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Lovecats etc

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 3:11 am
by Kaiserspike
I'm planning a jump to G4 and want to immerse myself in the Lovecats mission, but it seems that I have to complete the Nova and Constrictor missions first,what the story with these are they in previous Galaxies?or can i play Lovecats straight up?
also would like to find the Deposed oxp,as long as it has favourable conditions, i.e that i don't have to complete any previous missions etc.
i'm working my way towards assasins, but any distractions along the way would be nice.
Cheers :shock:

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:33 am
by LittleBear
Nova triggers in Galaxy 4 as long as you have a Galatic Hyperdrive. Its a quick mission but fun. In plot its not linked to Deposed or LoveCats, but there is a code problem. If the Nova mission is running, it can "bugger up" (to put it technically!) the code of an OXP mission. So JS set his mission to start only if nova had been completed. The same thing can happen with deposed. So do the nova mission before installing deposed.

Afraid you have to be in G1 or 2 to trigger the Constrictor mission, but deposed will keep you busy for a while, so you could play that one and then move on to G7 and play the Constrictor once your back in G1. The sticky on Expansion packs gives you the link for info about the missions. Currently there are about 15 mission packs and most contain multiple missions, so theres about 50 odd total ATM.

There are no special conditions necesary to trigger Deposed (other than being docked in G4), but you do need a lot of kills (think its 1,700+ but the answer is on the Wiki Missions Info Page). Have to say, Deposed is my favorite Mission OXP so its worth the wait! But if your way short of kills, check out some of the G1 Missions. There are about 6 Mission packs for G1 / G2 (Ionics in G2 is amazing and has no pre-conditions other than being docked at a certain planet). In writing Missions most of us have assumed that the Player will hang out in G1 for a while whilst building up his cash, credits, kills and ship. So most of the "low-kill" missions take place in G1 or G2.

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:48 am
LittleBear wrote:
Nova triggers in Galaxy 4 as long as you have a Galatic Hyperdrive. Its a quick mission but fun. In plot its not linked to Deposed or LoveCats, but there is a code problem. If the Nova mission is running, it can "bugger up" (to put it technically!) the code of an OXP mission. So JS set his mission to start only if nova had been completed. The same thing can happen with deposed. So do the nova mission before installing deposed.
Spot on, I never fully recovered from a Nova/Deposed conflict and had to start a completely new commander, most frustrating. (and strangely enough enjoyable, its always a bit of a leveller starting from scratch all over again.)

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:07 am
by Kaiserspike
thanks littlebear,that sorts that then !! :D

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:13 pm
by Frunobulax
LittleBear wrote:
Have to say, Deposed is my favorite Mission OXP so its worth the wait!
I've just started Deposed. I'm curious - will I know somehow once I've finished the missions? The readme says the plot is left open to allow a sequel.

Other questions (regarding Constrictor/Thargoid Plans and Ionics missions, rot13'd to avoid spoilers):

V abgvprq gung zl xvyy pbhag jrag hc ol 200-300 whfg ol pbzcyrgvat gur Pbafgevpgbe naq Gunetbvq Cynaf zvffvba. V'z phevbhf, jul?

V fgnegrq gur Vbavpf zvffvba naq tbg gb gur cbvag jurer V unir gb xvyy gubfr tbireazrag fuvcf. Nsgre xvyyvat 50 bs gurz V ybfg vagrerfg, rfcrpvnyyl fvapr gur ahzore bs Yvax be ESY fuvcf fgnlf pbafgnag - qb gurl ernyyl rkcrpg zr gb fcraq unys n qnl gb ryvzvangr gur erznvavat 150 fuvcf?

Regards, F.