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Somthing i´m working on (warning image heavy thread)

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 3:01 am
by Frame

The Keelback is not finished in no way, the textures are standard ones that is going to be replaced.

The boomslang however is pretty much finsihed and i think i will let this ship be flyable for players

The Keelback will be a carrier, it can internally carry 5 Boomslangs and 1 Scarlet class Transporter..

The Scarlet is also almost finished, just have to place exhausts, this ship will also be availeble to players..

The Keelback however is not going to be playble for obvious reasons,

but i am thinking about making it ship at which players can dock and buy fuel and maybe some nifty Equipment i am working on that may, or may not work in oolite. one of them is a enhancement for the spacecompas so you can lock on to beacons from rock hermits...

I allready have that working, however its not atm Equipment you can buy.. only something you get when installing my Custom OXP..

However player docking will require some remodeling...

Attaking The keelback however should instantly make it launch 5 Boomslangs making it more of a challenge for pirate players...

The keelbacks diemensions

its 221 meters long, 117 meters wide, and 123 meters tall

Oh and i hope nobody else has used these names for ships..
at least i couldnt find them on the wiki

Cheers... Frame..

Ps you are welcome to post your oppinion ;-)

Like it

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:50 am
by *cat
Bit worried though... if I blew up one of them (yeah, right- with all those shields AND helpful fighters...!), what would those 1112 tons of cargo do to my processor?
Will it be available for players? I seem to remember some discussion about whether a player could launch their own escorts: someone did an OXP that enabled you to launch thargoid robot fighters like missiles... could work.
I quite like the texture.
Sorry to point out spelling (can't fault the model - makes me think of one of E.E 'doc' Smith's "giant teardrop shapes"), but the description could be run through a spell-checker; though the "carnevous hold" might be the like the carnivorous cave that a certain Han, Luke, Leia and Chewy sheltered in...?
Incidentally, I was near "wooky hole" (not far from the "chew valley" yesterday.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:52 am
by Rxke
Sounds -and looks- promising!

You sure the boomslang hasn't already been taken? I seem to recall a ship called boomslang quite distinctly

Edit: yes, it's in the list:

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 8:44 am
by Gareth3377
Looks like a good model - reminds me a lot of the ships you'd see on the Old Asimov Foundation books. Awesome work.

Re: Like it

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:38 am
by Frame
*cat wrote:
Bit worried though... if I blew up one of them (yeah, right- with all those shields AND helpful fighters...!), what would those 1112 tons of cargo do to my processor?
Will it be available for players? I seem to remember some discussion about whether a player could launch their own escorts: someone did an OXP that enabled you to launch thargoid robot fighters like missiles... could work.
I quite like the texture.
Sorry to point out spelling (can't fault the model - makes me think of one of E.E 'doc' Smith's "giant teardrop shapes"), but the description could be run through a spell-checker; though the "carnevous hold" might be the like the carnivorous cave that a certain Han, Luke, Leia and Chewy sheltered in...?
Incidentally, I was near "wooky hole" (not far from the "chew valley" yesterday.
Cargo will not be problem since this is something i can controle via the config files, take the anaconda for example it has 750 tons of cargo space, yet you will rarely see it loose more than about 20 cargo canistors, or even your self when you blow up..

The keelback will not be Player flyable/piloted becuase of the escorts... but ill check into it, but im pretty sure it is not possible to have the AI config files read states of the player ship, like it does for ordinary NPC ships.

regarding the spelling, yeah, dont spell as good as i used too, getting a bit rusty there. and english is not my primary ;-)...

got to get that spellchecker installed again
Rxke wrote:
You sure the boomslang hasn't already been taken? I seem to recall a ship called boomslang quite distinctly

Edit: yes, it's in the list:
ahh... oh well there must be another name then, maybe i will call it.

"All the good names where taken" ;-)

Cheers Frame

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 10:12 am
by LittleBear
Looks very nice and very in the mold of classic elite! If your looking for a non-taken snake name what about "Cottenmouth".

You could have a player ship launch escorts by making a pylon mounted version of the escort with interceptAI, but then the escorts would be available to all to buy in the shipyard. Coudn't really have it available to the player though as if it can't be docked then the player can't save.

I started doing a quick 1.5k OXP hack to allow you to launch captured Thargons. I haven't done any of the tricky stuff yet, like making them rescoopable, taking up cargo space etc and they need a custom AI really rather than interceptAI (not really agressive enough yet!), but it does work to make the Thargons launch from the pylon and attack the ship trageted. Codes here if you want to have a look:-

ATM it is just a test. Eventually it'll be part of a mission OXP where your working for the Navy and have to fly a captured Thargoin Warship deep into Thargoid Space!

To have the ship not try to dock, you'll need to give it a customAI and place it by script (like with boyracers). If you give it the role "trader" Oolite will default to giving it one of the traderAIs even if you specify a different one in shipdata. So it'll try to dock and blow up!

Probabley just editing a traderAI and changing the switchAIto: dockingAI with a performHold would be enough. That should make it come to a stop when it gets near the station rather than plowing into it.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 11:51 am
by reills
With just a slight paint job you could call the escorts Copperheads

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:24 pm
by JensAyton
I’d make the Keelback a bit bigger. As it is, it’s narrower than a Cobra 3 and only about 12 times the volume.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 8:34 pm
Will it fit in the docking bay?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 8:50 pm
by JensAyton
TGHC wrote:
Will it fit in the docking bay?
I think “As it is incapable of docking with any known station…” may be a hint. :-)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 9:04 am
by Frame
LittleBear wrote:
Looks very nice and very in the mold of classic elite! If your looking for a non-taken snake name what about "Cottenmouth".

Thargons launch from the pylon and attack the ship trageted. Codes here if you want to have a look:-
Thank you, and ill take a look at that AI, i know you have done some exellent work with Assasins OXP
Ahruman wrote:
I’d make the Keelback a bit bigger. As it is, it’s narrower than a Cobra 3 and only about 12 times the volume.
I have come to the same conclusion as i compared a Cobra 3 to the keelbacks current docking bay...

Thank you all for your responses they are very helpfull :D

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 3:43 pm
by LittleBear
BTW, Griff has some Cargo-loading Robots done, that he's asked if anyone wants to use in an OXP. Be cool to give it a slightly tweaked traderAI to get the ship to park by the station rather than try to dock and spawn some Cargo Bots to unload it, since it's too big to dock itself.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 1:07 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
You use carneveous, for the cargohold..probably a mistype of carniverous, which has nothing todo with cargo but more with snakes.

Cavernous is the word thou seekest.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 5:55 pm
by Killer Wolf
Be pretty lush having a carnivorous hold. those trumbles wouldn't be much of a problem :-D

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:52 pm
by Captain Hesperus
Killer Wolf wrote:
Be pretty lush having a carnivorous hold. those trumbles wouldn't be much of a problem :-D
Downside would be you couldn't ship Food, Furs or Slaves :wink:

Captain Hesperus