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Is there a development HOWTO for OSX?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:15 pm
by Cmdr James
I know, I know, if I cant figure this out, then I should give up before I get out of my depth.

In principle, I can svn co trunk, a bit of vi, and make and everything is sweet -- however, I suspect there is more to it than that.

So, enough preamble, I am interested in having a poke about in the source, see if I can understaand some of the things Ive seen happen, maybe work out how to fix the thatgoid ai problem and submit some patches.

More likely just satisfy my interest, and, admittedly, more likely still, download source, look at a coupe of files and never go back to it.

That said, before I go too far (I have already looked around svn using the web interface), I thought Id ask if there is already a HOWTO. I havent found one yet, but I thought, no harm in asking, right?

The kind of things I thought I might need to know, do I need an exotic compiler (do I need to pay for one, or can I use gcc or something like that?)? Im kind of assuming the latest GNUmake and so on will do me for most things.

IDE, well, Im happy using vi, but maybe Im missing a trick, dont want any religious wars, but is there a standardish tool other people are using (I have heard eclipse mentioned, for example).

I dont really know objective C, and Im not an OSX expert, however, Im not planning on doing much, just reading, understanding, and maybe fixing some stuff. I have about 10 years programming experience, and I think that the odd bugfix shouldnt be that far beyond me.

So, any pointers and gotchas would be appreciated :) a link to a howto of some kind, or a couple of lines, get this compiler, svn co this, get make v1.0 .configure make install would do

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:28 pm
by Cmdr James
Sorry to be replying to myself, thought I would mention that I have seen very similar questions about the Linux branch, if someone does create Linux instructions, Im guessing that would do for me too.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:33 pm
by LittleBear
Check the Wiki OXP page here:-

You can mod loads of stuff on Oolite by making an OXP. Then put it up for download on the Wiki OXP page so other can play it!. The player just has to put your .oxp folder in the Oolite AddOns folder for it to run. Don't need to rebuild Oolite or anything complex!

The page shows you stuff other modders have done and at the bottom links to how to do it. Links to all OXPs are also given here.

An OXP works on Mac Windows or Unix. As long as you follow the rules for making an OXP it works on any build.

OXPs are done by .plists, that don't need proper programing skills to write. The Assassins link on my signature will take you to an OXP I did (I'm a lawyer not a programmer!). If you wanna check the readme included in the dowbload, an explanation to how I did stuff is included! Its pretty easy though!

Improvements to AIs (and much other stuff) is OXPable!

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:44 pm
by JensAyton ... rom_source should tell you what you need to know, including how to get the latest, free, developer tools for Mac OS X. Doing it using GNUmake would be very, very painful; I recommend the aforementioned free tools.

Getting it building under Mac OS X should be easier than the Linux mess, because it’s the primary Oolite development environment and a more homogenous system.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:51 pm
by Cmdr James
Thanks for the advice on OXPs, I know thats probably the most sensible way to contribute, but, to be honest, it doesnt excite me. Ive looked at a few, and made a few changes, but thats not my thing, Id rather look at the innards.
If anything good for the community comes of it, then great, but its really just to satisfy my interest.

Ahruman, thats perfect, thanks.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:33 pm
by LittleBear
Be good if you did contribute at that sort of level. A Lot of us (non-progammers) contribute at the OXP level, but there's only really Ahruman and Another Commander helping at the proper programmer level! Ahruman has done a load of stuff recentley improving the engine, but sure he'd like to assimilate more proper programmers into the project! :wink:

Re: Is there a development HOWTO for OSX?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:41 pm
by JensAyton
Cmdr James wrote:
maybe work out how to fix the thatgoid ai problem
I should probably point out that I know exactly how to fix this one, if you’re referring to Thargoids killing each other.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 8:55 pm
by Cmdr James
Yes, thats the problem I meant. Yeah, Im pretty sure I read elsewhere that you know. I didnt so much mean solve the problem, so much as take the work off you. Or fix it for myself before the fixed version is released :)

Small point

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:47 pm
by Cmdr James
Firstly, as I noted elsewhere, I had to use pnglib 1.2.16, or I got a compile error. I guess this is the same as the oolite 1.69.0 startup problem I had.

The same as this guy had ... 20128.html

Secondly, I had to manually create an <output>/Development/Oolite.mdimporter folder. Should I make these comments on the wiki (page linked)?[/url]

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:55 pm
by Cmdr James
Oh, and more importantly, this was super simple to get working, thanks for your help !!

I can compile and run, after about 2 minutes of playing around. If anyone wants help getting going, not that its needed, pm me.

Re: Small point

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:27 pm
by JensAyton
Cmdr James wrote:
Secondly, I had to manually create an <output>/Development/Oolite.mdimporter folder.
That’s weird. Oolite.mdimporter should be created automatically by Xcode building the Oolite-importer subproject. Is that not happening? What OS version and XCode version are you using?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:30 pm
by Cmdr James
10.4.10 intel OSX

downloaded and installed the "latest" xcode about 1 hour ago.

xcode was not crating the folder, it was giving a build error because that was missing, so I created it, and now its happy.

Could be due to my changing the output for build artefacts from the default?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:46 pm
by JensAyton
Quite likely. Oolite-importer.xcodeproj has its build output path explicitly set to ../build; it needs to build into the same folder as the main project in order for the main project to find its output to copy into the bundle… one of Xcode’s many little annoyances.

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 10:57 pm
by Cmdr James
Yeah, if I change it back to the default, then the error goes away. Thatll teach me to try and be clever :)

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:45 pm
by AndyG
Ahruman wrote: ... rom_source should tell you what you need to know, including how to get the latest, free, developer tools for Mac OS X. Doing it using GNUmake would be very, very painful; I recommend the aforementioned free tools.

Getting it building under Mac OS X should be easier than the Linux mess, because it’s the primary Oolite development environment and a more homogenous system.
(Sorry if it is wrong to bump an old thread.)

I've followed the instructions as closely as I can, but the latest trunk src (10.5/TestRelease/Oolite/i386 config) fails with:

Code: Select all

Building target “libjs” of project “libjs” with configuration “TestRelease” — (1 error)
	Checking Dependencies
error: There is no SDK with specified name or path '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.3.9.sdk'
		error: There is no SDK with specified name or path '/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.3.9.sdk'
Build failed (1 error)
What am I doing wrong please?