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Why does everyone want to shoot me?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:02 pm
by angrynewbie
Just started with this.

I've got about 350 credits and clean rating

Now whenever I go anywhere I ALWAYS get attacked by groups of pirates. It makes no difference what cargo I have, even if I have no cargo at all.

I've tried travelling to EVERY planet within distance and it's the same result, whatever kind of planet it is.

How can I fix this?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:06 pm
by PsychotropicDog
duck the shipping lanes until you can afford some goodies, then blast the bastards for revenge and profit.

I forget which thread shows the clever way to avoid a lot of traffic with your intersystem jump drive, but should be easy enough to find.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 5:48 pm
by thirdeye77
Traffic is generally found in the lane between the witchpoint beacon and the station, so the easiest way to avoid it is to get out of this lane.

Look toward the planet and then pitch up or down until the planet-symbol on your compass is at the very top or bottom. Then hit the jump drive and head off into space for 5-10 seconds before heading toward the planet again.

You will avoid 90%+ of the traffic by doing this, and its a good way to keep out of trouble until you have enough cash to beef up your ship or to buy some Fuel Injectors so you can high-tail it out of most situations.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:42 pm
by angrynewbie
Thanks both :)

That worked for me - I'm now running a computer trading dealership :)

Seems odd that the way to avoid the pirates is to stay away from the trading lanes :?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:18 pm
by LittleBear
Welcome to the boards. You can avoid the space lanes, but its not much fun! In the early days though you need really to run away from anything that attacks you. A single 30 Credit missile will be fatal as you've no defence and that pulse laser just won't cut it against an Iron Ass pirate Asp's Military Shields!

Everything you can buy the NPCs can buy. Pirates will almost always therefore have some decent kit fitted, as they intent to over-power poor ill-armed young Jamesons to take their cargo. Once you have the basics:- a beam laser, an ECM, fuel injectors and fuel scoops, you can return to the space lanes and double your money by shooting them down and taking their cargo! :twisted:

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:21 pm
by Captain Hesperus
angrynewbie wrote:
Seems odd that the way to avoid the pirates is to stay away from the trading lanes :?
Well, most traders are working to a deadline, so they'll take the most direct route to their destination (the WS-Planet lane). Pirates know this so they prey most heavily there. On the plus side, GalCop system ships are also most likely to be found there. Away from the WS-P lane, there are less canny traders avoiding the masses and thus less pirates. Also there are 0 GalCop ships.

P.S. Welcome to the boards, I hope you don't remain angry for too long. In the first few weeks of play, it does feel like the whole Ooniverse is on your case. But as you beef up your profits and build that Iron Ass, suddenly the pirates turn from major threats to life, livelihood and profit (in that order) to minor irritations that yield combat experience and boosts to Elite Rating and credit rating (and cargo, if you're lucky!).

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:47 pm
by JensAyton
angrynewbie wrote:
Seems odd that the way to avoid the pirates is to stay away from the trading lanes :?
The trade lane is a limited space full of potential victims. The off-lane area is an effectively unbounded space with very few potential victims. Pirates who avoid the trade line are unlikely to find victims.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:43 am
by lolwhites
Make sure you avoid the anarchies and feudal systems until you've got decent kit - they're where you'll find the most pirates. Corporate states and confederacies are safest.

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:46 pm
by angrynewbie
Thanks all - I'm less angry now, though still harmless :wink: