
For test results, bug reports, announcements of new builds etc.

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Leroy Boyce
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Post by Leroy Boyce »

Hello each,

I'm enjoying playing Oolite, but I appear to have a few of niggling bugs...

1) When I try to buy a new ship, it freezes.

2) Instead of stars, all I see are squares of varying sizes. I am using the "clearskies", and "asteroids" OXPs. Does this make a difference?

There is a another one, but I can't remember it for the moment. I'd better play it a bit longer...!

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Post by another_commander »

Please post the Oolite version you are using, your system specs and the first 50 and last 50 lines of your game log file (<install dir>/oolite.app/stderr.txt if you are running on a Windows PC) after a crash has occured. Also, try running Oolite without any OXPs and check if the crashes persist.

My first guess is that you have an old system that does not meet the game's requirements fully. Hard to tell though, without more information.
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Post by Leroy Boyce »

Will do, next time it conks out.

However, does anyone have a solution to my 'square stars' problem...?
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Post by TGHC »

You could try downloading the latest drivers for your graphics card, that may help.
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Post by Commander McLane »

Leroy Boyce wrote:
Will do, next time it conks out.

However, does anyone have a solution to my 'square stars' problem...?
Probably, as soon as you follow another_commander's advice and tell us something more about your system.

Which type of computer system are you using? PC? Mac? Linux?

Your OS is which version? If you're using a PC, is it Windows 98? Windows Me? Windows XP? Windows Vista? etc. If you're on a Mac, is it OS X 10.3.9? OS X 10.4.10? OS X 10.4.11? OS X 10.5? If you're on Linux, which distribution is it?

And finally, which version of Oolite are you using? Oolite 1.65? Oolite 1.68? Oolite 1.69? Oolite 1.69.1? Oolite Oolite

Whitout these minimum informations we can tell you absolutely nothing about your bug! (And it should be pretty self-evident, that, if you post a bug report, at least you have to tell us in which program the bug has occured!)

And why do you want to wait until next time? THe log-file of your last running game is stored permanently on your computer. So all you have to do is go to its location and open it. (The location depends on the system you're on. On a PC it is stored in a different place from a Mac. That's one of the reasons why you should tell us which computer you are using.)
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Post by Leroy Boyce »

Sorry, I obviously haven't been at all clear...

Well, as it happens, I managed to purchase another ship this time, no problem. So my PC must've been having a funny five minutes...

As for the square stars..

When I first run the game, it was fine, so it's only happened recently.

I'm running Windows XP - Media Centre, with an nVidea graphics card. I'll check the exact spec when I get home (I'm at work).

As it was working just fine when I first ran it, I just wondered if I'd accidentally modified some file that had changed the star graphic, or something. This is why I didn't add the spec for my machine.

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Post by another_commander »

Did you see the square stars while diving into a planet's atmosphere, by any chance? There is a known bug (already fixed for 1.70) which makes stars and nebulae appear like squares when viewed from within the atmosphere.

Still, having the full specs and game details would be helpful.
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Post by Commander McLane »

Indeed, it would!

@Leroy Boyce: Sorry if this sounds (or feels) annoying to you, but you still haven't answered the most important question of all.

Which version of the game are you using?

At least you have to tell us in which program your bug occured! Oolite 1.65 is completely different from Oolite in many aspects.

If you start Oolite you will see it on the start-up screen. The word "Oolite", followed by some numbers. We need to know those numbers. If you don't get them from the start-up screen, than you still can click on "File/About this program" (or something similar) in the menu bar of your Oolite window. Please!
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Post by Leroy Boyce »

Again, forgive me, but I just thought it would be obvious! :oops:

I'm using the most recent version I could possibly find and download.

I think it is 1.69.1...
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Post by Leroy Boyce »

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Post by Commander McLane »

Okay, thanks for the info! :)

So, yes, 1.69.1-test is a test-and-development-version (as the name suggests) and can be suspected to contain bugs.

A bug with squares instead of nebula-textures, when you enter a planet's atmosphere, has been reported long ago (by me) and is already fixed for the next release.

If yours is different, then you could do two things:
  • Download and install the latests drivers of your video card, just in case the problem stems from there.
  • Post a screenshot of how your sky looks like. This will give us a better feeling what the reasons could be.
For posting a screenshot you will need to upload it to a free hosting site (like www.imageshack.us) and then post the link here within the -tag. The image will be displayed in your post immediately.

An alternative solution for restoring the playability could be for you to install a stable version of Oolite instead of the test version. 1.65 is the last official release and generally pretty stable. Also 1.68 (still on BerliOs), although a test version itself, seems to be quite stable for many people.
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Post by Leroy Boyce »

After all that, it was all down to my own stupidity!

I accidentally over-wrote a star file, so it was using the wrong image to create the stars.

Sorry for all the hassle.

To make up for it, I have a proper orchestral version of The Blue Danube, in OGG format, if anyone is interested...?
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Post by TGHC »

Ah Ha, ignore my other post then. Can this be used on a PC, I seem to recall that it only works on a Mac with Oolite, if it can then how do i do it?
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Post by Commander McLane »

Leroy Boyce wrote:
After all that, it was all down to my own stupidity!

I accidentally over-wrote a star file, so it was using the wrong image to create the stars.

Sorry for all the hassle.
Well, at least you sorted it out. Congratulations!
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Post by another_commander »

TGHC wrote:
Can this be used on a PC, I seem to recall that it only works on a Mac with Oolite, if it can then how do i do it?
TGHC, if you are referring to the .ogg format sound files, yes, they can be used on PC and in fact, this is the format Oolite uses for all its sound files. Replacing the BlueDanube.ogg (I believe it lives in oolite.app/Resources/Music) with a different file of the same name, would be all you need to do to get it to work. If you are interested in listening to it outside of the game, there are plenty of media players around which support ogg. Off the top of my head, try googling for CoolPlayer, this definitely supports the format.
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