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'clean' stolen ships?

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:01 pm
by nijineko
so, can i blast it for being stolen, or will it hit me in the reputation for it being clean?

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:48 am
by Commander McLane
What ship are you referring to? How do you recognize a "stolen" ship?

If you are referring to the military ships: If they are clean, they are not stolen, but genuin military ships. They will not only blast you to pieces, but make you fugitive together with that. Should be purple on your scanner, by the way. The stolen ones are ordinary yellow.

Don't mess with the military!

Stolen ships

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:58 am
by *cat
I think we're talking about ships described as "Stolen Freighter".
I recall making a pun about Stollen Freighters in a post a while back.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:07 am
by Commander McLane
Oh, yes, I remember this one, like from a distant past...

Anyway, as I don't have that OXP I have no idea what these ships are about.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:54 pm
by nijineko
i have had a series of ships being labeled as stolen, ranging from freighters (the most common) to military ships (least). they usually also read as clean, but are frequently accompanied by fugitive escorts, occasionally offenders, and rarely are wandering independantly. the stolen appears in the "title" in front of the name of the ship.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:04 am
by Commander McLane
The freighter comes from all-stars.oxp. There has been another thread discussing its appearance and speculating on its meaning. Look here.

I had a look at its shipdata. There is only one ship that bears the name of 'Stolen Freighter'. According to its entity-name it is meant to be a pirate ('aafreighter-pirate'), but it appears in a couple of default roles ('hunter pirate scavenger'), and has no bounty on its head, although it has pirateAI. So it should also be able to attack you. My guess is that these inconsistencies are due to a lack of experience on its programmer's side.

I also guess (but it's really only a guess, although an educated one) that the name 'Stolen Freighter' was given to it for some testing purpose only, and later he forgot to change it back. I guess so, because there are two other ships in this OXP that have a '-pirate'-variant, but no 'Stolen' in their names. And again they have pirateAI, but no bounty.

So my suggestion is: Open the shipdata.plist of all-stars.oxp, change the name 'Stolen Freighter' back to 'All Stars Large Freighter', but give all ships that are called 'someship-pirate' a bounty by setting the bounty-key to a value larger than 0. Anything from 1 to 50 will make them appear as 'Offender', anything from 51 and above will make them 'Fugitive'. And to keep it balanced, keep in mind that a bounty above 100 usually is given only to very tough hard-ass NPCs.

I can't help you, though, with any other ships bearing the attribute 'Stolen' in their names. I simply don't know of any other ships. The stolen military ships from military.oxp are not marked by their name, but rather by their aggressive (and often quite lethal) behaviour. So I think to find their origin you will have to have a look at all shipdatas of all the OXPs you have installed.