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Trumbles - I hate those things!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 4:07 pm
by pepak
Let me start by saying that I have no idea what am I buying when someone offered me "trumbles" for 30 Cr - I have never encountered them before (I suspect they were not present in Spectrum version). Anyway, I have them. I didn't care too much about them so far, although they were annoying, but now they ate a ton of my Narcotics! They have to go!!!

Until I read the spoilers I didn't even know that there is actually something like Trumbles mission. Anyway, now I do know it. I also know that I am supposed to fly into the sun to get rid of the bastards. But it doesn't seem to work - I went as close to a sun as I could, stayed there as long as possible and hyperspaced away about four seconds before a meltdown - and I still didn't get rid of the little monsters. What am I supposed to do???

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 5:31 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Oh, my! You mean you actualy paid for - TRUMBLES?! If you had bought pet cockroaches instead you wouldn't be so bad off. I mean, if you ever become desperate enough, you can alway eat the roaches, whereas the trumbles, well... Commander, you seem to have been had... :twisted:

Then again, that's what happens to this illiterate youth. Instead of reading a good book, they waste all their time in front of those beeping game machines... If THIS is the people to whom we'll have to entrust society, then the world's at its end, the Huns are taking over!

Very well, young fool, I'll give you a pearl of my wisdom. Don't get so close to the star. What you need is to deep roast them by remaining a long time on flashing red. A looong time... :roll:

By the way, welcome. Now, don't be so trusting next time; it's a rough universe out there and Darwin doesn't love fools.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:20 pm
by Uncle Reno
Welcome to the board pepak. To add to the advice hidden in Cmdr Maegil post ( :wink: ) I think you'll find that if you carry consumable cargo, food etc, then the trumble will feed on that. Not sure if that applies to furs though. :)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:22 pm
by LittleBear
You also know when they are at the right temperature when they start squealing! Seriously, the noise they make changes when they are "unhappy"!

Keep 'em uncomfortable for a bit and they'll start keeling over. Don't fly too close to the sun. If you wait at a certain distance, temp keeps going up but not too fast. So you can keep them at the optimum cooking temperature without going up in flames yourself! To find this goldilocks zone, fly to the sun as you would if fuel skimming but stop every so often on the way and see if your temperature gauge starts creeping up. If it does stop where you are and wait. If not go forward a bit. Keep a hyperspace lock though so you can jump out when there all dead.

At least thats what my old instructor at the Lave Academey used to say.. :wink:

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:24 pm
by pepak
But how could I have know what a Trumble is, O Elder One?! They don't teach that in the Academy on Tau Ceti anymore!

Anyway, thanks for the advices. Guess I'll have to play with sound turned on, then. But the Trumbles will be made to suffer for this discomfort!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:35 pm
by LittleBear
Oolite comes with its own Short Story to set the scean. (a nod to Elite and the Dark Wheel!) The link CM posted will take you to it. Its well worth a read and will enlighten you about such galactic pests! Drew's Status Quo story also gives some background to the game (and is also really good!)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:11 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
pepak wrote:
But how could I have know what a Trumble is, O Elder One?!
Seek to have a mens sana in corpore sano. Don't give in to hedonism, culture your body and your mind; live a clean and healthy life not forgetting to love your fellow sentients (especially the ones of the opposite gender); practice outdoor sports and greek oratory, martial arts and poetry. Read the 'The Virtuous Misfortune', 'Status Quo' and this thread. That should be enough for starters.
They don't teach that in the Academy on Tau Ceti anymore!
Tau Ceti Space Flight Academy, hum? As a Lave graduate and Riedquat post-graduate I'll have to borrow an ear or two from those feckless would-be educators. And if they refuse to listen, I'll nail the said ears to the blackboard!
Anyway, thanks for the advices. Guess I'll have to play with sound turned on, then. But the Trumbles will be made to suffer for this discomfort!
Ill make a toast to that!

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:13 pm
by Jack_H
I brought myself a trumble, and im happy pet owner.

In fact, i play ooliteon my laptop in bed at night.then my cat jumps up onto my lap, and tries to go sleep, but when the trumble comes dancing across the screen, the cat suddenly gets interested, creeps forward, puts a hand on the keyboard then reaches out with its other paw and starts swiping the laptop screen where the trumble is!

pretty cute, i reckon.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:30 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Not my fault...

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:30 pm
by drew
To quote Commander Rebecca Tyley...

"Trumbles. Space Lice. Vermin. Galcop should nuke that whole planet." :twisted:



Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:52 pm
by davcefai
I suspect they were not present in Spectrum version
They were but all they did was crawl over your screen.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:10 am
by pepak
So that's it! Someone is flogging the critters to unsuspecting novice captains as a revenge on bounty hunters! Except that I am no bounty hunter, I may have military lasers, but with 20 kills (all in self-defense or poor maneuvering) I can hardly be considered a bounty hunter. But I guess I'll have to start, to pay back the good captain who unleashed the monsters on my ship.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:53 am
by Cmdr. Maegil
That's the spirit! If someone slaps your cheek, BREAK HIS FRAKKIN' FINGERS!

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 9:12 am
by Captain Hesperus
pepak wrote:
But I guess I'll have to start, to pay back the good captain who unleashed the monsters on my ship.
Hey, hey, hey! Let's not get angry about this now! I sold you those Trumbles in good faith and if you read on your sale receipt (page 42, Section 8, Subsection 12, Paragraph 9, Subparagraph 2 from Line 4) it says: "Any damage to the purchaser and their property caused by any or all sold articles detailed on this proof of purchase receipt is entirely the purchaser's fault. As the ancient Romans said: Caveat Emptor."

So before you start tanking around with an eye to knocking out poor innocent traders in rusty Pythons (the Dubious Profit isn't rusty, it's just the crud I keep scraping off the space station docking ports), remember:
I have two Hardhead missiles, fore and aft Mili-lasers and a 'Competent' Rating.
So if you *do* come looking, whatever you do, don't bother with the Ensoreus-Ararus run 'cause I'm probably not there.:wink:

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 10:16 am
by Arexack_Heretic
That sounds like a fun mission OXP in the contrictor-hunt kind of way. :)

And we already got a good description of the quarry:
Captain Hesperus wrote:
Captain Hesperus.
Poses as poor, innocent trader in a rusty Python (called the Dubious Profit
Rumoured to frequently make the Ensoreus-Ararus run.

Last maintenance record shows the Python was fitted with
Two Hardhead XML missiles,
fore and aft Mili-lasers.

Pilot is rated 'Competent'

small complication would be that player can buy his/her trumble in any galaxy, hunting around ALL 8 galaxies would be a bit excessive so that would mean at least 3 seperate missions depending on where 'commander' got his trumble (TM).

Rumour has it, that trumbles can be sold at Raxxla with a profit.