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Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:29 pm
by autohost
Suggestion: Allow player to set a % of 'slack' (0-5%) such that joystick movement within that range (out of 100% of the total movement allowed in axis 1 and 2) will be ignored by Oolite.

I have an old joystick that doesn't move smoothly. It's especially noticeable when moving very small amounts. This means that when the joystick is centered, there is still often some movement.

The slack % suggestion would allow Oolite to ignore very small movements from the joystick that fall under the set number.

The 'fine controls' joystick option does help, and I do use it, but still have to nudge my joystick, attempting to get it to 'true' center.

On a separate note, my joystick has a 'hat' which I'd like to use for external views in Oolite. Unfortunetly, external views are not listed on the joystick setup screen. Can anyone tell me how to do it (if its possible)?

Thanks for your time, and thank you for making and supporting this excellent game!

(edit: sigh, found ... ck+control after posting this. )

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 8:43 pm
by Dr. Nil
Hi autohost

Welcome to the Oolite BB

If you're on a PC you can use JoyToKey to map any key to your joystick.

This link might work (or try Google)