The Assassins Guild OXP (Non-Functional 2007 Version)

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Thank you.

Post by Fatleaf »

Thank you very much for that. I must try you first point. Hmmm... this is going to require a bit of planning and thought (not to mention cleaver flying)

Thanks again.
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assassins guild oxp

Post by matt »

I'm running oolite 1.73.4 on my mac with V1_3 assassins guild oxp. I've hit a problem with the Graviton missile/Dreadnought mission. I found the rebel outpost OK and got to the end of the text adventure. I bought 'missiles' and then made it to the station in the Angeriri system to be given the next mission of taking out the Balrog Dreadnought. Only the missiles I got are not Graviton missiles but ordinary ECM-affected - so its impossible to even scratch the Dreadnought. I have also noticed that if you Witchspace jump to Eszausve while cloaked you cause the Eszausvian navy (and all other ships) to become blind to you. :?
So how do I get the 'real' Graviton missiles so that I can complete this mission?

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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Fatleaf »

Not really a problem, just something I noticed: In the shipdate.plist victim 5 has two energy recharge rates.

Just thought I would mention it in case anybody is interested.
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by CaptSolo »

There would seem to be a leak (squealer) among the honourable brotherhood of Assassins. For shame! On the other hand, I see the need.
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Fatleaf »

CaptSolo wrote:
There would seem to be a leak (squealer) among the honourable brotherhood of Assassins. For shame! On the other hand, I see the need.
:shock: ! A leak ! :shock: We will need hunt this traitor down like the dog he is and terminate him... Guild Style :twisted:

Could you Pm me with details?
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Post by richard.a.p.smith »

Hi. I seem to have hit a snag with this. I've been asked at Eszausve to go to Angeriri to a rebel base to pick up something to kill a dreadnought. Problem is Angeriri was killed by a Nova Device (which as far as I could tell at the time was practically impossible to kill). Okti's scanner tells me the base is there but I blew up on the way to it thanks to the nova, even after jumping straight to it with the scanner. I'll try again as I was slightly distracted at the time. It looks to me like I need to edit the destination for the pick-up, edit the nova system. Or it's supposed to be like that (very very hard). Any suggestions (if it's not the latter explanation)?

I like this OXP! :D The, "Whoops everyone found out you did it," bits are a nice touch, on top of the ridiculous fighting. Cool!


Edit. I jumped and docked in time to avoid being blown up but it seems time still passes outside the station and I get kicked out before I can do anything in the text mission. I don't really want to change the save file in case it messes up the OXP in some way. Cheers!

Another edit. I think I found a way around it. In the save file is something :

<key>6 71</key>

Is it going to break anything by altering this to some other random planet which doesn't already have an entry in the save file? Given it seems to have been random in the first place, presumably not. Ta.
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by LittleBear »

Hello Richard. I'm afraid its a case of the scripter (me) didn't cover the possibility of the Nova Device from the Soin Clan vengence mission blowing up a system that the player would later need to visit to complete a later Assassins mission. :oops: Dredging my memory I think when I wrote it for 1.65 of Oolite, Oolite did not record the fact that a system had been sent Nova (except for the Native Nova Mission), so the problem didn't arise on 1.65. Later versions of Oolite do properly record that a system has been sent Nova (as you are now finding). Its a bug in the OXP as it wasn't intended that you'd have to outrun the Navy & a Nova sun to reach the outpost. If you edit your save file to remove the fact that this system was Noved, the OXP will run properly. :wink: Just deleting all the text you've quoted from your save file should do it. But make a backup of your save files first just in case!
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

Thanks for the reply. I moved the nova system and it seems to have worked okay. I did manage to dock a couple of times but oolite boots you out of a station at the point of its destruction, it seems, far too soon to do anything. Cheerio. Richard.
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Commander Redec »

I can't find the Zarausxian Zero-G Hockey Team in the Tiared System. Please help...

/ Commander Redec
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Commander McLane »

Commander Redec wrote:
I can't find the Zarausxian Zero-G Hockey Team in the Tiared System. Please help...
You have to always read your briefing screens carefully. This one says:
Mission briefing wrote:
The team are now enjoying a victory tour of the Tiared System, travelling in an Armoured Passenger Liner. Although the Liner is well shielded, it is relatively lightly armed. You are cautioned however that Ramon Security Services Ltd are under contract to provide the Team with Nemesis Class Fighters as escorts.
It doesn't specify a certain location in the system, so you ought to find them on the space lane between witchpoint and planet.

Jumping out and in again may help.
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Commander Redec »

I give up. I have been going from witchpoint to planet at least 10 times now with no success. I have searched in other lanes as well. I give up.

/ Commander Redec
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Commander McLane »

Can you open your save-file with a text editor and search for the lines:

Code: Select all

'xy' is a placeholder here. What do you have at its place? You should have assassins_STAGE2a.
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Commander Redec »

Commander McLane wrote:
Can you open your save-file with a text editor and search for the lines:

Code: Select all

'xy' is a placeholder here. What do you have at its place? You should have assassins_STAGE2a.
Correct, it is 2a

/ Commander Redec
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Commander McLane »

Commander Redec wrote:
Correct, it is 2a
That means that, if you're in the correct system, the Hockey Team must be there. Their ship is spawned about halfway between witchpoint and planet, and is flying toward the planet from there. It may go astray for any number of reasons, so you should attempt to move along the lane as quickly as possible.
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Re: The Assassins Guild OXP (Final Updated Version)

Post by Commander Redec »

Commander McLane wrote: you should attempt to move along the lane as quickly as possible.
"The Assassins Guild ranks you as a Cut-throat" - Fuel Injection was my friend. Thanks.

/ Commander Redec
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