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Porting to Archimides, Risc Pc, and Iyonix PC?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:52 am
by xenon
I know this might be a long shot, but it is available on IRIX after all. Will this be ported to these platforms, as a friend has a Archimidies and has been dying to play on it!

Re: Porting to Archimides, Risc Pc, and Iyonix PC?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 2:05 am
by Frame
xenon wrote:
I know this might be a long shot, but it is available on IRIX after all. Will this be ported to these platforms, as a friend has a Archimidies and has been dying to play on it!
I´m assuming you mean Archimedes...

The Archimedes is near aincent in Computer Terms As far as i can tell the latest model was released in 1992, which is some 15 years ago... Compareble to the Amiga Commodores..

The Archimdies Its Cpu Would have a Clock speed at 12 mhz, which would be, even if ported somehow.. to slow to run effeciently since oolite relies on newer stuff like OpenGl which is 3d accelration related and Wants Graphic cards that can support that...

Even Graphic cards that are released today, allthough these are usually onboard lige the SIS GFX range of onboards cards, cant run oolite correct...

So i dont think you gonna bet a whole lot for a port to happen...

IYONIX PCs seem however to able to Run Linux as a OS, but that is not my area at all since i am a Windows user. and AFAIK there is ports for Linux... but again what kind, and what "kind" of linux you need,.. again not my area...

Good luck though

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 6:02 pm
by Helvellyn
To start with, you'd have to find a suitable compiler. There's no RISC OS compiler that can compile Objective-C. I don't know if it's possible with the GCCSDK cross-compiling stuff.

Linux on the Iyonix is fairly slow, so I wouldn't hold too much hope on that approach (I don't know if it has the same issues with getting access to the 3D part of the graphics card).

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:00 pm
by xenon
Ok thanks anyway. I knew this was a long shot.

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:07 pm
by NigelJK
There's a huge differnce between a risc processor and a cisc one. You can't compare the clock rates, and besides the strongArm equiped RPC's clock at 100MHz+. Percieved speed is easily faster than the current crop of windows 7 machines, partly because the programs are smaller and partly because of the 'pipeline'.

My latest version of true Elite has to be slowwed down some 100+ times to make it playable.

This doesn't solve the problem that there is no (readily available) cross complier, and I think the results would be pretty poor any way.

I would be *very* nice to move your commander file between enviornments and also to add to OXP plugins to a version on the machine though.