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What should be my next ship?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:36 pm
by Fraoch
I'm starting to accumulate enough cash that (with my trade-in) I may be able to change ships.

What should be the next one I look at?

It seems the Python is the closest in affordability, not counting the small fighter-type vessels, but the Python isn't that well-regarded in the wiki.

What would be nice:

- better manoeuverability
- larger cargo capacity

The Python's definitely got the larger cargo capacity, but it does not appear to be all that manoeverable according to the wiki.

With the larger cargo capacity I can also get cargo contracts. How well do these pay versus passenger contracts?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:42 pm
by drdenim
I went with the python...and found it to be a great ship...didn't have any more trouble manuvering with it than I did with the cobra III or cobra I (I downgraded my ship at first so I had enough money to upgrade it)

As for the contracts...there's not too many of them that the python can hold...but it seems that generally they're worth more than passengers...also just as a note the premium is what you have to pay to buy the cargo (they automatically sell it to you when you accept the you don't have to worry about buying it in the commodities menu) and the pays column is the net payment you'll get after the expense of buying the cargo is subtracted

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:02 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
The Python Class Cruiser is an upgraded Python and my favorite to make a living. When equiped with an extended cargo hold it becomes able to carry the whole stock of interesting items on most systems.

Once you have a million or two, you may consider changing it for something more agressive.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:12 pm
by Frame
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
Once you have a million or two, you may consider changing it for something more agressive.
1 million or two,

i upgraded to a boa class cruiser once i got the chance, doing milk runs in a python first... heck i even tried the asteroid, Which i found everything said about it was true...

But 1 million, you just have to have enough money to buy the whole range of upgrades 14700 + 47500 +1000+6000+525 and so on.. here listed are the more expsensive onces... 50.000 on the + side after a ship+full upgrade is all you need... infact it might be a bit more than what you actually need...

might i add the boa class cruiser offers exellent manouvrebility for combat and a decent speed .312 lem for a 175 tonnage cargo and 8or 7 energy banks which have saved me many times over

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:26 pm
by LittleBear
Python is a good ship for milk runs and at 115 tones of furs / 'pooters a time. The money mounts up and a basic python is pretty cheap. If your feeling cheap you could buy a rusty clapped out python from Murgh's rusty ships oxp. She slow though and doesn't handle well. Neither Military Shields or even Shield Booters can be fitted. But Fuel Injectors and trading between systems where you can arrive with a fair bit fuel left can get the old bird out of scrapes. Good ship to build up the cash for better one. Being able to carry 3 times as much as the Cobra III does after all tripple your profits. :wink:

EDIT : Can fit booster but not military shields.

The PCC is one of the strongest ships only really outdone by a Tiger or Imperial Courier and you need a lot of cash for one of those.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:42 pm
by Captain Hesperus
LittleBear wrote:
Python is a good ship for milk runs and at 115 tones of furs / 'pooters a time. The money mounts up and a basic python is pretty cheap. If your feeling cheap you could buy a rusty clapped out python from Murgh's rusty ships oxp. She slow though and doesn't handle well. Neither Military Shields or even Shield Booters can be fitted. But Fuel Injectors and trading between systems where you can arrive with a fair bit fuel left can get the old bird out of scrapes. Good ship to build up the cash for better one. Being able to carry 3 times as much as the Cobra III does after all tripple your profits. :wink:
Ahem. Certain of us have got plenty far in a rusty old bird like the Python. It got me from the low end of 'Poor' to 'Competent' without dying. The key to fighting with the Python is knowing just when to hit the WFIs and get your Iron Wet-paper-bag Ass firmly out of Dodge.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:58 pm
by drdenim
I've been using the courier and have found it to be kinda overpowered...then I went to the pcc and found that the courier's speed had spoiled me rotten...haha...

I'm definately going to grab that rusties oxp...running around in space in rust bucket sounds like what I do when I drive anywhere in my good ol' '78 Fairmont...haha

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:16 pm
by Jack_H
Well i saved up for ages for a regular python. everything else seems so expensive. the courier looks barely faster than the regular cobra mk III, yet has 3 times the price. seems a bit dumb to me...Anyway i think ill go for something like that next...though i want a little more cargo than the regular cobra mk III

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 10:45 pm
by LittleBear
The IC has 8 energy banks though, 100 tones of cargo space and still handles as a fighter. The old version had a top speed of 0.5 LM, so the new version is a bit toned down. Still pretty powerful though as an all rounder. The Asp is still a good ship for pure combat power. The Cobra Courier, Njx and Chopped Cobra are all good supped up Cobra. The Cobra III itself though is still a powerful ship in Iron Ass Config.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:36 am
by drdenim
LittleBear wrote:
The IC has 8 energy banks though, 100 tones of cargo space and still handles as a fighter. The old version had a top speed of 0.5 LM, so the new version is a bit toned down. Still pretty powerful though as an all rounder. The Asp is still a good ship for pure combat power. The Cobra Courier, Njx and Chopped Cobra are all good supped up Cobra. The Cobra III itself though is still a powerful ship in Iron Ass Config.
mine had 0.550 LM...

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:51 am
by Captain Hesperus
drdenim wrote:
mine had 0.550 LM...
That'll probably be the Seldar Shipyards' Mark I version. Comes with 6 missiles?

Yeah? That was withdrawn from sales due to [fluff] flaws in the primary powerplant drive actuators. It amped up the speed, but caused the powerplant to burn out and require constant (and costly) overhauls. Failure to meet these requirements by some Commanders meant that their ships' powerplants burnt out and they had to be towed into space dock, or they overloaded and it was all 'Press Space, Commander'. The Mark II Imperial Courier's actuators were fitted with high-grade limiters engineered from racing ships and the net result is that the ship's maintenance requirements were reduced as was the speed.[/fluff]

'Sides, the Mark II has spinny nacelles!!

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:00 am
by lolwhites
It's damn hard to get a bead on an IC. Is it just as hard for NPCs to hit you when you're in one?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 10:38 am
by Wiggy
Some of the camera angles on certain ships seem to make accurate aiming a bit tricky.

Now that exhaust plumes are slightly more transparent, rear views have been improved considerably where the exhaust is centred on the rear view.

My own ship of choice? For my money, you can't whack a Wolf!

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:02 pm
by drdenim
Captain Hesperus wrote:
drdenim wrote:
mine had 0.550 LM...
That'll probably be the Seldar Shipyards' Mark I version. Comes with 6 missiles?

Yeah? That was withdrawn from sales due to [fluff] flaws in the primary powerplant drive actuators. It amped up the speed, but caused the powerplant to burn out and require constant (and costly) overhauls. Failure to meet these requirements by some Commanders meant that their ships' powerplants burnt out and they had to be towed into space dock, or they overloaded and it was all 'Press Space, Commander'. The Mark II Imperial Courier's actuators were fitted with high-grade limiters engineered from racing ships and the net result is that the ship's maintenance requirements were reduced as was the speed.[/fluff]

'Sides, the Mark II has spinny nacelles!!

Captain Hesperus
Spinny nacelles!!!...why didn't I think of that...*goes off to get supplies for making paper machet spinny nacelles with...and a roll of duct tape to substitute for a paint job*
they'll obviously make the ship go faster
*blatantly ignores the fact the the upgraded ship is slower*

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:55 pm
by Fraoch
Update: I've been using the Python for a while now. Despite being very slow, it's a good ship.

What next? I'd like to go to the Boa, but it seems you can't fit shield boosters or military shields on it. I'd have to change tactics for fighting as I typically just run right for the pirates.:lol: