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Oolite randomly crashes and returns to desktop

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:18 am
by Gareth3377
Firstly, fantastic game with some great mods - this is the best space game I've played since the original. However, I do have a slight problem - basically the game will just close down and return me to the windows desktop - this can happen at any point during flight sequences in the game. When you are docked the game is very stable. I have searched the boards for an answer, but not joy.

A number of things have occurred to me - is there a limit to how many OXPs you should have in the AddOns folder? I have quite a few...

Do any of the OXPs clash with each other?

I am running version 1.65 of Oolite on:
Win XP Service Pack 2
Athlon64 3000
GeForce 6800GT 256MB RAM (have installed the latest drivers)
1 Gig system Ram

Going to try to play again and check the crash report if it happens again.

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:58 am
by Gareth3377
Right - I think I have located the problem and it would be interesting to see if any other PC users of Oolite have encountered it. It seems that the Boomslang oxp creates a number of errors according to the stderr log. I have removed this oxp and the game has been fairly stable (with the exception of one or two slowdowns).

Keep you posted.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:53 am
by reills
Welcome Gareth!

I too had random transfers to "Mr. Dialtone" with Oolite. I was informed that Oolite is memory hungry to begin with and DOES NOT like to use the Windows page file. I have also found that version 1.65tp5 to be much more stable. The TP5 refers to "textured planets." The planets are phenominal! Let me know if you want this version and cannot find it (mine was e-mailed to me).



Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:08 am
by Gareth3377
Yes please - have seen the screenshots for the textured planets version and they look awesome. One thing though - I'm assuming that my current savegame will be compatible?

Many thanks


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:34 am
by reills
Hi Gareth,

Here is a screen shot on my approach to Zaonce. Just PM me with your email address and I will forward the message I received from Charlie (it includes the very simple instructions). All saves are saved, you just copy a new oolite.exe and planet.plist.


Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:25 pm
by Gareth3377
Have installed the new texture pack and the planets look ace. However - I am still have the same problem - I keep getting dumped to the desktop. Looking at the stderr file it says virtual memory exhausted.

Now looking at other posts I've been told that virtual memory is bad for Oolite.

I exit all unnecessary applications and even with 1 gig of memory I still have the same problem.

Perhaps I have too many OXPs installed.

I really love this game (and the missus hates it - she hasn't seen me all weekend heh heh) and have tasted it's brilliance.

Any suggestions?

This is the latest stderr log (sorry for the length)

2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSUserDefaults.m: 544. In [NSUserDefaults +standardUserDefaults] Improper installation: No language locale found
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] initialising SDL
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] init: numSticks=0
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] CREATING MODE LIST
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Unknown architecture, defaulting to 1024x768
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 800 x 600
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 1280 x 1024
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 1152 x 864
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 1088 x 612
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 1024 x 768
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 960 x 600
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 848 x 480
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 800 x 600
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 720 x 576
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 640 x 480
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 512 x 384
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 480 x 360
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 400 x 300
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 320 x 240
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Added res 640 x 480
2007-02-18 19:14:56.000 oolite.exe[1316] Found mode {Height = 768; RefreshRate = 0; Width = 1024; }
2007-02-18 19:14:57.000 oolite.exe[1316] drawRect calling initialiseGLWithSize
2007-02-18 19:14:57.000 oolite.exe[1316] Creating a new surface of 1280 x 971
2007-02-18 19:14:57.000 oolite.exe[1316] no universe, clearning surface
2007-02-18 19:14:57.000 oolite.exe[1316] ---> searching paths:
(, AddOns, "AddOns/a-wing.oxp", "AddOns/aegidian-special.oxp", AddOns/aphidv2.oxp, AddOns/Assassins.oxp, AddOns/AsteroidStorm.oxp, AddOns/att1.oxp, "AddOns/b-wing.oxp", AddOns/bandersnatch.oxp, AddOns/behemoth.oxp, AddOns/BlackMonks.oxp, AddOns/black_baron.oxp, AddOns/boyracers.oxp, AddOns/cobra35.oxp, AddOns/cobra3njx.oxp, AddOns/cobraclipperPC.oxp, AddOns/Commies.oxp, AddOns/Condor.oxp, AddOns/custpaint1.oxp, AddOns/custsounds.oxp, AddOns/deposed.oxp, AddOns/Diso.oxp, AddOns/Dredger.oxp, AddOns/dwcobra3.oxp, AddOns/eagle2.oxp, AddOns/ettBeaconLauncher.oxp, "AddOns/Executive Spaceways v2.1.oxp", AddOns/Falcon.oxp, AddOns/farstar.oxp, AddOns/ferdelance_ng.oxp, AddOns/Firewasp.oxp, AddOns/fsr.oxp, AddOns/globestations.oxp, AddOns/grass_snake.oxp, AddOns/greekshipset1.oxp, AddOns/griffin2.oxp, AddOns/GrittyCoriolis.oxp, AddOns/gwxstations.oxp, AddOns/Herald.oxp, AddOns/hOopyCasino.oxp, AddOns/impcourier.oxp, AddOns/Interceptor.oxp, "AddOns/ionics-1.1.oxp", AddOns/ixianfreighter.oxp, AddOns/ixianships.oxp, AddOns/jabberwocky.oxp, AddOns/Kestrel.oxp, AddOns/lambda.oxp, AddOns/Lave.oxp, AddOns/Llama.oxp, AddOns/longshot.oxp, AddOns/marett_vol1.oxp, AddOns/Merlin.oxp, AddOns/military.oxp, AddOns/Missionaries.oxp, AddOns/monument.oxp, AddOns/morrigan.oxp, AddOns/mPakRedux.oxp, AddOns/murgh_Xships.oxp, AddOns/NavyStarships.oxp, AddOns/newships.oxp, AddOns/nuke.oxp, AddOns/nuvipers.oxp, AddOns/oldships.oxp, AddOns/Orb.oxp, AddOns/Ore_processor.oxp, AddOns/outrider.oxp, AddOns/Pallas.oxp, AddOns/pcc.oxp, AddOns/pelamis.oxp, AddOns/piratetraps.oxp, AddOns/PTI.oxp, AddOns/racers.oxp, AddOns/renegades.oxp, AddOns/renegade_viper.oxp, AddOns/ringpod.oxp, AddOns/RoC.oxp, "AddOns/s-ships1.oxp", "AddOns/Saleza v2.oxp", AddOns/seosu.oxp, "AddOns/Shield-tail.oxp", AddOns/snark.oxp, AddOns/spearhead_1.oxp, AddOns/Sungs_detailed_textures.oxp, AddOns/sunskimmers.oxp, AddOns/supercobra.oxp, AddOns/Swift.oxp, AddOns/taranis.oxp, AddOns/terrapin.oxp, AddOns/tesoura.oxp, AddOns/tgy_dev.oxp, AddOns/thargoidcarrier.oxp, AddOns/thargoid_wars.oxp, AddOns/Thorgorn_Threat.oxp, AddOns/tianve.oxp, AddOns/TIE.oxp, AddOns/tiger.oxp, AddOns/tori.oxp, AddOns/transhab.oxp, AddOns/transports.oxp, AddOns/UrutuMKIII.oxp, AddOns/urutu_IV.oxp, "AddOns/weeviloid2-PC.oxp", AddOns/wolfmk2.oxp, AddOns/wolfwoods_variants.oxp, "AddOns/x-ships.oxp", "AddOns/X-Wing.oxp", AddOns/xships.oxp, "AddOns/y-wing.oxp", AddOns/YOUR_AD_HERE.oxp, "AddOns/Zz-Oo-Haul.oxp")
2007-02-18 19:14:57.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ** no cache exists - yet **
2007-02-18 19:14:57.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Llama.oxp/Config/shipdata.plist' does not contain a dictionary
at line: 1028 column: 1 ... Extra content at the end of the document
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Swift.oxp/Config/shipdata.plist' does not contain a dictionary
at line: 66 column: 9 ... Opening and ending tag mismatch: dict line 0 and plist
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Condor.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist' does not contain a dictionary
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] ***** [ResourceManager parseXMLPropertyList:] encountered exception : OOXMLException : Closing tag "</plist>" without opening tag. *****
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] ***** [ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:::] encountered exception : OOXMLException : Closing tag "</plist>" without opening tag. *****
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] ERROR ***** could not parse AddOns/Condor.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist as a NSDictionary.
at line: 105 column: 9 ... Opening and ending tag mismatch: dict line 0 and plist
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Falcon.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist' does not contain a dictionary
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] ***** [ResourceManager parseXMLPropertyList:] encountered exception : OOXMLException : Closing tag "</plist>" without opening tag. *****
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] ***** [ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:::] encountered exception : OOXMLException : Closing tag "</plist>" without opening tag. *****
2007-02-18 19:14:58.000 oolite.exe[1316] ERROR ***** could not parse AddOns/Falcon.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist as a NSDictionary.
2007-02-18 19:14:59.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Firewasp.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist' does not contain a dictionary
at line: 57 column: 9 ... Opening and ending tag mismatch: dict line 0 and plist
2007-02-18 19:14:59.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Pallas.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist' does not contain a dictionary
2007-02-18 19:14:59.000 oolite.exe[1316] ***** [ResourceManager parseXMLPropertyList:] encountered exception : OOXMLException : Closing tag "</plist>" without opening tag. *****
2007-02-18 19:14:59.000 oolite.exe[1316] ***** [ResourceManager dictionaryFromFilesNamed:::] encountered exception : OOXMLException : Closing tag "</plist>" without opening tag. *****
2007-02-18 19:14:59.000 oolite.exe[1316] ERROR ***** could not parse AddOns/Pallas.oxp/Config/shipyard.plist as a NSDictionary.
at line: 7 column: 26 ... xmlParseEntityRef: no name
2007-02-18 19:14:59.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Pallas.oxp/Config/descriptions.plist' does not contain a dictionary
at line: 10 column: 14 ... EntityRef: expecting ';'
2007-02-18 19:15:00.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSArray.m: 732. In [GSPlaceholderArray -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/nuke.oxp/Config/equipment.plist' does not contain an array
at line: 20 column: 9 ... Extra content at the end of the document
2007-02-18 19:15:00.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/boyracers.oxp/Config/script.plist' does not contain a dictionary
at line: 21 column: 9 ... Extra content at the end of the document
2007-02-18 19:15:00.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/fsr.oxp/Config/script.plist' does not contain a dictionary
2007-02-18 19:15:00.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Orb.oxp/Config/script.plist' does not contain a dictionary
2007-02-18 19:15:00.000 oolite.exe[1316] ERROR ***** could not parse AddOns/Orb.oxp/Config/script.plist as a NSDictionary.
2007-02-18 19:15:01.000 oolite.exe[1316] Vertex Array Range optimisation - not supported
2007-02-18 19:15:01.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG creating octree cache......
2007-02-18 19:15:03.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity Player 100> **
2007-02-18 19:15:04.000 oolite.exe[1316] Lave: 194
2007-02-18 19:15:04.000 oolite.exe[1316] getTextureNameForPlanet asking for a 512 x 256 texture
generatePlanet: seed = 194, size = 512 x 256

2007-02-18 19:15:05.000 oolite.exe[1316] adding [planet_194] to the planet texture MRU cache
2007-02-18 19:15:05.000 oolite.exe[1316] getTextureNameForAtmosphere asking for a 512 x 256 texture
generateClouds: seed = 194, size = 512 x 256

2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] adding [clouds_194] to the planet texture MRU cache
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] Populating a system with economy 5, and government 3
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 6 trading vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 3 sun skimming vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 9 pirate vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 1 sun skim pirates
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 4 law/bounty-hunter vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 0 sun skim law/bounty hunter vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 0 Thargoid warships
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 4 asteroid clusters
2007-02-18 19:15:06.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... for a total of 27 ships
2007-02-18 19:15:10.000 oolite.exe[1316] File NSDictionary.m: 592. In [GSDictionary -initWithContentsOfFile:] Contents of file 'AddOns/Condor.oxp/AIs/CondorAI.plist' does not contain a dictionary
2007-02-18 19:15:10.000 oolite.exe[1316] ERROR ***** could not parse AddOns/Condor.oxp/AIs/CondorAI.plist as a NSDictionary.
2007-02-18 19:15:14.000 oolite.exe[1316] ***** CANNOT addShipsAt: 'mortran 1 pwm 13935 41730 14230' (should be addShipsAt: role number coordinate_system x y z)
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "addMoon: moon_lave"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "addMoon: moon_lave"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG addMoon: moon_lave
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG initMoonFromDictionary: {land_hsb_color = "0.686 0.25 0.66"; orientation = "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0"; polar_color_factor = 2.5; position = "-40000 0 60000"; radius = 800; rotational_velocity = 0.03; seed = "1 2 3 4 5 6"; texture = lunar.png; }
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG moon position (-40000.00 0.00 60000.00) derived from -40000 0 60000
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debugMessage: spawning rings for LAVE
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring01"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring01"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] F.T. Ring Number 1 174 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] F.T. Ring Number 1 174 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring01'.
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring02"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring02"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] F.T. Ring Number 2 175 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] F.T. Ring Number 2 175 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring02'.
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring03"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring03"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] F.T. Ring Number 3 176 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] F.T. Ring Number 3 176 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring03'.
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "spawnShip: ring04"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "spawnShip: ring04"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 to take action setStateTo: WAITING
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'GLOBAL' receives message 'EXIT'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'ENTER'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG Spawned ship with shipdata key 'ring04'.
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 2 175 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 3 176 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Final Hoop (4) 177 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] AI for F.T. Ring Number 1 174 in state 'WAITING' receives message 'AEGIS_IN_DOCKING_RANGE'
2007-02-18 19:15:15.000 oolite.exe[1316] OPENGL_DEBUG GL_ERROR (1280) 'invalid enumerant' in: Universe before doing anything
2007-02-18 19:15:23.000 oolite.exe[1316] Isinor: 238
2007-02-18 19:15:23.000 oolite.exe[1316] getTextureNameForPlanet asking for a 512 x 256 texture
generatePlanet: seed = 238, size = 512 x 256

2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] adding [planet_238] to the planet texture MRU cache
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] getTextureNameForAtmosphere asking for a 512 x 256 texture
generateClouds: seed = 238, size = 512 x 256

2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] adding [clouds_238] to the planet texture MRU cache
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] Populating a system with economy 7, and government 5
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 3 trading vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 1 sun skimming vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 6 pirate vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 2 sun skim pirates
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 1 law/bounty-hunter vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 1 sun skim law/bounty hunter vessels
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 0 Thargoid warships
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 0 asteroid clusters
2007-02-18 19:15:24.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... for a total of 14 ships
2007-02-18 19:15:28.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2007-02-18 19:15:28.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2007-02-18 19:15:28.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2007-02-18 19:15:28.000 oolite.exe[1316] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2007-02-18 19:15:49.000 oolite.exe[1316] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity Cobra Mark III 100> **
2007-02-18 19:16:33.000 oolite.exe[1316] Ensoreus: 021
2007-02-18 19:16:33.000 oolite.exe[1316] getTextureNameForPlanet asking for a 512 x 256 texture
generatePlanet: seed = 021, size = 512 x 256

2007-02-18 19:16:33.000 oolite.exe[1316] adding [planet_021] to the planet texture MRU cache
2007-02-18 19:16:33.000 oolite.exe[1316] getTextureNameForAtmosphere asking for a 512 x 256 texture
generateClouds: seed = 021, size = 512 x 256

2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] adding [clouds_021] to the planet texture MRU cache
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] Populating a system with economy 0, and government 7
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 13 trading vessels
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 5 sun skimming vessels
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 4 pirate vessels
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 0 sun skim pirates
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 15 law/bounty-hunter vessels
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 1 sun skim law/bounty hunter vessels
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 0 Thargoid warships
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... adding 2 asteroid clusters
2007-02-18 19:16:34.000 oolite.exe[1316] ... for a total of 40 ships
Virtual memory exhausted

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 8:35 pm
by Griff
Hmm, all those '...does not contain a dictionary' errors sound like some of the files in various .oxp's are damaged in some way, try taking these .oxp's out (you can just cut and paste them out of the AddOns folder into another temporary folder):-


and see if it's any more stable and if it is try re-downloading those .oxp's again? any errors when you unzip them?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:26 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Can I also suggest that if you haven't downloaded YOUR_AD_HERE in the last two weeks or so that you redownload that too - as Doc recently changed it so that its a lot more playable (100 Ads but no more Anaconda's and different Pi-42 set up).

If you have recently downloaded it then I'd go with Griff that a lot of your oxps are having issues and they should be the first to go (you may be lucky that there may be more recent versions around to download or the original authors may be around and can/will fix).

My missus also claims widow status - although she's slightly perplexed that I'm not actually playing the game but living on the BB and fiddling with graphics "and stuff" :)

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:12 pm
I would suggest taking out all the OXP's first and see how it runs, if it's still unstable, uninstall and do a clean reinstall. If it is stable add the OXP's back one at a time.

If that doesn't help you need some proper advice!

Good luck.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:32 pm
by DaddyHoggy
@TGHC - that was proper advice! and very sensible it was too - you just meant "more technical advice" :)

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 3:17 pm
by Dr. Nil
It looks like your PC particularly doesn't like Charlie's add ons :?

Perhaps there's been some sort of error while downloading them.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:31 pm
by Gareth3377
Thanks guys - I will do as suggested and report back.

Can't spend too much time on Oolite - have lessons to plan and books to mark.

I must see some of the missus as well...

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:10 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Gareth3377 wrote:
Can't spend too much time on Oolite - have lessons to plan and books to mark.

I must see some of the missus as well...
The guilt wears off eventually, occassionally they'll even bring you a cup of tea just so they can try and remember what you look like and attempt to engage in conversation while you're trying to beat off the remains of a pirate cove (foolishly :) )

Mine however, got my full attention today and got herself taken to hospital (pregancy and asthma is not a great combination) - she's home now but I'm a bit to frazzled to sleep... :(

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 12:08 am
by Gareth3377
Well, the game seems to be stable (at last!!). Have just read Status Quo - really good.

Might play the game some time lol.

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:53 pm
by Gareth3377
First the good news - the game is stable for the moment - have been playing it for an hour or so and no crashes (except me failing to dock).

Bad new - it looks like those OXPs suggested were to blame. I tried dropping one of them in to the AddOns folder and low and behold the game crashed and returned me to the desktop. Upon removing the offending OXP the game was stable again. I'm quite gutted because I really liked those OXPs (especially the Condor OXP and the Orb OXP looked really interesting). Nevertheless I'm playing with about 95% of the OXPs and at least I can play (badly) so beggars can't be choosers, I guess.

The one thing I haven't done yet is change the HUD - can't bring myself to do it yet - too much nostalgia hanging on to the original one!