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Fugitive Typo: Who has seen this guntex.png?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:04 am
by Lestradae
OK folks, my bughunting has led me to a place where this

2008-02-27 08:51:44.174 oolite.exe[3428] [files.notFound]: ***** ERROR: Could not find texture file "guntex.png".
2008-02-27 08:51:44.202 oolite.exe[3428] [files.notFound]: ***** ERROR: Could not find texture file "guntex.png".
2008-02-27 08:51:44.227 oolite.exe[3428] [files.notFound]: ***** ERROR: Could not find texture file "guntex.png".

... happens.

So. The Black Monks and Renegade oxps have textures called guntext.png.

I see two probable culprits. Either "guntext" is a typo and should be renamed "guntex". Or some script of someone out there has a typo and searches for "guntex.png", means guntext, and subsequently doesn`t find it.

Sound familiar to anyone? No? Anyone?

Would be happy if someone might point me in the right direction.


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:10 am
by LittleBear
Its a typo for the colour of the laser arrays used by both the Black Monk GunShips and Renegade pirates. It just means that the guns appear grey rather than with the intended texture on them. I think its harmless though as the ships apperar and do fire.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:12 am
by LittleBear
Its a typo for the colour of the laser arrays used by both the Black Monk GunShips and Renegade pirates. It just means that the guns appear grey rather than with the intended texture on them. I think its harmless though as the ships apperar and do fire. The emmitter is really small (and you have to be right on top of those three guns to notice it - a very dangerous place to be!), which is why I didn't spot it in play testing. Renegade Pirates in particular needs an overhall (which I will get round to!) as a lot of things could be improved. But I don't think this missing texture will cause a crash, it just means the gun mounts are not the right colour.

Bug squashed!

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:18 am
by Lestradae
Due to Commander Little Bear, the irrascible little bugger Guntex "Black Renegade Monk" Oxp has been eradicated from the Add-Ons galaxy. Instead of boring credits Commander Little Bear shall be awarded an interesting furry little creature by a well-known trader from around here.



simple fix for ..Could not find texture file "

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:32 am
by wildstar
the following is example of the steps i took to fix this problem and an example of how to fix similar problems.

NOTE however the search methods are in linux commands. I have no doubt most everyone can figure out how to perform similar commands via their own OS's command lines and or GUI based meathods (such as hitting F3 in windows to bring up the search function while viewing a folder at the time.)
ERROR wrote:
[files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "guntex.png". Used default no textures material instead.
actual commands are bold/italic while notable references in results r bolded to make it easy to follow..
#1 find possible matching missing file guntext.png
[quote="~/.Oolite$ find -name "*guntex*.png" "]~/.Oolite$ find -name "*guntex*.png"
#2 find the .dat files which are calling for the texture
[quote="~/.Oolite$ rgrep --include "*.dat" "guntex.png" . "]~/.Oolite$ rgrep --include "*.dat" "guntex.png" .
./AddOns/renegades.oxp/Models/gun.dat:// textures used: ['guntex.png']
#3 change to texture folder & list contents
~/.Oolite$ cd AddOns/renegades.oxp/Textures/ wrote:
~/.Oolite$ cd AddOns/renegades.oxp/Textures/
~/.Oolite/AddOns/renegades.oxp/Textures$ ls
bigship_turret.png guntext.png Thumbs.db turret_skinD2.png turret_skin.png
notice guntext.png is in folder but not guntex.png
#4 make copy of guntext.png as guntex.png
~/.Oolite/AddOns/renegades.oxp/Textures$ cp guntext.png guntex.png wrote:
~/.Oolite/AddOns/renegades.oxp/Textures$ cp guntext.png guntex.png
~/.Oolite/AddOns/renegades.oxp/Textures$ ls
bigship_turret.png guntex.png guntext.png Thumbs.db turret_skinD2.png turret_skin.png
notice guntext.png AND guntex.png are both present now.

in the worse case scenario a matching file may not be found for other oxp's giving similar type texture not found errors. This example was the simplest because the most likely matching file was within the same oxp texture folder which dat file was requesting the file. i have however fixed some other oxp missing files this way while finding best matches amongst other oxp's. I will post those fixed in other related threads if possible. i try to search for related threads to errors i am getting to find either a fix first or to later post my own fix if i manage to figure it out.

hope this helps and remember this is linux commands.
if you are using windows command line then you most likely already know how to use the command line equivalents however if using the GUI (desktop) of windows i suggest using ultraedit or some other similar more powerful text editors to find/search within files. and if you get stuck you can always contact me for help as i have over 100 oxps uncompressed in a searchable path (only about 53 actually installed at the time of this post though but can still search the others).
