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Missiles/Energy Bombs

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:02 pm
by NoSleep
Flying_Circus wrote:
Not quite in the "amusuing ways to die " category, but still... I was a-visiting a one of my liquor-drinking hermits, this evening (calling in on the old rock lobster at his love shack, to see how much platinum, gold and gems he culd sell me: I had a hold full of that lovely booze he loves so much), when my little finger inadvertantly tapped the TAB key.


Nine GapCop Vipers, A Mamba Medical boat (with a cargo of 'alien items' - now, where did he get those?) a boa and his four escorts, plus God knows how many asteroids, along with my Laphroaig-drinking associate - all vapourised in a single inadvertant stroke of a key! Damn those energy bombs! Damn these Powerbook keyboards! But what a haul I made on the scoops! Firearms, Narcotics, not to mention the aforemontioned 'alien items', as well as the inevitalbe 'alloys'!

Suppose I'll have to drink those 47 tons of liquor, myself, now. Sigh: it's a hard life.

Here's to you, hermit! <gulps>
Just a thought... Should there be cargo available after vaporizing everything in sight with an energy bomb (I've yet to use one, ever)? I don't know if missiles yield cargo from their victims (almost everytime I use them, they're ecm'd out of existence or my prey simply gets chased out of scanner's reach) but I think the same should apply. That means using lasers in a dogfight, or scavenging other's fights become the only means to aquire cargo from space. Either that, or price them too high to profit from using either.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:25 pm
by Darkbee
I agree that using the energy bomb should be considered a desperate act of mass destruction (much like an H bomb) rather than a means to acquire cargo.

I actually didn't think that there was any cargo after using one, I was under the impression that EVERYTHING got destroyed. I guess it depends on how an energy bomb works but you'd think that something with that kind of destructive force would be able to take out a few measly cargo containers.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 10:48 pm
by kiekelly
Hmmm I think your right there, the E-Bombe should just atomise everything - A laser/missle does a good job of damage - when was the last time you saw a Python "Pop" with all 70 tons of cargo to pick up?.......

by the way I've never used an energy bomb or escape capsule (is there any need when your armed to the teeth??)

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:35 pm
by Olentzero
kiekelly wrote:
when was the last time you saw a Python "Pop" with all 70 tons of cargo to pick up?
Haven't yet - of course, I pretty much only go after Offenders these days so they may not have anything in their holds to pick up. What I am trying to do, however, is figure out a foolproof method of getting them to jump in their escape pod so I can pick me up some newly minted Slaves to drop off at the nearest Poor Agricultural system. :twisted:

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 11:26 pm
by NoSleep
I used to do a good trade in TNK scooping up police slaves who came snooping cos of my fugitive status. The police in Oolite are a little more dedicated to fighting to the finish Image

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:59 pm
by CWolf

An Energy Bomb works by causing the engines to explode, same as you using lasers or missiles. It doesn't work like a nuke.

The Q-Bomb however, there should be absolute nothing left, which is the case.

Basically an E-Bomb leaving cargo makes sense as the ship just explodes around it. The magnetic resonance affect asteroids and the like but cargo cannisters are probably well shielded anyway.

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:10 pm
by drew

Why don't they make ships out of the same stuff as cargo canisters then? :lol:



Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:32 pm
by Commodore Sics D'fore
And you know that indestructible "black box" thing they put in aircraft, that records all the flight data to be analysed in case of a crash? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff? :lol:

(I stole that from some comedian.)

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:39 pm
by drew
Me too! (A misquote from Red Dwarf)



Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:25 pm
by CWolf
I prefer the bit in Red Dwarf...

"You know how in an air crash there is always a child's doll intact, well Starbug is made from the same plastic."

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:09 pm
by Arexack_Heretic
Olentzero wrote:
What I am trying to do, however, is figure out a foolproof method of getting them to jump in their escape pod so I can pick me up some newly minted Slaves to drop off at the nearest Poor Agricultural system. :twisted:
You just have to dog them awhile picking away bits of his vessel.
Eventually you'll have branded your mark into his hull and he'll eject (if there is a pod available)
This can attract quite a lot of cops if you were the aggressor, as the trader will scream his head off first.