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Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:49 pm
by Jack_H
Well thought i better spread the new gossip.

I installed imperial courier and tiger oxps. immeidatel im attacked by five strong attack groups, led by tigers and imp couriers.

blast the buggers to hell and i finally break into 'competent'

a few trades later and i buy myself a python.

my net worth is now 278000 or something like that (too many zeros maybe)

im moving up in the world! woop!

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:02 pm
by LittleBear
Yep the thing with OXPs is that they just add ships to the call list.

EG: Oolite will add X pirates to a system. If you have no OXPs installed then only the native ships are called. If you have all the OXPs installed then 200+ ships are on the call list. So with more OXPs you don't get more pirates attacking you. If Oolite decided that 10 pirates would be in the system, then the 10 pirates will be all native ships. If you had 100 OXP ships installed then you would still be attacked by 10 pirates, but its just that the pirates attacking you will be picked from a list of 100 ships rather than 10. If the only OXPs you have installed are (say) the Tiger then tigers will come up more often.

I'd put all the OXPs in as this adds to the variety! But if you install just one Uber OXP then these Uber ships will be common as you only have the native ships plus the Uber ship on the "call list".

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:53 pm
by Commander McLane
And don't forget there are a lot of OXPs adding their ships to the mix on top of the ships called by the game (SuperCobra, e.g.). So the Ooniverse tends to be more populated if you've got more OXPs installed.