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new noob with noobish questions

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:34 am
by inquisiteur
Hi everybody, Just installed the game yesterday, I was really excited to see a sequel after having waited all those years.

I just have a few short questions,

Is there currently any soundtracks (ingame musics) ? I really miss elites 2 & 3

Can we communicate with other ships / stations before docking at them ? ( something "like give me you cargo or I will desintegrate you ship", "or request docking permission")

Well I am having some trouble docking at the corolis station (well actually the first one I see when I start playing, keep pressing shift + D, nothing happening, I guess I will have to go through the tutorial.

Thx & regards,


Re: new noob with noobish questions

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:49 am
by Lorfarius
inquisiteur wrote:
Well I am having some trouble docking at the corolis station (well actually the first one I see when I start playing, keep pressing shift + D, nothing happening, I guess I will have to go through the tutorial.

Thx & regards,

You dont start off with the Docking computer (you have to buy it) so shift+D wont do anything.

Re: new noob with noobish questions

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:59 am
by Cmdr. Maegil
inquisiteur wrote:
Hi everybody, Just installed the game yesterday, I was really excited to see a sequel after having waited all those years.
About your nick: feel free to enquire all that you want, the folks here will always strive to give you a proper answer... but it you mean to burn people at the stake, I'm afraid you'll feel misplaced. In the latter case, drop by the EBBS - a nice flame war is a local favorite, as is troll bashing. :lol:
I just have a few short questions,

Is there currently any soundtracks (ingame musics) ? I really miss elites 2 & 3 soundtracks...
On the basic game ther's only the intro and the classic 'Blue Danube' when autodocking. However, some OXPs may have them.
Can we communicate with other ships / stations before docking at them ? ( something "like give me you cargo or I will desintegrate you ship", "or request docking permission")
Only when autodocking, other than that you can't send messages. However, there are coded 'dialogues' on certain OXPs.
Well I am having some trouble docking at the corolis station (well actually the first one I see when I start playing, keep pressing shift + D, nothing happening, I guess I will have to go through the tutorial.
Annnnh... did you, by any chance, bought a docking computer? :oops:
Yes, to have one you need money, which means you have to dock manually until you can afford it - but when you do, you'll be proeficient enough not to need it in the first place :D Isn't life just like that too?

Docking in Oolite is simpler than in the other versions as it's got buoys. When approaching the station, aim for the buoy. On your scanner align the station and the buoy golf clubs so that some part of them superimposes.
When you are close to the buoy (scraping paint off them is harmful to your health) just pitch towards the dock and you'll be already aligned.

In due time you'll be trying to dock Pythons (and why not Anacondas too?) from ackward angles, at full injector burn and while being fired upon, but that's another story.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:03 am
by LittleBear
Welcome to the Boards.

Custom sounds OXP has some tunes, but also lots of new sound effects and Voice Effects. You can grab it from Oosat2.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:09 am
by Arexack_Heretic
Try the customsounds oxp.
you can find it at Oosat1 or possibly Oosat2.

for many questions, you can go to the wiki. The comoOnity has invested quite some effort in keeping it uptodate.

As the wiki is a resource for information, not discussion, you may not be satisfied with what you find there.
Then there is always the FAQ-sticky in the discussion-forum, where most newby questions are compiled answered on the spot or hotlinked to relevant threads.

Anyhow as Meagil stated: feel free to inquire about anything many addicts will strive to be the first to give a complete answer. ;)

edit: case in point. I've been beaten to the punch by LB. :lol:

Re: new noob with noobish questions

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:06 pm
by Wiggy
inquisiteur wrote:
Is there currently any soundtracks (ingame musics) ? I really miss elites 2 & 3
There are Oolite playlists that will play at certain game times. Err, can't find out what they are atm, [at work] - perhaps someone will oblige?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:28 pm
Not for PC's though, the only extra sounds are the Custom sounds, and Halsis OXP's. It may well be different for the Mac.

And welcome aboard Inquisiteur.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:29 pm
by inquisiteur
thank you very for your assistance, looks like a very helpful community, thx for the warm welcome.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:46 pm
by inquisiteur
hi there, just another question, dont get angry at me.

I purchased slaves and sold them on a rich industrial planet and my status went right away to offender.

Is there any mean to take this satus out ? (Rather than bying a capsule and getting shot)

Also, a police patrol told me, while I was to about to dock at a station, that I will have to "legally compensate my offense whe I will be docked at Isinor" or something like that, which reminds me that in elite players had the choice to pay a fee to clean their status.

Is this possible ? what was the meaning of the police guy message ?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:54 pm
by JensAyton
If you dock at a station after recieving that message, you will be fined and your legal status reset. If you use an escape pod, your legal status will be reset. If you just jump around for a while, your legal status will be reduced over time.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:17 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
inquisiteur wrote:
hi there, just another question, dont get angry at me.

I purchased slaves and sold them on a rich industrial planet and my status went right away to offender.

Is there any mean to take this satus out ? (Rather than bying a capsule and getting shot)
The OXP I'm trying to do will turn slave trading into a potential capital offence punished by summary execution, so you should reform your evil ways while there's still time! :twisted:
Also, a police patrol told me, while I was to about to dock at a station, that I will have to "legally compensate my offense whe I will be docked at Isinor"
The LAW may be corrupt, but JUSTICE cannot be bought. And, when the two are at odds, JUSTICE must prevail!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 11:46 pm
by Commander McLane
A warm welcome also from me, inquisiteur!
inquisiteur wrote:
I purchased slaves and sold them on a rich industrial planet and my status went right away to offender.

Is there any mean to take this satus out ? (Rather than bying a capsule and getting shot)
You can also disable the escape capsule-shortcut and make a bad legal status stick to you even longer by installing Anarchies.oxp. :twisted: (Not very recommended to a newbie commander, though. :wink:)

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:53 pm
by inquisiteur
Last but not least:

I bought a pet, *ugly* green pet with big eyes, moaning at my face and hiding enemy ships each time im trying to shoot something.

How can I butcher/nuke/dump/get rid of it ?

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:00 pm
by Captain Hesperus
inquisiteur wrote:
Last but not least:

I bought a pet, *ugly* green pet with big eyes, moaning at my face and hiding enemy ships each time im trying to shoot something.

How can I butcher/nuke/dump/get rid of it ?
Another victim to this grey feline spam assassin's ploys!!

To exterminate said ugly green big-eyed pet, please deposit 1,000Cr into the Reidquatian bank account of Captain Hesperus.

Some people say that you should sit your ship in orbit over a sun until said pet overheats and dies. But I think the first option is better (and more lucrative for me).

P.S. make sure you have a hyperspace destination selected before you try the latter option.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:11 pm
by inquisiteur
Im gonna make it fry really hard.


there are TWO of them now...oh my god...