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Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:23 pm
by The Edible Poet
Hi guys

I've just had a go at a contract killing on Random hits but I can't seem to find my target. I've searched the sysem high and low and no luck.

The mark is flying a salamander. I've shot one of these down in the target system and then docked. But no message telling me I'd completed the contract and it's still active on my massin page.

So I flow around the system some more and no luck.

Do I need to return to a space bar or keep searching the systm.

Is there something I've missed?


Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 8:04 pm
by LittleBear
Tested it. The Salamander is being added. If the F5-F5 message is still telling you to "Shoot down/Blast/Laser etc XXX YYY aboard a XXXXX Salamander at ZZZZ" then the mark is still alive in the system somewhere. If either you or an NPC kills him the message will change. Small Hint: fly towards the planet from the w/s beacon. Do check every contact on your radar. A mark in a medium ship like a Salamander is likely to hope to slip past you unnoticed rather than attacking you on sight. I can send you a more direct hint if you are really stuck.

When you jumped into the system did you get a message come up saying somthing like "Hunt and destroy XXX YYY" ? If so the OXP has added him and he'll be about somewhere in the space lanes. To check its not a bug which system and Galaxy should he be in? Could you also check your save file. Is the variable mission_random_hits_status RUNNING. If it is, then he's out there, you just need to find him.

Your target when missile locked as "Salamander (Marked Commander)". He'll also hail you as you fight him.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:09 pm
by The Edible Poet
Ok, thanks.

Yes in the save game file it says the mission is running. The marks located in Esrasoce in gallaxy 2.

I think I might have to search a little harder. :wink:

Btw, the Renegaed Pirates OXP is great. By this point in original Elite (Dangerous) I would have been untouchable. But in Oolite I'll have to do allot more running away and saving my credits before I can take on those guys.

Thanks for the help, LittleBear. I'll let you know if I find my mark.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:51 pm
by The Edible Poet
Nope, still can find him. :?

I've jumped out of the system and back in again and I get no message on return.

I've got a few missions running. Could there be a conflict at all?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:54 pm
by LittleBear
Sorry about this. I've squashed quite a few bugs for the (as yet) unrealeased v1.1, but problems with salamanders wasn't one of them. The none appearance of the message on witching in is odd and would tend to indictate that the ship is not being added. Could you try this:-

Open the shipdata.plist and type a search for "random_hits_mark_salamander". You should see some code like this....

Code: Select all

<string>Salamander (Marked Commander)</string>
Could you add to this

Code: Select all

<string>X-Mark Test</string>
So it now reads:-

Code: Select all

<string>X-Mark Test</string>
<string>Salamander (Marked Commander)</string>
All this does is just give him the beacon X. Exit and save the shipdata and fire up Oolite. Keep your finger on the SHIFT key until you see the Cobra III on the Start Screen. (You need to do this as otherwise the changes you've just made to the shipdata won't be read by Oolite). Now jump to the system where the ship should be. Flick though your beacons on the Advanced Space Compass. Are you seeing a X. If you are then the ship is there. Follow the X to find him. If not then somthing is up. Is the system marked with a red cross on the F6 screen? Could you also post all the random_hits variables from your save file?

I doubt its a mission conflict, more likely I've ballsed something up! ATM though I can't replicate the bug. The trouble with this OXP is its really hard to playtest a given mission (as there are 50 different types of ship that could appear at 240 different systems). On my system the Salamander Mark Ship seems OK and is being added at the right system. I could really do with seeing how your mission variables are looking though. :wink:

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:07 pm
by The Edible Poet
Ah. Thanks for this. :D

I've been a touch busy recently, but as soon as I get the chance I'll give it a go!

Nice one!

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:39 pm
by The Edible Poet you mean the shipdata.plist in the Old ships OXP? Or is it somewhere else?

Sorry, never got BASIC with the computer programing stuff so i don't really know what I'm doing. :lol:

Did a search in the oldships OXP for "random_hits_mark_salamander" and came up blank but I guess I'm looking in the wrong place.

Thanks. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:44 pm
by Captain Hesperus
The Edible Poet wrote: you mean the shipdata.plist in the Old ships OXP? Or is it somewhere else?

Sorry, never got BASIC with the computer programing stuff so i don't really know what I'm doing. :lol:

Did a search in the oldships OXP for "random_hits_mark_salamander" and came up blank but I guess I'm looking in the wrong place.

Thanks. :)
I think you should be looking in the Random Hits OXP......

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:46 pm
by The Edible Poet
Ah thanks Captain Hesperus. I'll check it out now. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:11 pm
by The Edible Poet
Right. Just given it a go and no X on my compass when i jump into Esrasoce so I guess he's not being added there.

On the F6 glactic chart there is no red cross on Esrasoce. But there is one on a different planet, Esrilles, 20 light years away. And it definatly says "Eliminate comander Babbadobba aboard a shiny salamander at Esrasoce" on the F5 ship's manifest screen.

So I'm gonna take a trip to Esrilles to see if I can find him there.

If you let me know wher to find my mission variables and I'll post them up here.


Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:21 pm
by LittleBear
Its definatley a bug then!

The mark will be at whatever system is marked with a cross. (This is because Oolite it being told: "Add the Mark to system number 107 and mark system 107 on the map." As "Eliminate Comander Babbadobba aboard a shiny salamander at System Number 107" would not make any sense to the player, my script is meant to translate the number (which makes sense to the computer) to a name (which makes sense to the player) when generating the mission description. Looks like its ballsed up the translation and has given you the wrong system name Esrasoce when it should be Esrilles. I pretty sure he will be at Esrilles. Need to check why its got the name wrong in the F5 F5 desription.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:29 pm
by The Edible Poet
LittleBear wrote:
Its definatley a bug then!

The mark will be at whatever system is marked with a cross. (This is because Oolite it being told: "Add the Mark to system number 107 and mark system 107 on the map." As "Eliminate Comander Babbadobba aboard a shiny salamander at System Number 107" would not make any sense to the player, my script is meant to translate the number (which makes sense to the computer) to a name (which makes sense to the player) when generating the mission description. Looks like its ballsed up the translation and has given you the wrong system name Esrasoce when it should be Esrilles. I pretty sure he will be at Esrilles. Need to check why its got the name wrong in the F5 F5 desription.
Ah, I knew it. Some swine at that space bar's been feeding me false information. :shock:

Well I'll be back there to sort them out, don't you worry (as soon as I have a better ship with better shields). :wink:

On my way to Esrilles now. :D

Oh, and on an unrelated point. I've just seen several huge blue explosions in space. Is that someone detonating a q bomb? Cool. Wouldn"t want to be on the recieving end of that.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:35 pm
by Captain Hesperus
The Edible Poet wrote:
Oh, and on an unrelated point. I've just seen several huge blue explosions in space. Is that someone detonating a q bomb? Cool. Wouldn"t want to be on the recieving end of that.
Yup. Q-bomb = big blue sphere. Close up it resembles a Windoze users worst nightmare: the 'Blue Screen of Death (TM)'

Captain Hesperus
.....relatively well-known as the grey Furry Feline of Death (C)

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:45 pm
by LittleBear
Yep tracked it.

Your mark is actually at Esrilles (Planet Number 7, Galaxy 2):-

"# Esrilees, (217,188), Human Colonials, Corporate State, The world Esrilees is notable for its unusual tropical forests and its fabulous Esrileesian lethal water. " (and a very nice place it is too)! When c&p in from the planet list, I'd typed:-

Code: Select all

               <string>mission_random_hits_status equal STORE</string>
	       <string>mission_random_hits_store_mark_system oneof Lave, Esrasoce, Riarribi, Teceteis, Ereddive, Zarienla, Sorezaan, Vegedius</string>
	       <string>set: mission_random_hits_status RUNNING</string>
               <string>addMissionDestination: 7</string>
               <string>set: mission_random_hits_planetnumber 7</string>  	       
rather than:-

Code: Select all

<string>mission_random_hits_store_mark_system oneof Lave, Esrilles, Riarribi, Teceteis, Ereddive, Zarienla, Sorezaan, Vegedius</string>
Fixed for V1.1! :roll: [/code]

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:52 pm
by The Edible Poet
Ah. And there he is (rather handily marked with an X on my compas).

Going in for the kill. :wink: