Small bug in the wonderful Ionics OXP

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Small bug in the wonderful Ionics OXP

Post by *cat »

(trying to avoid spoilers)
Every time I "Link" up with my friends, the background image in the base is taken from the last station I've visited; I got used to seeing the Hoopy Casino graphic (good deals on gems, furs and metals, folks) there when I docked, but after a sightseeing visit to our friendly money-lenders (scary bunch - is it at all possible to kill one of their ships?), I docked at the base and a huge cowled, menacing figure appeared. I thought the Monks had taken over the base - scared me out of my wits!
Is there a need for a station-specific graphic on Ionics?
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Post by LittleBear »

When the screen is set to the mission screen unless an oxp specifies that the showImage: is set to none, then the Image from the last briefing shown (in the case black monks) still appears on the screen with the new text. It won't effect how the Ionics OXP plays. If you quit Oolite and restart then the monk image will be gone. Basically the Black Monk OXP set the mission Image to the MONK.PNG. As Ionics doesn't speifiy an image for its briefing, the Monk Image is still there (or the HoOpy Image if you visted a hoopy last). Ionics was written before Black Monks or HoOpy, so I guess the author didn't forsee this problem cropping up.

EDIT: BTW it is possible to kill a Black Monk Gunship (I've blown a few away in a fully speced Imperial Courier and seen some fall to Condors and Behemoths, when the Cops have spotted them purifing debtors souls), but they are very tough! I didn't want to unbalance the game, by allowing a new Jameson to just pinch 20,000 Credits from the Monks, so the Idea of the OXP is that if you borrow money you must pay it back (with interest!). The number of Gunships chasing you will increase to a level where you have no chance of suvival if you just ignore your obligation to repay. However, Gunships will only ever attack overdue debtors (or fire in self-defence), so as long as you don't cross the monks, their ships are not a threat to the player or any NPC ship (except accused debtors of course).
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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