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Cascade missile as uber-weapon

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 1:17 am
by ArkanoiD
Seems that it is immune to minesweeper EMP

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:05 pm
by matt634
I took a look into the Missiles and Bombs OXP and found that the Cascade Missile has the role EQ_CASCADE_MISSILE and the navy minesweepers only search for EQ_QC_MINE so the missile will slip through. I suspect the sweepers used by LittleBear suffer from the same limitation since I initially based my sweeper AI on his AI from Assassins.

It could be upgraded to find cascade missiles - what's the community think? They are ridiculously expensive so there is some balance there, but perhaps not enough considering it could blowup an entire navy fleet.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:33 pm
by Eric Walch
Matt wrote:
I took a look into the Missiles and Bombs OXP and found that the Cascade Missile has the role EQ_CASCADE_MISSILE and the navy minesweepers only search for EQ_QC_MINE so the missile will slip through. I suspect the sweepers used by LittleBear suffer from the same limitation since I initially based my sweeper AI on his AI from Assassins.
This is impossible to repair. With development of new OXP's new missiles will be created. A mine-sweaper will always be limping behind the current status of available equipment. (To destroy the Random-hits-spacebar I just created a q-mine with its own role)

The only real solution starts in version 1.70+ only OXP's. With these you can sweep for scanclass. This will find any class mine or missile object. Even future ones that yet have to be released.

Until a evil engineer designs a missile that itself disguises with another scannclass.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:52 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Eric Walch wrote:
Until a evil engineer designs a missile that itself disguises with another scannclass.
Ohhh, that *would* be evil.

Cruising through space, Commander JaxX notices something stroang on the scanner.
"Is it me or is that asteroid changing course to intercept me?"

Press Space Commander

The Lance and Ferman SHMX-9 Stealth Missile, Guaranteed to kill 'em before they know what's hit 'em!

Captain Hesperus
.....available for weddings, funerals, naming ceremonies and Ad-X commercials across the galaxy

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:20 pm
by LittleBear
The minesweepers guarding the bars will knock out Cascade Missiles, but the ones in Assassins don't (as I wrote them before the Cascade Missile came out). As Eric says, its a tough old Ooniverse out there and Defence and Offence technology are in a constant battle! The Cascade Missile defeats the Mk I Mine Sweeper, but is defeated in turn by the Mk II Mine Sweeper.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:21 pm
by matt634
With development of new OXP's new missiles will be created. A mine-sweaper will always be limping behind the current status of available equipment.
I think that's actually fairly realistic though. Designers of weapons systems and defense systems have been countering each other since time began. First it was leather armor, then mail and plate, then guns showed up and we got bullet proof vests and flack jackets, then armor piercing rounds countered those and designers had to catch up - it's the way of the world.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:06 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Captain Hesperus wrote:
The Lance and Ferman SHMX-9 Stealth Missile, Guaranteed to kill 'em before they know what's hit 'em!

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:22 am
by Commander McLane
Captain Hesperus wrote:
Eric Walch wrote:
Until a evil engineer designs a missile that itself disguises with another scannclass.
Ohhh, that *would* be evil.

Cruising through space, Commander JaxX notices something stroang on the scanner.
"Is it me or is that asteroid changing course to intercept me?"

Press Space Commander

The Lance and Ferman SHMX-9 Stealth Missile, Guaranteed to kill 'em before they know what's hit 'em!

Captain Hesperus
.....available for weddings, funerals, naming ceremonies and Ad-X commercials across the galaxy
And you are wondering about your bad reputation? :wink: