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New Oolite version?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 6:23 pm
by Vajo
I found this in a german Oolite Board. :shock:

Did you know anything about this?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 6:32 pm
by United Blobs
Looking at the web addresses it appears to be from the website of a guy who used to post on this site under the name Sung. If I remember correctly he came here, created a series of replacement textures for the basic game before leaving after an argument about something I can't remember (find the thread if you interested). Interesting to see what he's been up to.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 1:28 pm
by Vajo
German translation by Google

under the work title Dark Sun develops a new space adventure that will unite all elements of elite in itself. For the first time at all it will give a physical universe and this time also to planet landings. So far this was convincingly converted still in no play. :wink:

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 9:16 am
by Selezen
I knew he'd do this... hanging onto Giles' pigtails.

<slinks back into the bitter shadows>

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:30 pm
by DerekHartley
Um, he gives credit where its due. I realise I wasn't around during the, um, Sung, incident, but he doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong in this case.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:36 pm
by Killer Wolf
hey the simple thing is that WE do some planet landing abilities etc too!
sounds pretty easy! :-D

(yeah, that was the royal "we", cos i'm rubbish!)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 2:56 pm
by JensAyton
Selezen wrote:
I knew he'd do this... hanging onto Giles' pigtails.
Just like me, then? Creating your own branch of a project is explicitly permitted in open source, and after being chased off by the Oolite community is clearly the reasonable choice.

Whether he’s in a position to actually achieve anything is another matter.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:53 pm
by Vajo
i think he works on a new project. Why you insult him? The textures of the basic ships are the best i have seen here :?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 4:39 pm
by Selezen
I've got no problem with his textures, I think they are absolutely fantastic, and all kudos to him for creating them. He's a talented artist.

I am just a bit sore about the way he reacted when members of the forum tried to give him a bit of a hand when it came to distributing them in good faith. Fair enough, I know it was all a bit of a misunderstanding, but he had no patience and would not forgive those who made mistakes whether they were due to language barriers or not. Hey, I've made mistakes around here, and people have forgiven me - without that sort of attitude this (or any!) forum wouldn't work.

Ahruman: you're not hanging on the pigtails - you have kindly and voluntarily carried on the work that Giles began with his approval and as part of the community. I know that derivative works are permitted in open source, but does Sung give credit where credit is due? I haven't bothered translating the brief looks I've had at his site, so I don't know if he does or not. I just have a bad feeling that he may decide to claim the work as his own due to some opinions he expressed before. I wouldn't say he was chased off, at least not until the very end - many people tried to patch up the bad feeling but he was having none of it.

No offence is intended towards his artwork or the effort he put in - what annoys me is the resultant throwing his rattle out of his pram about the distribution errors and the way he treated the members of this forum.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 5:13 pm
by Vajo
Selezen wrote:
No offence is intended towards his artwork or the effort he put in - what annoys me is the resultant throwing his rattle out of his pram about the distribution errors and the way he treated the members of this forum.

:shock: i can found nothing about this in the relevant topics

What i would say is, that no new graphics has been come here. Oolite looks always the same :cry: Some guys startet to make new textures but i see that Sung has made over 30 textures in 14 days. 4 weeks more and he has been finished all ship models in Oolite :roll:

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 9:10 pm
by JensAyton
When I read it earlier today, Sung’s postings in his German Oolite page gave me the impression that he was trying to gather a team to extend Oolite (although my German comprehension is severely limited and was being augmented by Google’s translator).

Now the German Oolite forum has been deleted, and Sung’s home page, where the texture pack used to be, now just has a few pics and a link to (“Wolf 359: Beyond the Dark Sun”, a forum apparently about developing a new game). The Elite-style ships are gone, as are all references to Oolite.

Whether Sung actually has a team capable of producing a game is yet to bee seen.

Edit: on further perusal, it looks as though he’s got in touch with a programmer. There’s no sign of any code yet, although there is a bit of bashing of Oolite and its community. ;-)

I wish them well. Seriously. But I’ve seen dozens of projects at that level, and the vast majority – over 90% – die out without producing anything but simple, high-level ideas. The single greatest achievement in Oolite is Giles’s sticking to it and actually making something playable.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:34 am
by Killer Wolf
What i would say is, that no new graphics has been come here. Oolite looks always the same
what, are you kidding me? because i've seen MANY new textures and skins here, some of which are truly astounding and NOTHING like the original textures etc. and even aside from that, "looks the same" is rubbish, as you might know if you'd done even a cursory scan of the expansion threads, where new ships, redesigned ships, new missiopns, new shaders etc etc are being posted on almost a daily basis.

hmm, why do i get a sneaking suspicion you're Sung under a different name?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:09 am
by Captain Hesperus
Vajo, designing new textures for the old models is one thing, however the Oolite forum modders have been working on far more interesting projects, such as redesigning the basic set with improved models (each link leads to a different screenshot). Sung may have drawn some nice textures, but then anyone with a good quality graphics program (and a bit of practice) can have a bash at that. Building new models with new textures for the updated Oolite takes real skill, especially to make them work on creaking old PC's like mine.

Captain Hesperus

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:20 am
by United Blobs
There are actually some references to Oolite on the new board but my German isn't good enough to understand the vast majority of the text. Have we got any German speakers willing to translate?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:27 am
by Xaron
Yes. Please let me know what you want to know. ;) I'm the programmer there and want to state first, that we don't bash OOlite nor its community. I think OOlite is a great project and has a great community.

The only thing you could call "bashing" is the statement from sung in our forum about disadvantages of open source projects (which have advantages of course, too) like OOlite where many people work on. For a designer this is pure horror if there is no straight/clear line but many branches and expansions who "breaks" a general design. :lol:

I don't exactly know what happened with sung here even if I read all the threads. It seems to me there were a lot of misunderstandings on both sides.

We are just two guys who like Elite/Frontier and want to make our own one. ;) We won't use any code nor other things from OOlite.

Regards - Xaron