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Problems with Griffin2 Oxp

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:31 pm
by julyy
Damn I bought one of those griffin 2. Good ship. But now in any station I dock no ships are to purcase anymore. And the external view does not work anymore. Anyone knows what to do?


Re: Problems with Griffin2 Oxp

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:04 pm
by Captain Hesperus
julyy wrote:
Damn I bought one of those griffin 2. Good ship. But now in any station I dock no ships are to purcase anymore. And the external view does not work anymore. Anyone knows what to do?
I have the Griffin2.oxp and there isn't any external views in the scripts. If you want external views you can always dl the External Views OXP and follow the instructions. As for the shipyard thing, I think it has something to do with the number of ship OXP's you have installed and the chance of the ship turning up at stations with the correct TL. Anyone?

Captain Hesperus

Re: Problems with Griffin2 Oxp

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:24 pm
by julyy
Captain Hesperus wrote:
I have the Griffin2.oxp and there isn't any external views in the scripts. If you want external views you can always dl the External Views OXP and follow the instructions. As for the shipyard thing, I think it has something to do with the number of ship OXP's you have installed and the chance of the ship turning up at stations with the correct TL. Anyone?
Captain Hesperus
When I buy the ship I can view it with "v" but later on this possibiliy disappears.

Also I said, there is _NO_ ship awailable _ANYWHERE_!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:34 pm
by Captain Hesperus
julyy wrote:
When I buy the ship I can view it with "v" but later on this possibiliy disappears.

Also I said, there is _NO_ ship awailable _ANYWHERE_!
Aye. 'Tis an oddity, I grant thee. On inspecting the shipdata.plist, I see no external views, did you mayhap, add your own external views?

As to encountering no shipyards whatever, I too have experienced this calamity. On pressing the F3 (3) button twice, no action occurs, but it has happened at random stations and tends to rectify itself 'pon my return from another system. I know not what misfortune you have encountered. Your conundrum is beyond my ken.

Captain Hesperus
"I've really got to spend less time on World of Warcraft....."

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:03 pm
by julyy
No I did no editing of the external view. I took a screenshot of the external view of the griffin. After a few jumps then at some time it works not anymore. Dont know why.

Then after a period that thing with the shipyard occurs.

Maybe this is a very complicated bug. Dont know. What I am doing at the moment is flying between the area of Ceesxe provoking lots of witchspace malfunction to shoot targoids, I have all ships.oxps of Giles installed, and the anarchy, but nothing else.

Sad to say that I have only this savegame :/

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:12 pm
by LittleBear
The lack of external views isn't a bug as such. Giles only introduced to external_views command for V 1.65. The Griffin is an older OXP, so no views are included as the the code to do it didn't exist when it was written. As the ships entry has no code defining its views, pressing V does nothing. The reason it worked the first time is Oolite stored the view setting from your old ship, but once Oolite updates itself, the view is lost as Oolite is looking in the shipdata entry and there is nothing there defining the views.

The no ship yard comming up is just one of those oddities. I have encountered it. Just ingnore it and fly around. After a while (and a bit of travelling to different systems) it goes away again and the shipyards come back.

Don't think its related to the Griffin OXPs. Just one of the oddities.

Another stange bug that happens somtimes is oolite will just refuse to load a savefile crashing to strick gameplay instead, so best to save as JAMESON1, JAMESON2 etc rather than always overwriting with the same name.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:18 pm
by julyy
Hm, ok, but just to show that there is an external view of the griffin at first, I took a screenshot:


Anyway thanks for your help, Captain Hesperus and LittleBear.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:26 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
Captain Hesperus wrote:
I too have experienced this calamity.
I know not what misfortune you have encountered. Your conundrum is beyond my ken.
Kindly, sire, choose thy stand. Claiming to having been bewildered by the same quandary, then retracting thee own words yonder are not deeds of a man of wit, but of a naysayer or a fool!
Best not to jest with others' woeful plights, such invidious behavior may cause thy good name to become abhorred.

EDIT: I've spent some 10 minutes trying to post this. A curse on my WIFI!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:39 pm
by julyy
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
Captain Hesperus wrote:
I too have experienced this calamity.
I know not what misfortune you have encountered. Your conundrum is beyond my ken.
Kindly, sire, choose thy stand. Claiming to having been bewildered by the same quandary, then retracting thee own words yonder are not deeds of a man of wit, but of a naysayer or a fool!
Best not to jest with others' woeful plights, such invidious behavior may cause thy good name to become abhorred.

EDIT: I've spent some 10 minutes trying to post this. A curse on my WIFI!
H? Man, I dont understand a single word! (English is not my motherlanguage.) Or is this outerspace slang???

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:02 pm
by Captain Hesperus
julyy wrote:
H? Man, I dont understand a single word! (English is not my motherlanguage.) Or is this outerspace slang???
Nay, sirrah. 'Tis classical English, such as was used by the Immortal (or was that Immoral) Bard.

@ Maegil - Truely, Sir Goodwit, thou hast undone me and mine flowery tongue. Mine words were such that I had, by first hand, been played false by such misfortunes as our brave compatriot in that I have encountered the absence of the shipyard. However, mayhap I did misread his writings in that I conceiv'd that he had fallen foul of this monstrosity 'pon each system he docked. This I have not afore seen, and as such, did make claim 'twas not within mine knowledge. I prithee grant me leniency in this mishandling of my response. <daintily bows, doffs gaily-feathered cap, tries not to get ridiculously slim rapier tangled up in voluminous velvet cloak>

Captain Hesperus
"Hear ye, hear ye! The Pillockes are return'd! God Save the King and Innkeep Save Me a Pint!"

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:06 pm
by Cmdr. Maegil
julyy wrote:
Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
Captain Hesperus wrote:
H? Man, I dont understand a single word! (English is not my motherlanguage.) Or is this outerspace slang???
Nor mine, but I had enough AD&D to manage... even if I had to resort to using the Thesaurus (No, that's not a dinossaur) :D

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:38 am
by Commander McLane
Sorry for all you medieval freaks, but I'll try to write this in plain (modern) English.

@ julyy: The external views work exactly as you have experienced, which is kind of a strange bug.

If you buy a new ship that has no external views defined (like the Griffin), but your former ship had external views (like all the default player ships), then you will be able to use the external views (of your former ship) until you quit Oolite. So if you had a Cobra3 before buying the Griffin, the view positions of a Cobra3 will be available for your Griffin until you quit the program. Next time you start Oolite the external views are gone.

Solution: Download externalviews.oxp from Oosat 2. Open the shipdata.plist inside it. Open the shipdata.plist of the Griffin as well.

In the shipdata of externalviews.oxp find the <key>cobramk1-player</key>-entry. At its end there is a <key>custom_views</key> followed by a long array. Copy everything from <key>custom_views</key> until </array> and paste it just in front of the closing </dict> of the <key>griffin2-player</key> entry in the Griffin shipdata. Save. Open Oolite. Launch. Enjoy the external views of your Griffin2.

If the Griffin looks too big on your screen (you don't see the whole ship, the 'camera position' is too close to the ship), then copy and paste the <key>custom_views</key> of the <key>cobra3-player</key> instead.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:43 am
by JensAyton
Commander McLane wrote:
Sorry for all you medieval freaks, but I'll try to write this in plain (modern) English.
That’s not medieval, you cad, it’s early modern. :-)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:21 pm
by reills
It wasn't ieval, but it was pretty bad... :?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:28 pm
by Commander McLane

But I hope julyy can at last solve his problem and add external views to his ship now.

And that's what this thread is all about (or at least used to be when he started it).
