-switched]"				= "[@click]";			// Target memory expansion used successfully
	"[cloaking-device-on]"			= "[@switch-on]";
	"[cloaking-device-off]"			= "[@switch-off]";
	"[cloaking-device-insufficent-energy]" = "[@boop]";
	"[menu-navigation-up]"			= "[@click]";
	"[menu-navigation-down]"		= "[@click]";
//	"[menu-navigation-not]"			= "";					// Attempt to go past end of a menu; no sound by default
	"[menu-next-page]"				= "[@click]";
	"[menu-previous-page]"			= "[@click]";
	"[dismissed-report-screen]"		= "[@click]";
	"[dismissed-mission-screen]"	= "[@click]";			// No way to differentiate between mission options
	"[changed-option]"				= "[@click]";			// Player made a change on options screen
	// Hyperspace
	"[hyperspace-countdown-begun]"	= "[@beep]";
	"[galactic-hyperspace-countdown-begun]" = "[@beep]";
	"[hyperspace-countdown-aborted]" = "[@boop]";
	"[witch-no-target]"				= "[@boop]";
	"[witch-no-fuel]"				= "[@boop]";
	"[witch-blocked-by-@]"			= "[@boop]";
	// Damage
	"[player-hit-by-weapon]"		= "hit.ogg";			// Hit by weapon
	"[player-direct-hit]"			= "hullbang.ogg";		// Hit by weapon while shield down ([player-hit-by-weapon] and [player-direct-hit] play at once)
	"[player-scrape-damage]"		= "hullbang.ogg";		// Touched another ship (or docking bay)
	// Outgoing weapons fire
	"[player-laser-hit]"			= "laserhits.ogg";
	"[player-laser-miss]"			= "laser.ogg";
	"[energy-bomb-fired]"			= "bigbang.ogg";
	// Warnings
	"[@warning]"					= "warning.ogg";		// Not used directly by game, only by references below.
	"[hostile-warning]"				= "[@warning]";
	"[alert-condition-red]"			= "[@warning]";
	"[incoming-missile]"			= "[@warning]";			// Help, help, they're shooting at us
//	"[energy-low]"					= "";					// Energy below 25% - may occur repeatedly
	"[autopilot-denied]"			= "[@warning]";			// Station refuses docking clearance
	"[witchdrive-malfunction]"		= "ecm.ogg";			// Misjump (3/4 witchjump malfunctions)
	"[witchdrive-failure]"			= "[@warning]";			// Jump failed, internal damage (1/8 witchjump malfunctions; other 1/8 is fuel leak, see [fuel-leak])
	"[fuel-leak]"					= "[@warning]";
	// Tunnel effects
	"[@breakpattern]"				= "breakpattern.ogg";	// Not used directly by game, only by references below.
	"[player-launch-from-station]"	= "[@breakpattern]";
	"[player-dock-with-station]"	= "[@breakpattern]";
	"[player-exit-witchspace]"		= "[@breakpattern]";
	// ECM
	"[player-fired-ecm]"			= "ecm.ogg";
	"[player-hit-by-ecm]"			= "ecm.ogg";
	"[game-over]"					= "bigbang.ogg";
/*	The following can also be used:
	"[aegis-planet]" = "";
	"[aegis-station]" = "";
	"[escape-pod-scooped]" = "";
	"[mine-launched]" = "";
	"[missile-launched]" = "";
	"[weapon-overheat]" = "";
	"[wormhole-created]" = "";
Events are on the left, assigned sounds are on the right. As you see, the same sound is currently used for more than one event in many occasions. But of course this is not necessary. You can have a different sound for every different event if you feel like it (and don't mind creating this many sounds). Note that we have also some events commented, these can be used too by uncommenting them.

That is as far as I can go with this. Ahruman should be able to answer your questions in more detail, as he implemented this feature. But it should give you a good starting point. Good luck with your sound OXP!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:27 pm
by staggerlee
I need luck. I have no idea how to even begin to make an OXP. Though am a quick learner.

Out of courtesy, I have posted the questions here to the SUGGESTIONS thread. I invite people to go and answer over there to the thread "Sound Revolution" in order to keep these ideas together.

The 1.71 news is great news indeed. I like making sounds, and would enjoy making a couple of sound sets. I have ideas for some outrageous, and other rather subtle, approaches to making these sounds.


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:28 pm
by Svengali
Hello staggerlee,

even in V1.70 it is possible to get specific music for some events. Take a look in my Hyperradio. There I've used just a simple form, but it could be used in combination with JS on specific points. For this it would be possible to handle the events Oolite already has.

And a playlist for different songs/sounds is also possible. I've used the descriptions.plist and it works well. And it is a cross-platform solution and works even if OoTunes is not active.

Have fun

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:49 pm
by Ace Garp
Staggerlee - I've replied on the other forum, and look forward to hearing your sounds, as I'm looking into doing similar things.

AnotherCommander - Thanks for the heads up on the new CustomSounds.plist, although it means that some of my post on the other forum is now obselete ;-)