(as available from version 1.68 upwards.)

-insert links to relevant wiki and other handy resources-
https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?t= ... highlight=
Explaining texture-sampling and working the coordinates
Griff Ruining the Classics thread
Griff Rocket Example 1 Custom specularity, laser_heat/exhaust_heat glow, constant glow
Griff Rocket Example 2 Custom specularity, laser_heat/exhaust_heat glow/engine_level glow
Griff Pod Example 3 Specularity Settings driven by a Texture Map, Laser_Heat Glow, Exhaust_Heat Glow, Constantly lit glow map for hull lights etc
Griff lighted hangar Bright illumination and red-alert versions
Thargoids: they had it 1st. The classic Aegidian example of a timer driven sine-function additive texture shader.
Shady PythonClass Cruiser Another classic example ship-oxp by Aegidian.
Hot 2Cool alloys Another timer-driven shader this time single direction and started on spawn_time, coloursamples applied instead of a texture.
Shady Billboard An illuminated billboard.
Ahruman's 'Electric' Billboard Advanced billboard that mimics led-array billboards.
Fixed texture for 'Electric' Billboard
Griff sign concept1 Uses discard-clipping.
Ahruman Animation concept Examplifies how animation can be accomplished by shader, also Uses colour-discard-clipping.
Cobra_OXP Example by Ahruman.
Krait OXP full Great example OXP by Griff.
Griff Krait OXP lowspec
Griff Boa optimized Another beauty. showoff

Griff's optimized krait[/url]