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Some Total Noob Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:57 pm
by m0nkeybl1tz
Hey guys, I'm sure these questions must have been asked before, so for that, I apologize. But I had a couple questions, and I couldn't find the answers, so here goes. First, are there missions, different ships, etc. in the main game, or do I need to get some OXPs first? Also, are there any specific OXP's you recommend? On a slightly different note, is there any way to recover cargo you've ejected, or from disabled ships? Thanks guys, very cool game you've got here :D

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:18 pm
by ilnar
hmm,,, there are different ships, and missions in the game, theres a list of them on the wikki,,
just not many,
so get a few oxp's.
specificaly the ones saying for galaxy one, black baron, long ways , and the asteroid one,
after that its up to you,,, i loved the commies oxp

if you eject cargo theres a small chance to recover it, if you have fuel scoops and it didnt explode on exiting

if you blow ships up then yes if they had cargo you get to steal it,,, again if ya have scoops

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:25 am
by davcefai
if you blow ships up then yes if they had cargo you get to steal it
Don't you mean "You should tidy up and not leave debris which could endanger other ships"? :)

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:38 am
by JensAyton
davcefai wrote:
Don't you mean "You should tidy up and not leave debris which could endanger other ships"? :)
Indeed. I assume this to be the motivation for GALCOP’s generous bounty for blowing them up.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:29 am
by Commander McLane
Hi, m0nkeybl1tz, and welcome to the boards and of course to this great game! :D

You should definitively have a look at the Oolite Wiki, and there I would recommend especially three pages to you to start with:

The FAQ-page will answer some general questions many people came across. So you may have them, too.

The Ships-page gives information about all the ships out there, first the original, built-in ships, then OXP-ships. Each entry is linked to a (more or less) brief description of that ship, and, in the case of OXP-ships, to a download location as well. And yes, most of the built-in ships are purchasable for the player, provided you have the money. Have you read the ReadMe-file that came with the game, in order to find out where to find the shipyard in each station? The FAQ will point you to some other instruction manuals as well.

The Missions-page informs you about all available missions, again built-in first and OXPs later, the latter with links to where to find them.

Generally: You can easily start with no OXPs installed at all. No problem with that. There are however some goodies, and some missions for the yet unexperienced commander in OXPs that have been programmed for training purposes (like Long Way Around, Black Baron or Spyhunter). They all take place in Galaxy 1, so it is advisable to install and play them before your first intergalactic jump.

Note, however, that all missions, built-in and OXP, will trigger only if certain conditions are fulfilled: Mostly you will need a certain standing (read: killcount), sometimes a certain amount of money, and sometimes you will have to be at the right place as well. So they are not very common in the Ooniverse. (When I started playing Elite on a C64 it took ages before my first mission screen popped up. I was so excited, because I was damn sure I had seen it all.)

Finally, there is only one thing to add: Have fun playing! :D

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:14 am
by ilnar
davcefai wrote:

Don't you mean "You should tidy up and not leave debris which could endanger other ships"? :)

yes yes,,,, of course

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:37 pm
by Disembodied
And for the last word on scooping up cargo (and other things), see this page.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:41 pm
by Star Gazer
ilnar wrote:
davcefai wrote:

Don't you mean "You should tidy up and not leave debris which could endanger other ships"? :)

yes yes,,,, of course
...yep, one man's pirate is another man's Eco-Warrior... :lol: