Two Cloaking Devices, Two Naval Energy Units
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:48 pm
So, I just got back into Oolite, having last played v1.5x. As I am running Mac OS 10.3.9 and (at the moment) prefer stability to an experimental "cutting-edge" beta distro, I'm now running Oolite v1.65 (thank you, Giles). However, I also decided to run EVERY OXP I could find (that doesn't require a version higher than 1.65). Well, as I'm sure you can guess, I've got problems. At first, the game would just plain stop doing anything after a few minutes of initializing universe (trust me, I patiently waited for about a half hour once while doing something else). Well, I pulled all the OXPs out and started putting them back in, a few at a time, starting with the ones I felt were most stable or least broken. Eventually, I got just about all of them working. I took Orb.oxp back out because, even though it worked, it totally thrashed my gameplay experience by giving me about 1/2 FPS between minute-long freezes any time an orb showed up. Oh, and I still get minute-long freezes any time I blow up anything big (and ten-second freezes ANY time a missile is zapped with ECM somewhere in the distance beyond sensor range). Yes, I blame our good friend Charlie's NavyShips.oxp (and probably some other oxps). Of course, let me thank Charlie for his incredible contributions (I *love* the Constitution model, and the Orb model, etc, etc -- he creates art, but someone needs to go through and feex some theengs in the code).
Okay, so here's the part referenced in the title: after upgrading, etc, I now have TWO Naval Energy Unites and TWO Cloaking Devices. WTF?
Well, here's a console log from the point I start the Oolite application to some point in flight that SHOULD only be a few minutes (but is more like fifteen with all the lag, loadtimes and resource hogging). Thoughts?
Here we go (it's really long):
===== Fri Jan 18 2008 ===== 23:42:15 America/New_York =====
2008-01-18 23:42:21.038 Oolite[408] ---> searching paths:
"/Users/Phrostbyte/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/Dictators v1.2.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/Executive Spaceways v2.2.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/Fuel Tank v2.0.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/lovecats 1.1.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/military Fiasco 2.1.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/Saleza v2.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/thargoid_wars 4.2.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/UPS-courier v1.2.2.oxp",
2008-01-18 23:42:21.606 Oolite[408] DEBUG ** no cache exists - yet **
2008-01-18 23:42:33.442 Oolite[408] Vertex Array Range optimisation - supported
2008-01-18 23:42:33.444 Oolite[408] DEBUG creating octree cache......
2008-01-18 23:42:35.589 Oolite[408] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity Player 100> **
2008-01-18 23:42:40.201 Oolite[408] Populating a system with economy 5, and government 3
2008-01-18 23:42:40.201 Oolite[408] ... adding 6 trading vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 0 sun skimming vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 4 pirate vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 1 sun skim pirates
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 2 law/bounty-hunter vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 0 sun skim law/bounty hunter vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 0 Thargoid warships
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 4 asteroid clusters
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... for a total of 17 ships
2008-01-18 23:43:02.570 Oolite[408] ***** CANNOT addShipsAt: 'mortran 1 pwm 13935 41730 14230' (should be addShipsAt: role number coordinate_system x y z)
2008-01-18 23:43:06.578 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2008-01-18 23:43:06.579 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "addMoon: moon_lave"
2008-01-18 23:43:06.579 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "addMoon: moon_lave"
2008-01-18 23:43:06.580 Oolite[408] DEBUG addMoon: moon_lave
2008-01-18 23:43:06.598 Oolite[408] DEBUG initMoonFromDictionary: <CFDictionary 0x78a2f30 [0xa01c00e0]>{type = mutable, count = 8, capacity = 8, pairs = (
0 : <CFString 0x78a3010 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "texture"} = <CFString 0x78a3030 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "lunar.png"}
1 : <CFString 0x78a30d0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "polar_color_factor"} = <CFString 0x78a1780 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "2.5"}
4 : <CFString 0x78a3130 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "rotational_velocity"} = <CFString 0x78a1c30 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "0.03"}
5 : <CFString 0x78a2f60 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "position"} = <CFString 0x78a2f80 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "-40000 0 60000"}
7 : <CFString 0x78a30f0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "land_hsb_color"} = <CFString 0x78a3110 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "0.686 0.25 0.66"}
8 : <CFString 0x78a2fd0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "orientation"} = <CFString 0x78a2ff0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"}
9 : <CFString 0x78a2f00 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "radius"} = <CFString 0x789f5c0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "800"}
10 : <CFString 0x789fa20 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "seed"} = <CFString 0x78a3050 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "1 2 3 4 5 6"}
2008-01-18 23:43:07.622 Oolite[408] DEBUG moon position (-40000.00 0.00 60000.00) derived from -40000 0 60000
2008-01-18 23:43:07.623 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.623 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2008-01-18 23:43:07.623 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2008-01-18 23:43:07.623 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.624 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.624 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE
2008-01-18 23:43:07.624 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring01"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.625 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring01"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.710 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.711 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.711 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 1 172 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.711 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.711 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.712 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.712 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.712 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 1 172 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.713 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.714 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.714 Oolite[408] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring01'.
2008-01-18 23:43:07.715 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring02"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.715 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring02"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.767 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.767 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.767 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 2 173 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.768 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.768 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 2 173 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.770 Oolite[408] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring02'.
2008-01-18 23:43:07.770 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring03"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.771 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring03"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.816 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.816 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.816 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 3 174 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.817 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.817 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.818 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.818 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 3 174 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring03'.
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring04"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.820 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring04"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.928 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.928 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.928 Oolite[408] F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.930 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring04'.
2008-01-18 23:43:07.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.930 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2008-01-18 23:43:09.012 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2008-01-18 23:43:09.014 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2008-01-18 23:43:09.015 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2008-01-18 23:43:09.015 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2008-01-18 23:43:14.370 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debugMessage: RUNNING CARGOTEST_SCRIPT
2008-01-18 23:43:15.322 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debugMessage: RUNNING CARGOTEST_SCRIPT
2008-01-18 23:43:15.893 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2008-01-18 23:43:15.893 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "testForEquipment: EQ_ROCKHERMIT_SCANNER"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.894 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "testForEquipment: EQ_ROCKHERMIT_SCANNER"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.895 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "foundEquipment_bool equal NO"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.895 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawn: rockbeacof 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.895 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawn: rockbeacof 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.896 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... Going to spawn 1 x 'rockbeacof' near Rock Hermit Buoy Spawner 177
2008-01-18 23:43:15.897 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.899 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.900 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.902 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.902 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.903 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.904 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.905 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.905 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.907 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.907 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.909 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.909 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.911 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.911 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.913 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.913 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_c1count morethan 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.913 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_c1count'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.914 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "3" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.914 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.915 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.916 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.916 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.917 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.918 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.919 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.919 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.920 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemEconomy_number lessthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.922 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "2" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.923 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.924 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.926 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.928 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.928 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.931 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.933 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.933 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemEconomy_number lessthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.935 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "2" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.936 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.937 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.937 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.939 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.939 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_docs equal ASTEROID"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.939 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_docs'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.939 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "ASTEROID" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.940 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 15"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.940 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.940 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "15" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.941 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.943 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.944 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.946 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.946 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.948 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.948 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.949 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.950 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.962 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.963 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.964 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.965 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.966 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.967 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.969 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.969 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.971 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.972 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.973 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.974 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.975 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.976 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.978 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.978 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.980 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.980 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.982 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.982 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.984 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.984 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_dcount greaterthan 10"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.984 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_dcount'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.984 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "10" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.985 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.987 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.987 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.989 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.989 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.990 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.991 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.993 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.993 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 5"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "5" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.997 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.997 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_ccount morethan 9"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.997 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_ccount'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.998 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "9" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.998 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.000 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "7" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.000 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.003 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.003 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.004 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.005 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.006 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.006 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.008 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.008 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.010 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.010 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.011 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.012 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.013 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.013 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.015 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.016 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.017 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.017 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.030 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "7" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.030 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.032 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.032 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.034 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.034 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.035 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.036 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.038 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.038 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.039 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.040 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.042 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.042 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.044 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.044 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.045 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.046 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.047 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.047 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.049 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "7" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.050 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.052 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.052 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.053 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.054 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.055 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.055 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.057 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.057 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.058 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.059 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.061 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.061 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.063 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.063 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.065 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.065 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.066 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.067 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.068 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "7" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.068 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.070 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.070 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.072 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.072 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.074 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.074 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.076 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.140 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.150 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.150 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.152 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.152 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.162 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.163 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.164 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.168 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.170 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.184 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.186 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.187 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.190 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.190 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.192 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.192 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.194 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.195 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_c1count morethan 2"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.195 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_c1count'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.196 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "2" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.196 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.197 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.197 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.197 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.197 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.199 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.199 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.200 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.201 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_docs equal ASTEROID"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.201 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_docs'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.201 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "ASTEROID" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.202 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 15"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.202 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.202 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "15" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.202 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.204 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.204 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.206 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.206 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_dcount morethan 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.206 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_dcount'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.206 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "7" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.207 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.208 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.209 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.210 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.210 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.212 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.213 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.214 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.215 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.216 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.216 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.218 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.219 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.220 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.221 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.259 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.261 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.263 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.264 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.266 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.266 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.266 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.267 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.268 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.269 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.271 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.271 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.273 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.273 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.275 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.275 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_ccount morethan 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.275 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_ccount'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.275 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "7" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.276 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.277 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.278 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 5"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.278 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.278 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "5" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.279 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.280 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.281 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.283 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.285 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_ccount lessthan 5"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.285 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_ccount'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.285 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "5" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.285 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.287 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.287 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.297 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.298 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.299 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.300 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.301 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.302 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.303 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.304 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.308 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.309 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.310 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.310 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.312 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.312 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.314 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.315 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.317 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.317 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.319 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.319 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.321 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.321 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.323 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.323 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.324 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.325 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.326 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.328 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.330 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.330 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.332 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.332 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.334 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.334 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.335 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.335 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.337 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.337 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.339 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.340 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.341 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.342 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.343 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.344 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.344 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.345 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number lessthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.347 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.347 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_c2count greaterthan 2"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.347 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_c2count'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.347 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "2" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.348 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_ccount morethan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.348 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_ccount'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.348 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "4" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.349 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.350 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.351 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.353 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.353 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 15"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.353 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.354 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "15" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.354 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.356 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.366 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.368 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.369 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.370 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.370 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.372 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.372 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.376 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.377 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.379 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.379 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.380 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.381 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.382 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.382 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.384 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.385 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.387 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.387 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.389 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.458 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "foundEquipment_bool equal YES"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.459 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.459 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2008-01-18 23:43:18.413 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debugMessage: RUNNING CARGOTEST_SCRIPT
Okay, so here's the part referenced in the title: after upgrading, etc, I now have TWO Naval Energy Unites and TWO Cloaking Devices. WTF?
Well, here's a console log from the point I start the Oolite application to some point in flight that SHOULD only be a few minutes (but is more like fifteen with all the lag, loadtimes and resource hogging). Thoughts?
Here we go (it's really long):
===== Fri Jan 18 2008 ===== 23:42:15 America/New_York =====
2008-01-18 23:42:21.038 Oolite[408] ---> searching paths:
"/Users/Phrostbyte/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/Dictators v1.2.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/Executive Spaceways v2.2.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/Fuel Tank v2.0.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/lovecats 1.1.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/military Fiasco 2.1.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/Saleza v2.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/thargoid_wars 4.2.oxp",
"/Games/Oolite/AddOns/UPS-courier v1.2.2.oxp",
2008-01-18 23:42:21.606 Oolite[408] DEBUG ** no cache exists - yet **
2008-01-18 23:42:33.442 Oolite[408] Vertex Array Range optimisation - supported
2008-01-18 23:42:33.444 Oolite[408] DEBUG creating octree cache......
2008-01-18 23:42:35.589 Oolite[408] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity Player 100> **
2008-01-18 23:42:40.201 Oolite[408] Populating a system with economy 5, and government 3
2008-01-18 23:42:40.201 Oolite[408] ... adding 6 trading vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 0 sun skimming vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 4 pirate vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 1 sun skim pirates
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 2 law/bounty-hunter vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 0 sun skim law/bounty hunter vessels
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 0 Thargoid warships
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... adding 4 asteroid clusters
2008-01-18 23:42:40.202 Oolite[408] ... for a total of 17 ships
2008-01-18 23:43:02.570 Oolite[408] ***** CANNOT addShipsAt: 'mortran 1 pwm 13935 41730 14230' (should be addShipsAt: role number coordinate_system x y z)
2008-01-18 23:43:06.578 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2008-01-18 23:43:06.579 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "addMoon: moon_lave"
2008-01-18 23:43:06.579 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "addMoon: moon_lave"
2008-01-18 23:43:06.580 Oolite[408] DEBUG addMoon: moon_lave
2008-01-18 23:43:06.598 Oolite[408] DEBUG initMoonFromDictionary: <CFDictionary 0x78a2f30 [0xa01c00e0]>{type = mutable, count = 8, capacity = 8, pairs = (
0 : <CFString 0x78a3010 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "texture"} = <CFString 0x78a3030 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "lunar.png"}
1 : <CFString 0x78a30d0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "polar_color_factor"} = <CFString 0x78a1780 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "2.5"}
4 : <CFString 0x78a3130 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "rotational_velocity"} = <CFString 0x78a1c30 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "0.03"}
5 : <CFString 0x78a2f60 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "position"} = <CFString 0x78a2f80 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "-40000 0 60000"}
7 : <CFString 0x78a30f0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "land_hsb_color"} = <CFString 0x78a3110 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "0.686 0.25 0.66"}
8 : <CFString 0x78a2fd0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "orientation"} = <CFString 0x78a2ff0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"}
9 : <CFString 0x78a2f00 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "radius"} = <CFString 0x789f5c0 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "800"}
10 : <CFString 0x789fa20 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "seed"} = <CFString 0x78a3050 [0xa01c00e0]>{contents = "1 2 3 4 5 6"}
2008-01-18 23:43:07.622 Oolite[408] DEBUG moon position (-40000.00 0.00 60000.00) derived from -40000 0 60000
2008-01-18 23:43:07.623 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.623 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2008-01-18 23:43:07.623 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2008-01-18 23:43:07.623 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.624 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.624 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE
2008-01-18 23:43:07.624 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring01"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.625 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring01"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.710 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.711 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.711 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 1 172 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.711 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.711 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.712 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.712 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.712 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 1 172 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.713 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.714 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.714 Oolite[408] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring01'.
2008-01-18 23:43:07.715 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring02"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.715 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring02"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.767 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.767 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.767 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 2 173 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.768 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.768 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 2 173 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.769 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.770 Oolite[408] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring02'.
2008-01-18 23:43:07.770 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring03"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.771 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring03"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.816 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.816 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.816 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 3 174 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.817 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.817 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.818 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.818 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] F.T. Ring Number 3 174 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring03'.
2008-01-18 23:43:07.819 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring04"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.820 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring04"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.928 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.928 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.928 Oolite[408] F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2008-01-18 23:43:07.929 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.930 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2008-01-18 23:43:07.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring04'.
2008-01-18 23:43:07.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2008-01-18 23:43:07.930 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2008-01-18 23:43:09.012 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 173 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2008-01-18 23:43:09.014 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2008-01-18 23:43:09.015 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2008-01-18 23:43:09.015 Oolite[408] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 172 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2008-01-18 23:43:14.370 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debugMessage: RUNNING CARGOTEST_SCRIPT
2008-01-18 23:43:15.322 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debugMessage: RUNNING CARGOTEST_SCRIPT
2008-01-18 23:43:15.893 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2008-01-18 23:43:15.893 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "testForEquipment: EQ_ROCKHERMIT_SCANNER"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.894 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "testForEquipment: EQ_ROCKHERMIT_SCANNER"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.895 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "foundEquipment_bool equal NO"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.895 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawn: rockbeacof 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.895 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawn: rockbeacof 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.896 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... Going to spawn 1 x 'rockbeacof' near Rock Hermit Buoy Spawner 177
2008-01-18 23:43:15.897 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.899 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.900 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.902 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.902 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.903 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.904 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.905 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.905 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.907 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.907 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.909 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.909 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.911 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.911 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.913 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.913 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_c1count morethan 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.913 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_c1count'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.914 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "3" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.914 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.915 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.916 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.916 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.917 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.918 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.919 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.919 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.920 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemEconomy_number lessthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.922 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "2" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.923 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.924 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.926 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.928 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.928 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.930 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.931 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.933 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.933 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemEconomy_number lessthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.935 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "2" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.936 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.937 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.937 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.939 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.939 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_docs equal ASTEROID"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.939 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_docs'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.939 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "ASTEROID" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.940 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 15"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.940 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.940 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "15" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.941 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.943 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.944 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.946 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.946 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.948 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.948 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.949 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.950 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.962 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.963 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.964 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.965 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.966 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.967 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.969 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.969 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.971 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.972 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.973 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.974 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.975 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.976 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.978 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.978 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.980 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.980 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.982 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.982 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.984 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.984 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_dcount greaterthan 10"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.984 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_dcount'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.984 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "10" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.985 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.987 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.987 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.989 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.989 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.990 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.991 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.993 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.993 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 5"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "5" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.995 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.997 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.997 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_ccount morethan 9"
2008-01-18 23:43:15.997 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_ccount'
2008-01-18 23:43:15.998 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "9" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:15.998 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.000 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "7" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.000 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.003 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.003 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.004 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.005 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.006 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.006 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.008 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.008 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.010 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.010 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.011 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.012 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.013 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.013 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.015 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.016 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.017 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.017 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.030 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "7" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.030 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.032 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.032 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.034 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.034 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.035 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.036 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.038 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.038 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.039 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.040 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.042 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.042 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.044 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.044 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.045 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.046 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.047 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.047 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.049 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "7" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.050 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.052 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.052 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.053 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.054 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.055 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.055 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.057 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.057 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.058 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.059 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.061 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.061 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.063 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.063 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.065 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.065 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.066 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.067 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.068 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "7" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.068 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.070 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.070 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.072 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.072 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.074 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.074 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.076 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.140 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.150 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.150 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.152 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.152 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.162 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.163 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.164 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.168 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.170 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.184 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.186 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.187 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.190 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.190 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.192 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.192 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.194 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.195 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_c1count morethan 2"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.195 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_c1count'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.196 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "2" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.196 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.197 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.197 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.197 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.197 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.199 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.199 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.200 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.201 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_docs equal ASTEROID"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.201 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_docs'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.201 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "ASTEROID" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.202 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 15"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.202 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.202 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "15" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.202 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.204 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.204 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.206 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.206 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_dcount morethan 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.206 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_dcount'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.206 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "7" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.207 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.208 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.209 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.210 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.210 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.212 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.213 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.214 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.215 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.216 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.216 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.218 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.219 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.220 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.221 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.259 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.261 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.263 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.264 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.266 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.266 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.266 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.267 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.268 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.269 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.271 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.271 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.273 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.273 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.275 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.275 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_ccount morethan 7"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.275 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_ccount'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.275 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "7" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.276 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.277 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.278 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 5"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.278 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.278 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "5" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.279 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.280 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.281 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.283 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.285 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_ccount lessthan 5"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.285 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_ccount'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.285 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "5" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.285 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.287 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.287 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.297 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.298 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.299 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.300 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.301 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.302 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.303 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.304 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.308 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.309 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.310 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.310 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.312 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.312 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.314 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.315 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.317 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.317 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.319 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.319 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.321 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.321 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.323 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.323 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.324 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.325 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.326 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.328 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.330 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.330 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.332 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.332 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.334 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.334 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.335 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.335 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.337 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.337 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.339 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.340 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.341 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.342 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.343 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.344 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.344 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.345 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number lessthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.347 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.347 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_c2count greaterthan 2"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.347 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_c2count'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.347 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "2" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.348 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_ccount morethan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.348 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_ccount'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.348 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "4" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.349 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.350 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.351 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.353 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.353 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "mission_ups_asteroids equal 15"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.353 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... checking mission_variable 'mission_ups_asteroids'
2008-01-18 23:43:16.354 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "(null)" ((null)) to "15" (NSCFString)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.354 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.356 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.366 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.368 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.369 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.370 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.370 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.372 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.372 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.376 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.377 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.379 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.379 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.380 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.381 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.382 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.382 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number greaterthan 4"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.384 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "4" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.385 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.387 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.387 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemGovernment_number equal 3"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.389 Oolite[408] DEBUG ..... comparing "0.0" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2008-01-18 23:43:16.458 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "foundEquipment_bool equal YES"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.459 Oolite[408] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2008-01-18 23:43:16.459 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2008-01-18 23:43:18.413 Oolite[408] SCRIPT debugMessage: RUNNING CARGOTEST_SCRIPT