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Confusion ahoy

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:48 am
by Lorfarius
Just downloaded v1.65 and installed without any problems. However when I follow the website tutorial and go to Zaonce something very peculiar is happening. Ive flown there a few times right from starting a new game. Sometimes the green/yellow blip is there for the station, other times it isnt. Flying upto the planet in either case shows nothing there. Nothing on the map and no sight of any station. Sometimes theres a few ships (as depicted in the tutorial) and others there aint).

I also started a new game and flew to some randomly picked planets with the same results. Im a doing something wrong? :?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:49 am
by JensAyton
Planets are big. Stations are small. :-)

As you approach the planet, your space compass indicator should change from a circle to a square. Fly towards the square to find the station. You may need to avoid hitting the planet.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:29 pm
by Lorfarius
Ahruman wrote:
Planets are big. Stations are small. :-)

As you approach the planet, your space compass indicator should change from a circle to a square. Fly towards the square to find the station. You may need to avoid hitting the planet.
As soon as I arrive at the Zanonce system the compass shows a big green dot. Flying up to the planet and actually crashing into it doesnt cause this to change, its always a big green blob. The only thing Ive been able to find in that system has been a Witchpoint Beacon. I havent even put any AddOns in so theres nothing thats interferring.

Edit. I think Ive figured it out! :oops: Just managed to find a space station (and crash into its dock).

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:58 pm
by lolwhites
Lorfarius wrote:
Edit. I think Ive figured it out! :oops: Just managed to find a space station (and crash into its dock).
One thing I found out here was that posting a question in the forums often guarantees that you'll find the solution yorself within around half an hour!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:04 pm
by Lorfarius
lolwhites wrote:
Lorfarius wrote:
Edit. I think Ive figured it out! :oops: Just managed to find a space station (and crash into its dock).
One thing I found out here was that posting a question in the forums often guarantees that you'll find the solution yorself within around half an hour!
Seems that way! :lol: To be fair I only posted out of frustration. Id been playing since yesterday lunchtime and still couldnt figure out where the Stations were. However after finding the one it seemed to click into place :D

vanishing stations

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:14 pm
by *cat
On that subject, has anyone with a Space Compass ever found that the station isn't listed on it? The first time I noticed the missing N (or D) was when completing a passenger delivery contract. I can't work out any consistency with it though. I've got quite a lot of OXPs installed.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:18 pm
by JensAyton
The N is not the station (which is indestructible), but the nav bouy (which isn’t).

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:35 pm
by Lorfarius
Im more annoyed at myself now than the actual game. It seems to have just "clicked". I've managed to dock in 3 stations without crashing once and Im starting to really enjoy it :D

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:58 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Lorfarius wrote:
Im more annoyed at myself now than the actual game. It seems to have just "clicked". I've managed to dock in 3 stations without crashing once and Im starting to really enjoy it :D
WElcome to the game, the Bulletin Boards and a pastime that is probably more pervasive and addictive (and cheaper) that any number of narcotics......:wink:

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:16 pm
by Lorfarius
Captain Hesperus wrote:
Lorfarius wrote:
Im more annoyed at myself now than the actual game. It seems to have just "clicked". I've managed to dock in 3 stations without crashing once and Im starting to really enjoy it :D
WElcome to the game, the Bulletin Boards and a pastime that is probably more pervasive and addictive (and cheaper) that any number of narcotics......:wink:

Captain Hesperus
The real beauty of it is that I can play it at work :P

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:18 pm
by LittleBear
Welcome to the boards! As the Big A hinted, remember stations orbit the planet, so it may be on the other side of the planet. Your beacon shows where it is in a straight line. Mind the planet! :wink: That one caught me out as a young Jameson.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:04 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
Only when the viewscreens were still monochrome though,
youth today has it easy distinguising between the surface of a planet from the starry blackness of space. (Or station docks for that matter)

Oh By the way Next week I will...

Code: Select all

{"Arnouds_life" = 
  conditions = ("status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHED_FROM_UTERUS");
  do = ("set: mission_timer_myage 0", "set: local_timer_days 0");
  conditions = ("status_string equal LIVING_24HOURS");
  do = ("increment: local_timer_days");
  conditions = ("local_timer equal 365");
  do = ("increment: mission_timer_myage", performBirthday, "set: local_timer_days 0");

(SpawnTime: 12/06/1977)
So I will be incremented to mission_myage == 30. Officially an old guy.
edit: found a bug in myagecode. forgot to reset day-count. ;)

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:04 pm
by Frame
Arexack_Heretic wrote:
Only when the viewscreens were still monochrome though,
youth today has it easy distinguising between the surface of a planet from the starry blackness of space. (Or station docks for that matter)

Oh By the way Next week I will...

Code: Select all

{"Arnouds_life" = 
  conditions = ("status_string equal STATUS_LAUNCHED_FROM_UTERUS");
  do = ("set: mission_timer_myage 0", "set: local_timer_days 0");
  conditions = ("status_string equal LIVING_24HOURS");
  do = ("increment: local_timer_days");
  conditions = ("local_timer equal 365");
  do = ("increment: mission_timer_myage", performBirthday);

(SpawnTime: 12/06/1977)
So I will be incremented to mission_myage == 30. Officially an old guy.
Welcome to the big 30s son, you will find it is your 2nd youth ;-)

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:12 pm
by lex_talionis
Nice code :D

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:47 pm
by LittleBear
Young whipper-snapper! I'm 35!

<mutters darkley>

I remember when all this was Star-fields and if you wanted to dock you had to do so in a rem-lock mask, powering yourself along with a CO2 fire-exsinqusier if you were lucky.

And the Stations were all wire-frames! And it took two years just to load the game from tape. Young Commanders today, they don't know they're spawned!

</mutters darkley>

Happy Birthday A-H! :wink: